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Intro IGC
Almost finished! Just slight tweaks to be made and it'd be done then ready for the sound pass. GIF warning: 34.7 MB

Been making good progress with optimizing the map in the alpha testing. Have had things you wouldn't expect cause FPS drops such as glass shards material with anti aliasing and reflection parallax against a curved surface.  Optimization mainly includes adjusting LOD Culling on lights, disabling dedicated shadows on lights wherever possible, tweaking litfog distance, adjusting model LODs and culling. Some things i've also done is added occlusion walls in the forest area so you dont render the other side.

Thanks to Mike Pence and Clix we've finally got our characters as CIA, and the game doesn't crash when it ends!

Remote Operations
Completely new lighting to account for the single lighting state across the holistic map which saves roughly 800mb in space in the .LED light bake file. 

As mentioned in a previous post, you spawn into the map with just fists. They take 4 hits against a zombie on round 1 and there is no wallbuys in the first section of 47 Berkerly Lane which incentivises buying a starting weapon. GIF warning 14.3 MB

Firing Range
Symbo has scripted the first rough draft of the firing range! There are two options, easy and hard. You can only use this once per game per person as to prevent spamming it for infinite points. Playing easy will cost 500 points and yield you 1000 points (500 points profit) and playing hard will cost 1000 and yield you 2500 points (1500 points profit) if you win. If you lose, you simply lose the points it costed you to use the firing range. This can be used to buy a more costly contract or starting weapon at the beginning of the game.

47 Berkerly Lane in Blender
Thanks to Scobalula's Husky tool, we now have entire map as a model as well allowing us to animate camera movement and export them into the game for cinematics and... trailer shots.

47 Berkerly Lane - Official Underground Teaser
Started work on the Underground Teaser trailer, here's the current progress.

Thanks again to all my patrons for supporting me in this endeavour 


47BL - UGT 3840x1600@29.976FPS (50,000,000 Bitrate)



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