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 Detail Pass Progress 

  • Sewer Gate: Done
  • Double Tap: Done
  • Corridors: Done
  • Stairwell: Done
  • Maintenance: Done
  • Mule Kick: 95%
  • Deadshot: 60%

Detail Pass | Mule Kick
The detail pass on this room has gone quite well and I am pleased with the result. If you look at how it looked previously and compared from the previous patreon update, you can see a huge improvement. It's essentially done, just needs a wire or two extra.

Detail Pass | Deadshot
Next on the list for the detail pass is the deadshot section, this area spans quite a bit so as of now i'm focusing on the section with the workbench. Here's the current progress.

Fan Trap
47 Berkerly Lane only has one trap and it's the massive sucky sucky. This is completely scripted by Symbo and he even created the FX for it. You can activate this trap which causes the exhaust fans on the ceiling to go into pure overdrive. Take a look and watch the suck. Multiple Gif Warning 20mb+

Gas Rerouting Step
This is the third and final step in getting access to Pack-a-Punch. You will need to go throughout the underground and by using valves reroute the propane flow to the tunnel. Upon successfully doing so, you will cause an explosion that clears the debris allowing you to Pack-a-Punch.  Multiple Gif Warning 77mb+ 

Tunnel Go Boom
Tunnel Go Boom. As mentioned above, upon successfully rerouting the gas, the tunnel go boom. Again all scripted by Symbo and the FX is by Symbo!

This pipe step has been an absolute nightmare to get right but we have finally gotten to a point where there is just a single kink which is the memory logic. I mean, just look at this fucking targeting in Radiant.

Custom HUD
In unsurprising fashion, another member has left the "community". This being, NoobForLunch who agreed to do the LUA implementation of the HUD. 

So instead, Lilrifa is doing the LUA implementation and he has been doing a great job! Here's a little sneak peak of the current progress. Note: Padding is to be fixed (placement of things relative to screen).

Perk Shaders
Since I designed the HUD to have square perk slots, the perk shaders (icons) need to be square too! So I've been working on making square perk shaders.



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