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Fattest Tuesday week rolls onward with this new chapter of my commissioned work, "Nightmare Pigs". As a reminder, all of my patrons get  350 additional words for free whenever you commission a piece from me. Anyway, this chapter was an intimidating blank page for a long time, and then it just flowed. I hope you enjoy it.


Bethany Richardson was woken by the sound of something that sounded like a broken trumpet. It was a jarring alarm in the middle of the night, and the only thing more jarring was the horrid smell that wafted into her nose shortly after.

“Oh Jesus, Cynthia. What the fuck?”

The only answer that Bethany got from her roommate was another lower rumbling sound deftly muffled by Cynthia’s heavy covers and another wave of smell that made Bethany gag.

“Ugg. You’re seriously disgusting and-”

Bethany blinked. Her eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness from the room. They were aided by a strange bit of moonlight leaking through her dorm’s window. There was a part of Bethany that wanted to get out of bed and investigate, to see what exactly seemed so suddenly out of place and maybe even account for her roommate’s strange behavior.

But there was another part of her, a deeper part, fighting to keep her in place, a fear of the unknown, of what might be out there beyond the safety of her covers. It was a simple, silly, childhood fear and clung to her with one very specific warning.

There’s a monster under the bed.

But believing in monsters was for scared little girls, and Bethany was a fully grown woman, the smartest she knew. She wasn’t going to let something as illogical as a fear of bedroom boogeymen keep her from finding out the truth.

So she sprung her lithe form out of bed. Her dainty form was clad in her pink satin pajamas, a pair of slim pants with a matching button down top. She enjoyed the idea of being buttoned up and semi-professional looking even in her PJs. Her dainty feet danced on the cold ground before she slipped them into some fur lined slippers, real fur. Bethany never bothered with any kind of fake fur, and she thought anyone who would give her crap for that was a weak, earth hugging crybaby, and Bethany had no time for hippies.

The air in the room felt and smelled stale, far from the usual scent of eucalyptus and peppermint that Bethany preferred when it was her turn to pick what went in the essential oils diffuser, and even though Bethany could see that the window was open, she felt no breeze, no cool relief as she walked over to her roommates side of the room with a tingle of dread still itching at the base of her skull.

Dust on the ground created a clear, dank line of demarcation between Cynthia’s side of the room and Bethany’s. Her side of the floor seemed to be covered in dust and felt strangely colder. Bethany shivered as she crossed over it. The floor itself was also littered with several containers and fast food wrappers that Bethany had to kick out of the way to get to Cynthia’s bed.

“What the hell, Cynthia? Did you have, like, a party by yourself while I was sleeping? If so, you really pigged out.”

As Bethany neared the bed, the stench grew stronger, and Bethany didn’t want to know what would happen when she threw back the covers, but as things stood she couldn’t see Cynthia who was wrapped up under her blankets like a caterpillar in a cocoon.

But even that didn’t look right. Bethany stared at Cynthia’s filthy sheets, covered in crumbs and stains of all types. They looked like they hadn’t been cleaned in… well, it just looked like they hadn’t been cleaned ever. And the mass they were covering was far more massive than the slim and sexy Cynthia.

“Do you have someone over, you naughty girl? You’re supposed to at least warn me.”

Bethany reached a tentative hand out and placed it down on the blanket. She could sense the heavy breathing of someone underneath it, but just one… large someone. Both of Bethany’s hands pressed against the crumb covered blanket, feeling the softest of the comforter but also of something else. It felt like she was pawing at a giant sponge as if there was one person underneath here, one incredibly fat person.

Bethany ripped off the comforter and screamed!

This was not Cynthia! Underneath the blanket was a massively obese slob of a woman where Bethany’s slim roommate was supposed to be. This hog of a woman had a tremendously spherical and doughy belly, but Bethany’s hands had been sinking into moments before, tree trunk thighs, and a titanic ass that greeted her unveiling with a massive blast of flatulence that made Bethany stagger backward.

The great slumbering hambeast with its nails painted black was clad only in a pair of granny panties that looked like they had seen far better days. The whole bed creaked under her large weight as her fat body wobbled and eventually turned in Bethany’s direction. The woman’s big fat gut sloshed around and slapped onto the bed, an action punctuated by another fart.

“WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!!!” screamed Bethany.

The woman started to snort, and her fat face jiggled. She was a jowly pig of a woman, but for a moment she opened her eyes and Bethany could see.


The eyes that looked back at her were Cynthia’s now beady and partly hidden behind her overly chunky cheeks. And in those eyes there was a moment of helplessness and fear that drifted into a sinister sneer and then a docile calm before slipping back to sleep. Bethany could see it all.

What she didn’t see was the deep purple smoke billowing out from underneath her own bed.

“Holy shit, Cynthia how… what…” It was like her brain was fogging.

“You… you really let yourself go. Seriously, Cynthia. You’re a real fatass now.”

“She’s quite something, isn’t she?” whispered a voice behind Bethany’s ear.

“She’s quite disgusting is what she is. Look at her. She turned herself into a massive slob. She’s a fat, flatulent, pig.”

The voice grew closer.

“Tell me about it.”

Bethany shuddered and felt compelled to reach out and grab the side of Cynthia’s fat, greasy belly, it was covered in a sheen of cold sweat and something that was either ketchup, barbecue sauce, or a combination of both.

“I mean, just look at this gut. It’s a disgusting sack of fat. She used to have great abs, and now it’s just all flab, thick, heavy, sweaty flab. She smells like she hasn’t bathed in forever. She’s a tremendous gas bag. Every part of her is coated in fat, and sweat, and food. She’s a complete pig, a hog, a sow. A fat, sweaty, stinking, sow!”

Bethany really felt the cold sweat from Cynthia’s fat belly and recoiled. She pulled her hand away and as she looked it, it looked like it had swollen up from a bee sting. Her formerly thin hand was a swollen mitt with chubby digits as if she had absorbed some of the fat directly from Cynthia’s stomach.

She blinked and shook her hand, and it was normal again.

But now she could feel the purple smoke tingling at the back of her neck.

“Wh-who are you?”

“That’s the question; isn’t it, dear? But I have one for you. Are you ready to join your friend?”

Bethany spun around but there was nothing there.

“Looking for someone, dear? You haven’t answered my question, you proud, preppy little bitch.”

It was as if the voice was coming from right in front of Bethany, but there was nothing there. All she could see was her side of the room, immaculate and clean with everything in its place just as it should be, organized, aligned, perfect just like her.

“This isn’t real. You’re not real. This is a dream.”

“You’re close. I’ll give you that. You are dreaming. This is your nightmare as well as hers.”

Bethany heard a trumpeting blast of gas from behind her and turned around to see Cynthia who was now tossing in her sleep. Her body was squirming, but not just from tossing and turning.

It was getting fatter.

Her flesh was stretching, bubbling with fat as the girl who could have once made it as a beauty queen was devolving further into obesity, filling up her bed. Cynthia’s big gut eventually began to spill itself over the side of her mattress.

“But this is all very real.”

“Oh God!”

“And you haven’t answered my question. Are you ready to join your piggy friend?”

Bethany spun around again to confront her tormentor and found herself standing in the middle of her college dining hall.

Standing in front of Bethany was a very tall woman with an exaggerated hourglass figure, long dark purple hair and bright yellow eyes.

“Where? What? What do you want from me?” stammered Bethany.

“I already told you. I want you to join your friend.”


“You’re going to get fat for me, darling.”

“You’re crazy.”

“Am I?”

“I would never. Fat people are disgusting. They’re lazy slobs, beneath me in every way.”

“You’re so driven.”

“Exactly. This body takes work. You think it’s easy to be hot? To have abs? Every moment of my life is precisely scheduled to make sure I am achieving my goals. And lazy fatties wouldn’t understand that.”

“You mean, she wouldn’t?”

“Of course not. She’s a lazy, disgusting, fat pig.”

“Oh come on.”

“What? You think she’s better than that? You want me to be nice?”

“No. I think you can be far meaner. Come on. Tell me what you see. Let it all out.”

“She’s a disgusting cow. Just look at how wide she is. It’s a good thing she’s sitting on a bench because a single chair wouldn’t hold her. If you could sit her on a chair without her immense bulk breaking it, her fat ass cheeks would be flowing over it. She’s dripping with fat, loose, disgusting fat. It hangs off of her in thick folds, and sitting in a chair would be comical. It would look like she was trying to swallow it with all her ass fat.”

“And she’s so fat that she’s lucky she’s able to even reach the table with her gut so fat. Look at how large and doughy it is. Look at how much she has to squish it against the table just to make sure her fat arms can reach all the food she’s eating, and she needs a lot of food to fill that greedy double belly of hers. It’s a monstrous thing, a sack of fat, a gut that’s hanging out of any shirt she ever wears and over the waistband of  whatever poor overtaxed sweats she can manage to squeeze her incredibly obese body into. Her ass is certainly too wide for anything other than the stretchiest of pants. Her wide load ass and the thick thunder thighs that go with it! Those are blubbery tree trunks for sure. If she could get herself up and waddle about we’d see what a big fat lumbering piggy she is.”

“And no wonder she’s so fat, so morbidly obese. Just look at how much she eats, and how! She’s truly an animal. She just stuffs her face with plate after plate of junk, empty calories and grease and she’s far too fat and lazy to work any of this blubber off. She’s probably too lazy to shower too, I can smell her from here. She reeks of sweat and… and pot! She’s a fat lazy stoner, probably proud of her hairy pits, the disgusting slob.”

The fat girl’s only response was a long, winding…


Bethany waved her hand in front of her nose.

“Disgusting! She’s an animal! A lazy pig! A cow! I bet she spends all day eating, smoking weed, and passing gas. Right, you dumb cow?”

“Hey! Did you hear me, you smelly loser, you lazy stoner. Are you listening, you big bloated loser?”

“Know your betters, piggy. You could learn a lot from a hottie like me. Do you hear me, you saggy sow? Listen to me. Look at me!”

Bethany pulled on the fat girl’s shoulder and turned her as best as she could. The fat girl’s greasy hair swung and her fat jowls jiggled along with her multiple chins as she turned her head to look up at Bethany. Even with her head tilted upward, she still had a clearly visible double chin.

Bethany screamed at the sight of the puffy, greasy, acne riddle face looking back at her.

“Oh, God! Sh-she’s…”



“Indeed she is!”

Bethany’s hands rushed to her tight body, touching herself up and down to make sure everything was still there. She was still the same prim, proper, put together professional woman that she had always been, still perfect.

“This- this is impossible. This can’t be happening.”

“I’m afraid it is. You’re looking at your future.”

“This can’t be right. I can’t turn into a pig like this.”

“Pardon me for indulging myself with a reference, but search your feelings, piggy. You know it to be true.”

A chill of recognition shot up Bethany’s spine.

“H-how long do I have?”

Scarlet’s face contorted into a sinister smirk.

“Until right now.”

She pointed a solitary elongated finger at Bethany whose stomach rumbled before her ass erupted with a loud fart. Bethany began to cough at her own flatulence.

“Please. Don’t do this.”

Scarlet stared at Bethany sternly.

“Now. Now you beg. Too late. You’ve been a mean girl, greedy, a vain schemer and a liar, full of hot air.”


“I’m sorry. Whatever I did. I’m sorry.”

“They all say that. And they always say it too late. Now say goodbye to your abs.”

Bethany felt her stomach and got one last moment of touching her rock hard abs, just enough time to say goodbye before the muscles began to melt into flab and then that flab began to bloat outward like a fat filled balloon. What were tight abdominal muscles became pulsing pudge that began to pour through the gaps that began to form from her growing gut pushing apart the fabric around the buttons of her pajama top. As the fat oozed forward, Bethany tried to fight its advance and desperately push it back into her body, but all that resulted in was…


A tremendous burst of flatulence that caused Bethany to drop her belly in surprise. The spongy fat drooped down and bounced around jiggling like jello as another burst of gas escaped her rear causing Bethany’s hands to fly back there as if doing so was going to be able to seal off her gas leak. Instead, what she found horrified her further.

The toned muscles that she was used to were gone, and the fat from her ballooning ass cheeks was already so much that each cheek could not be contained by the hand that grabbed it. The fat oozed through her fingers and with another blast of gas and surge of fat, her pink pajama pants ripped open. Her flabby cheeks were free to flap in the breeze, and she could feel the spongy, cellulite covered flesh with her hands. Squeezing the blubbery butt cheeks was like kneading two big fat balls of uncooked bread dough.

Back in front, Bethany’s bloated belly finally burst the buttons of her pajama shirt and flopped out and over the waistband of her pants. It bounced up and down as Bethany let loose a well-timed burp.

“Not so put together now, are we?”

Bethany scooped up her belly fat with her hands and cried.

“Please. Please be done. Aren’t I fat enough? And disgusting enough as it is?”

“Oh, you want me to leave you like this?”

“Yes. Yes. Please. I can still lose this weight and-”


“I can live with the gas.”

Scarlet poked Bethany’s pudgy pot belly.

“You’re saying you want to be chubby?”

Bethany quickly jumped at the chance to cling to whatever sliver of hope she had that this could all end. She’d be willing to live with the price of being a chubby loser who could whip herself back into shape if it meant avoiding becoming an absolutely obese cow.

“Yes! Yes! I want to be chubby. I’ll be a chubby, gassy loser. That’s what I want, to be a chubby, gassy loser.”

Without Scarlet’s help, Bethany purposefully made herself squeeze out a little toot to show Scarlet that she was cooperating.

“See? Gassy. No more pretty, preppy girl. I’m a farting little piglet. I’m embracing it. I’ll be the chubby, gassy loser you want me to be. I deserve to be punished. I deserve to be teased and humiliated as a naughty, gassy little piglet. Just make me chubby and leave me be. Please. PLEASE?”

For a moment, Scarlet actually thought it over, but only for a moment.



“We haven’t even gotten to your thighs yet.”

On cue, Bethany’s thighs began to touch together as the muscles turned to flab and ripped through her pants bursting seams as legs great for strutting became thunder thighs made for waddling. It was like the entire process was speeding itself up now. Her thighs grew thicker and thicker with soft, squeezable fat.

“Don’t you want to be a lard ass?”

“Yes! Yes. I’ll be a lard ass. Give me a lard ass. I’ll shake my big fat booty. Just please stop this. Stop it now.”

“Fart for me again.”

Bethany lifted one fat leg and let out another fart that sent her blubbery cheeks wobbling. Ever the overachiever, Bethany squeezed out a second stinker just to be safe.

“Do that again, but give me the old truffle shuffle as you do.”

With tears in her eyes, but still hoping to mitigate the damage being done to her beautiful body, Bethany lifted up the remains of her pajama shirt and began to shake her entire body, farting as she did. This sent her chunky belly wobbling.

“That’s good. Now oink for me and tell me what a piglet you are.”

Bethany began to snort at the air like a pig.

“Oink. Oink. I’m a little piglet. Oink. A naughty little piglet. Oink. Oink. A naughty, fat, and gassy little piglet. Oink oink oink. And that’s what I want to be, a fat gassy piglet. Oink oink oink. That’s what I deserve. I shouldn’t be a slim and sexy hottie. I should be a chubby little piggy with a fat stinky butt, not a tight toned one with a big lard ass. Oink. Oink. SQUEEEEEAAAAAL!”


Bethany was panting and sweating, working up a faint but funky body odor that that Bethany was only faintly aware of.

“Is that enough? Will you leave me alone, now?”

“You do make a pretty good little piglet.”

Bethany actually began to smile at the sense that this might be all over.

“Th… thank you.”

“But I’m gonna go whole hog with you.”

Bethany’s face blanched with panic before it began to swell with fat. Sweat broke on her forehead and her cheek bones became buried by fat. Jowls dropped downward into a thick double chin. The sweat began a sheen of grease, and acne erupted across her shiny skin.

Her entire body ballooned with fat. She swelled out of chubby and well past fat into the realm of morbid obesity. Her clothes fell away leaving her just into her well used and tearing underwear. She truly looked like an obese hog of a woman with big saggy breasts spilling out of her bra. She was adorned by rolls and folds and stretch marks. And her fat flabby ass continued to let loose firecracker after firecracker.

“Now you’re the obese, smelly sow,” laughed Scarlet as she shook Bethany’s belly.

All Bethany could think to do was hold her fat face in her chubby hands and sob.

“I… I am. I am a fat, smelly sow. Look what you’ve done for me.”

“Don’t worry. We’re almost done. I have a lot more business to attend to tonight.”

Bethany’s body odor grew worse as her armpits grew thick patches of her. That hair began to spring up everywhere, along her arms and legs and up her happy trail. The previously slim, prim and proper Bethany was now fat, sloppy and unkempt, a big bloated, gassy hog.

“And I think you need to relax.”

Suddenly, Bethany found a blunt in her mouth, and as she inhaled she could feel her brain getting fuzzy as all her anxiety melted away soon replaced with a rumbling hunger.

“Got the munchies there, Big Bee?” asked Scarlet as she motioned to a table filled with plates of greasy dorm food.

“Go to town, piggy.”

Bethany dove at the food, her entire fat body wobbling, and she began to greedily stuff her face with handful after handful of food, double fisting a variety of junk and shoving it into her mouth without care as to what it was. She just crammed what she could into her greedy mouth, oinking and farting as she did it. She was a sloppy sow who couldn’t help herself.

Scarlet cackled with laughter as she turned back into smoke and reappeared in Bethany and Cynthia’s actual dorm room which was indeed a mess littered with fast food containers and more. The air was thick with the smell of stale food, sweat, and flatulence. And the two pretty popular girls turned fat pigs were tossing, turning, and farting in their creaking beds as they remained stuck in their nightmares.

“Two piggies down. Three to go.”



Interesting chapter. Really like the horror feel of the story. Bethany really tried to bargain not realizing this is personal. I really do look forward to seeing the bullies with their new personalities.