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Hey guys.

So I go thrifting very often. My most recent insane find was a Clarinet that somebody wanted $10 for. I've been practicing it every day since.
(spoiler: definitely expect clarinet in future songs)

But anyways, I find this dirty ziploc bag the other weekend sitting in a pile of fabrics. It has a yellowed piece of tape on it that someone scratched:
"HUMAN HAIR 50 CENTS" on with a ballpoint pen.

Naturally I took it home and decided to use it in this last video.

(A side note as well, I had intended to make this one in black and white, and I have an alternative version, but ended up liking the noses colored.)

So long story short, I'd like to say to all of my fellow animators and experimenters: avoid working with human hair.
Or maybe just cough up more than 50 cents on it, I suppose.
This stuff went everywhere.
It was impossible to work with and made the largest mess I've had in a while.

The main photo attached at the top is my final attempt to tame my 50 cent human hair with a combination of staples, bits of cardboard, and packaging tape from the shop.

I hope everyone is having a great day.





did the fate of the human who grew the hair ever cause uncertainty as well?


I guess I just realized how much human hair still goes on to affect others long after it's cut. That person has no clue, and I've never realized my hair impact either until now. I'll be more careful


i would ask how human hair ended up in a thrift shop, but what i really want to know is what kind of thrift shops you go to.


dont gotta tell me twice, working with hair sounds like a nightmare. please tell me you at least wore gloves?


Are you planning on releasing the extended song today? you usually release an extended song at the very end of the month (28th, 29th, 30th-31st)

Essie Wood

What stores do you go to? The place I go to only has boring stuff, like wires.


The fact that you just bought real human hair without thinking about just makes me respect you even more


Too bad it made a mess, but it looked awesome in the video. I kept wondering how you got the hair to look so realistic.


Jack, if you may I have another question, what model of the looper pedal do you use, if you don’t want to reveal that’s fine


Any micropop songs coming soon?

Pavel Krysanov

I like the idea of the quality of human hair increasing depending on the price


Hah, you don't even know. Sincerely, every hairstylist ever.