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Welcome to Evkla, the first map to exist within the Dakraheim universe. This map will introduce a few elements from Dakraheim such as the Neverworld (place of death) and the Trail of Evkla. 

The map is a series of islands that get progressively harder with enemies based off the theme of the island, so the map will also function as a challenge map.

Each island you must survive 10 rounds to ascend to the next one.

Island One
This will be the beginning island and the easiest with only regular Zombies and a Thrasher on the final round.

Island Two
Rounds 10-20 featuring Zombies, Spiders & Pests, and a Margwa on the final round.

Island Three
Rounds 20-30 featuring Zombies, Keepers & Lightning Hellhounds, and a Panzer on the final round.

Infinite abyss existing in no time anywhere.
This is what you'll see when you die.

There's two more islands to be made a hellscape and a heavenscape. This project shouldn't take too long to finish as it's not that complex. I'm working on it in my down time from 47 Berkerly Lane.



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