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I've been very eager to attempt using actual painted cels in a project, and this past week has been hugely rewarding for testing things out.

For those new to this method, its a traditional form of animation which was primarily used for 2d animating prior to computer-assisted methods becoming the industry norm.
A transparency sheet known as a "cel" would have initial sketches traced onto it in ink and then be painted on the back to allow for color to fill the transparent forms. 

This would then be placed on top of a background.

Millions of these babies would be used to create motion pictures and tv shows.
Your favorite old traditionally-animated cartoon was made of a billion reverse paintings!
(I get real jazzed about this.)

Anyways, I've always been extremely passionate about this form of animation for forever and it's been an incredibly rewarding week of experimenting, and I look forward to implementing it!

(for those looking to try this out, I found that regular black gel pens work best on the proper side of inkjet transparency film (these are a pretty penny, but you can definitely get a LOT of use out of a couple sheets if you cut them into quarters like I did above.) Inkjet absorbs the gel pen ink instead of having it just rest on top to smear. I used plain white acrylic paint for the backside painting. With the proper type of transparency sheet both dry rather quickly. )

Trying to currently develop a method of scanning the cels with a green sheet behind them to have better manipulation of the placement of the animation. This is working so far in spades. Eager as hell, guys.




That's super awesome


Cels make animations look better in my opinion.


looks like christmas came a day early


Glad you're having fun, looks good!


That's so cool


Whoa! This is amazing!! 💙


Thats nice


It’s always nice to see you try new animations or different styles such as in Goldie so if want to try this then we’ll all be eager to see




oh no your hype is contagious


oh sweet!

jonni phillips

hell yes jack!!!!!!! looks so good


I vibe this


Jack you are getting more and more progressively oldschool by the day. I love it.


This is so neat!!! Best of luck!!


Good luck man you inspire me every day


This looks like some fuuun ;p

Crim 5009

Just saw the new video and... DAMN


I, too, have long been fascinated by old school animation. Which is exactly how I found your stuff! I was looking up everything I would need to begin this journey and ran across your videos. I think it's wonderful that you are so informative in your posts about your art! A lot of folks would not be quite as eager to share their knowledge.


so rad. Cel looks great. Last cel animation I did was in 2006. I had painted cel drying on every surface inch of my dorm room. The animation is kinda silly, but it's at https://vimeo.com/4723812 if you wanna see it. <3


What software do you recommend to put the animation together?


I JUST joined, so I'm late to the party, but I've been looking everywhere for a nice digital software I can use on my iPad for animation. It's killing me. What do you use?

Spartan Viper7

where do you get the cel paper?

Spartan Viper7

he said in an interview that he uses premiere pro for editing and MS paint for drawing (+ blender for 3d animaton)


y’know jack, you’re pretty nifty.


The new extended should be out soon


amazing, although im missing the beautiful hair part


I would love to own a Jack Stauber animation cel someday


This cel thing reminds me to the glass painting, I've been trying to make one drawing on glass, first I did the drawing with a Sharpie, then I began to paint the little details with acrylic paint, it seems pretty simple, but takes a while to finish it. I really like this thing, it's cool.