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I was obsessed with making zines 2012-2017. I still make them every now and then. This one is an odd one out, due to it being photo art, where most of them are pen on paper.

I had a blueprint (which I'd remake multiple times due to losing it) that mapped out the folds and numbers for a story that could be chronological. I'd figured out that a single piece of printer paper could be used front and back to make a 32 page zine if each page was 2.125"x2.75" (very tiny) and using the blueprint, I'd only have to cut out 8 front and back pieces that fold together like a wallet. But understanding the copy machine, how it flips various images and all this prior was a small science in itself that definitely had its hours of mistakes/lessons. I really should have just glued the first blueprint to my stomach or something.

I'm not too sure where they all are at the moment, but I'll poke around.

I hope everyone is in good health and staying safe.





Stay safe jack

Crim 5009

That’s really cool!




Amazing! How’d you manage to get such awesome pics?


Was your intention with Oh Klahoma always meant to be like music version of a cursed image?


Nice. Hope you're doing well.


this is so cool dude, huge inspiration


Woah calm down there David firth! Jk amazing job! Take it easy and stay safe.


That's really interesting. It sounds a bit tedious. I admire your perseverance!


Ah, these art zones are what those other zines you showed off on your instagram were, I take it?


I find the headless suit one very mysterious and memorizing. Neat!


Looks odd and eerie and I love it. Stay safe as well!


Oh wow, my dad used to do crazy photo cut-ups as well! I'm particularly drawn to the one that looks like a cursed elephant ear pastry with a face.


funny thing, I was watching a video about what zines are just before I got the email when you posted this. it was a happy surprise


These are so cool, damn those creepy black-and-white David Lynch vibes. I would have loved to have found one of your zines... What did you do with them? Did you just give them to your friends or leave them around town?



Lynn 🌱

so interesting!! the mouth one looks real creepy but a good creepy :)


Would you ever sell prints of these?


I just paid for your patron and it ends on May first T^T should've waited until then...


ermmm whats a zine again? memory issues.,


zine is short for magazine, and it is called a zine because it is not as long as a magazine or a full-length comic book. hope this helped a bit!!