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Surprise! Here's over 7,000 words of content! Fattening! Lore! Everything you want! (Hopefully) This was originally going to be one chapter, and then things just kept expanding (pun intended). I'm calling this Chapters 3 and 4 because elsewhere I'll publish them separately, but I'm presenting them here together because I think, structurally, reading them together is the more satisfying experience, and that's what you pay for. I'll send more updates about this story tomorrow.



Chapter 3:


The fattening was coming.

Vivian fell to one knee in the clearing in the wood and stared up at the gleeful face of her victorious foe.

“Please. Have mercy.”

“Mercy?” laughed Julie.

“You don’t deserve mercy. You don’t deserve your power. You don’t deserve the perfect body that you’ve lorded over others.”

Julie bent down and twisted the sobbing Vivian’s ear as she began to drag her back up to her feet.

“You deserve to be… a BIG. FAT. LOSER.”

With Vivian on her feet and quaking with fear, Julie pulled her close and whispered in her ear.

“And I want everything you have. It’s time for you to be the pathetic piggy instead.”

Julie shoved Vivian away and turned to await her mom’s pronounce mean with chins held high knowing that two would soon be down to one, and that Vivian would be taking the extra one instead.

“It is concluded, and the council now declares that the winner of this challenge is Julianna.”

Julie’s mother was doing her best to remain stoic as ever, but Julie could hear the tremor of pride in her voice.

“Vivian, as per the by-laws of our coven, you are to be stripped of your powers and they are to be given to Elizabeth so that she may join in our power as a full member.  And you will be forced to leave as a big fat fatty, a big, fat gluttonous pig, showing the world the inner greed that has always been inside you. You will be a large lumbering lard ass doomed to waddle about as all those you have tormented get to make fun of you because you were always such a bitch and totally deserve this. Fat shall fall upon you in waves, in rolls. You will become everything you hurt and learn what it’s like to be bullied by the people you used to bully because that’s karma, bitch. It’s what your soon to be fat ass deserves.

You’re going to get like so fucking fat it’s not even funny- except that it will be funny to everyone but you- and probably also your family who will very likely cry for a long time. Your obese form will become a testament to your failure and your family’s shame. You will then be given suitable work so that the coven may keep its eyes on you to ensure you share not knowledge of our secrets with the outside world once you are powerless. Meanwhile, Julie will get to live the happy life she deserves with all of your glamor while your fat ass has to do whatever she says because she’s better than you. I now call forth with my sisters for this transformation to commence.”

Julie basked in the silvery light that shot forth at the conclusion of her mother’s lengthy pronouncement. The light warmed and filled her, and yet even as she felt the sensation of growing more full she didn’t feel any heavier. If anything she felt lighter, like the light was lifting her up. For a moment, she was afraid that this sensation meant that she would be blowing up like a balloon, but soon the heat of the light began to radiate and pulse, and then she felt like it was draining out of her, from her head down, it felt like she was melting, and in a way she was.

The fat was melting off of Julie, not in a grotesque manner, but, as the heat from the light drained through her she could feel parts of herself getting smaller, slimmer, her skin getting firmer as the flab that had followed her throughout her life turned to muscle that she never thought she would have.

Her face thinned out and took on an angelic quality as her frizzy red hair tamed itself into glorious wavy curls. It was amazing how much more movement Julie felt like she had without her two extra chins hanging off her previously fat face. Even her neck felt thinner!

Julie’s arms slimmed down and toned up. Her breasts, though slightly shrinking in size, grew tremendously in gravity defying perkiness, and the stretch marks that had plagued them had vanished.

The blubbery belly that Julie had possessed shrank along with the meaty love handles that had plagued her. As her midsection slimmed down she was gifted with an actual waistline, a rather trim one that came nicely paired with six well defined abdominal muscles.

Julie’s jumbo ass cheeks began to quiver. Long plagued by the tremendous weight of her ponderous posterior, Julie felt her lightest as her rotund rear end reshaped itself, toned up and went from being a pathetically plush and saggy mess to a perfectly healthy heart shape. She had a curvy ass that would turn heads and drive people mad with lust and jealousy. It was a far cry from the lumpy lard filled mess she had previously eaten herself into. Julie would not miss the way her wide hips and blubber butt would bump up against doorways, spill over chairs, and knock things off of tables. Now her fine ass was her favorite feature.  It was still plump in the best of ways and muscular enough to bounce a quarter off of it.

Julie’s thunder thighs trimmed down too. The previously massive meaty tree trunks of cellulite covered adipose became toned. They went from being a quivering mass of pale flesh that pushed against each other and forced Julie into an awkward waddle to toned and tanned- athletic legs that made Julie feel like she could run a marathon on them even with her now dainty feet.

She was a tall, tan goddess with fiery red hair and a perfect smile shaped into a wide grin at the thought of what was about to happen to the trembling Vivian.

As the last of the fat drained from Julie, the ground around her began to tremble until it looked like the consistency of bubbling quicksand. The ground swelled and moved toward Vivian who tried to run, but the quick sand moved faster, and as the trembling ground caught up to Vivian and held her feet fast, those feet began to swell with fat.

Vivian tried to move but was stuck and was helpless to do anything but watch her hot body be transformed into her worst nightmare all while Julie and the rest of the coven watched on with glee as karma took its course and caused the skinny bitch to begin to balloon. She looked down at her feet, whose delicate nature she had always taken for granted and never realized she would miss until she watched them swell up like waterlogged potatoes with tubby toes and broken nails, her precious pedicure stripped away. Her pale feet became bright red from all the swelling, and that swelling soon found itself spreading up her leg, fusing her calves and ankles together with fat. They were round cankles as big as her thigh, at least they were until the fat continued to fill her, worming its way up into her athletic thighs as well.

Any trace of Vivian being athletic was soon gone as her thighs thickened and her muscles melted into flab. Vivian felt heavier and heavier as her new saddlebags weighed her down. Her legs continued to grow fatter until the pale flesh pressed against itself just like it used to do when the fat had once filled Julie. Vivian had once been capable of running marathons, but she and Julie both knew that these thickening thunder thighs, quickly becoming tree trunk like in size, would forever be limiting her to nothing more than waddling about for a few minutes before she inevitably grew winded. Her flabby thighs began to roll over her fat knees, muscles buried in blubber that had the consistency of jello and the look of cottage cheese.

The next part of Vivian’s body that fell victim to the preposterous amount of fat that was plaguing her was probably her best part, her previously perfect ass. The two firm and flawless cheeks soon flabbed out, spreading wide and sagging low as they swelled to the size of bean bag chairs. They became soft cushions filled with lard, and the cellulite from her thighs worked its way up and made itself at home on her big fat flabby buttocks as well. Her perky posterior was now a point of shame, and it just didn’t seem like it would ever stop growing. Vivian and Julie both knew it was now the kind of saggy shelf ass that would make waddling around without bumping into things, sitting on chairs, or even getting through doorways far more difficult than it had ever been before.

This part of the transformation was Julie’s favorite, and she felt like she could watch it over and over again. It was a moan inducing thrill to watch Vivian have to carry what had been the bane of Julie’s existence for such a long time. Now it was Vivian, not Julie, who was the pathetic lard ass, the pathetic pig of a girl with an ass large enough to have its own gravitational pull.

Vivian’s ass, prior to being overloaded with junk in the trunk and turned into a huge mushy mess, may have been the part of her body most people would have once considered her best, but Vivian’s abs were her personal favorite part, and she had just a moment to look down and say goodbye to them before the fat claimed them. It bubbled up and bubbled out into a soft paunch, and then a bloated pot belly. Vivian cried and tried to stop it, gripping her flabby middle in her hands, clutching her fat in fear and trying to force it back, but the oncoming tide of flab would not be stopped.

That pudgy pot belly exploded outward into a lard filled spare tire with matching love handles to make for a massive muffin top that reached all the way around and formed multiple thick rolls of back fat. Vivian, who once had her middle divided by six hard earned abdominal muscles now had a gelatinous gut that split itself into two juicy rolls. Vivian’s tremendous double belly shook like jelly at the slightest hint of panicked movement.

And still the fat was not done.

The fat filled Vivian’s perky breasts and stretched them out. As a result the sagging balloons now lurched forward, covered in stretch marks and drooped all the way down to the top of her double belly. She could already feel the pain in her back from the force of gravity pulling on her massive mammaries.

Vivian’s arms got thick and flabby. They were great wobbly things that grew to the size of her former legs but with fat that rolled over her elbows. Her fat arms came with chubby hands and sausage fingers that replaced her previously slender ones.

The last thing to change was Vivian’s face. As her raven hair grew frizzy, her face grew fat. Vivian’s high cheek bones disappeared as her cheeks bloomed outward until she looked like a greedy chipmunk. Her chin drooped downward into a second and then a third. Vivian’s nose grew wider and fatter and looked more like a pig snout. The size of her nose, and the fat filling her cheeks made Vivian’s eyes look dull and beady. She developed jiggling jowls and was truly piggish in appearance.

Vivian used to look like an athlete who could have been a model. Without her powers and without her looks, Vivian instead looked like a fat slob who had spent her life as a couch potato. This brought a great deal of joy to the now statuesque Julie.

“This. This is what you deserve, Piggy. You deserve that lard ass you’re carrying around.”

Julie stalked over to her prey and grabbed the thick roll of Vivian’s lower belly and gave it a good shake.

“My, this is hefty, isn’t it, Heifer?”

Vivian could do nothing but begin to sob.

And as those sobs grew louder they transformed into the wail of Julie’s alarm clock.

Julie let out a yawn and her fat arm wobbled as she smashed her phone with her sausage fingers to silence the alarm. The dream had been a delightful one, but in the cold reality of day, as she struggled to sit up in bed and felt her heavy gut spill forward and fill her fat lap, Julie knew the truth.

She would still need some kind of miracle to have a chance to beat Vivian and all that dream did was give her the most dangerous thing, the faintest glimmer of hope.


Chapter 4:


Fattening up Vivian was still fresh in Julie’s mind as she waddled up to the bus to take her to the local mall.

Julie hated taking the bus because of all the uncomfortable stares her wide body got from people. Nobody, it seemed, wanted to sit next to the morbidly obese girl as if her fat was contagious. It didn’t matter much to Julie because her big butt needed to fill up most rows of bus seats by itself. And when those weren’t available, Julie often found herself trying to stand for the entire time because she couldn’t bring herself to deal with the embarrassment of asking a person to move so that she could sit in TWO seats. And if the bus was too crowded for her to stand without being surrounded by stares, Julie would wait for the next one. This meant that Julie was often late to off campus events as she had to let multiple buses pass her by. The rain and two missed buses was why Julie eventually gave up on her original plan to go to the mall yesterday.

She desperately wanted a car of her own, but her lack of a license even at twenty-five was yet another thing others in her coven, like Vivian could lord over her. And that’s why Julie was left relying on public transit as she trudged her way to the mall on a dreary afternoon.

The mall near campus wasn’t exactly Julie’s favorite hangout spot, even though she knew of its importance to her coven and others. The building itself had been constructed on a connection point of magical ley lines which meant that it was ideal for an array of magical rituals and shenanigans. As such it had become a centerpiece of magical culture, and the non-magical stores that had set up shop there benefitted as well. The draw of the magic helped to ensure that the mall itself kept busy even as society as a whole shifted heavily toward online shopping.

It also had a swell food court!

And that is, of course, where Julie found herself in her time of greatest stress. As the time ticked toward Julie’s challenge, and what she felt certain was her impending doom at the hands of Vivian, Julie had finally taken her mother's advice and sought her familiar refuge. (She had spent the rest of the day before simply binging her way through whatever snacks she still had at home.) Now her stomach grumbled with both nerves and hunger.

Throughout history, malls have been known as a gathering place for all people, but especially for rambunctious and rebellious teens looking for a combination of fun and trouble. This was no different from younger wizards and witches eager to mess around with unsuspecting individuals and hone their skills.

In the food court, Julie observed several of these snarky young witches who looked to be around 18 or 19 years old, casually working small cantrips on non-magic users walking by. They would make people trip, flip a few skirts, make some pants rip. Sometimes they would guide people into walking in each other, and the bold ones even tried a few minor transformation spells; a blonde’s hair was suddenly mousy brown and greasy; a slim guy developed a slight paunch; a couple making out would suddenly find that they both had horrible breath. They were little things that wouldn’t get too noticed and risk the casters getting caught operating outside of coven approval at such a young age. Technically, they shouldn’t be doing it, but everyone knew that people needed to practice, so if a few ladies suddenly found their pants getting tight and blamed it on an unusual amount of water retention or a week of unchecked snacking, people were willing to let it slide.

Julie sighed heavily as she watched a pair of catty blondes with suddenly smaller boobs and bigger bellies walk by. If only she had been a bit more social and taken a few more risks practicing early on, maybe she would have picked up better habits and skills and had a decent chance of not embarrassing herself against Vivian.

It turns out, if you sometimes just think of the devil, she appears. In this case, Vivian came strutting by, flanked by Eloise and two other cronies.

“Come to pig out, Piggy? The cafeteria wasn’t good enough for you?” laughed Vivian.

“That gelatinous gut has no off-switch. I bet you they finally chased her fat ass out of there, so she came waddling here to keep stuffing her piggish face,” added Eloise.

Vivian and the others kept laughing as Eloise, took center stage and grabbed Julie’s lower belly roll.

“I mean, look at this thing. That’s some grade A whale blubber.”

“And it still somehow pales in comparison to her big fat lard ass! It’s pathetic!” cackled Vivian.

Julie tried to get up and run away, but Eloise kept her shoulder pinned down so she was forced to stay sitting on a chair that she was well aware did not completely fit her mammoth ass. Vivian looked long and gave a disapproving click of her tongue.

“I mean look at that thing. Both of her fat cheeks are just hanging over the chair.”

“She’s lucky it’s metal or she’d be breaking it,” added Eloise.

Julie finally managed to use her chubby hands to smack Eloise away.

“What are you even doing here? Just leave me alone.”

Vivian put an approving arm around Eloise.

“Eloise has her challenge tonight. We’re window shopping to pick out what we’re going to buy to celebrate tomorrow.”

“And getting to make fun of your piggy ass is a fun bonus,” laughed Eloise as she swiped Julie’s tray of food off the table and sent it crashing to the floor.

“Why don’t you go ahead and eat that right off the floor like the pig you are. You know you want to.”

“Oooo, Eloise. You are so delightfully mean.”

“I learned from the best.”

“Let’s leave this pig to her feast. We’ve got better things to do.”

Vivian kicked a cupcake that Julie had bought at her before turning around and walking away with the rest of her crew in tow, save for Eloise who stayed behind just long enough to stick out her tongue and deliver one last party shot.

“You’re never getting out of the chub club, Tubs. With your killer appetite, you’re just going to spend your days stuffing your fat face and getting fatter. So MOOOOOOO, you cow!”

Eloise let loose another victorious moo that trailed off into loud laughter as she sauntered off after Vivian and the others and left Julie on the floor scraping together whatever parts of her meal could still somehow be salvaged.

Later on, Julie waddled through the mall with her head still weighed down by defeat. As she did she suddenly felt something, an itch, like something was pulling at her hair, and as she turned her head to scratch it, she caught sight of a small little antique shop that she had never realized was here before. She suddenly felt a desire to check it out.

“Nah,” muttered Julie as she started to walk away.

But then… it wasn’t like she had anything better to do. She might as well do a little exploring. So she waddled on in.

As Julie waddled into the store, she failed to notice the waifish blonde watching her from a safe distance and smiling.

Inside, the store was a collection of curious in crowded and organized chaos. There were figurines of glass and porcelain, old, well worn books, a dusty and dulled pocket watch devoid of luster as it sat on a display perch, and what Julie could tell was like a rather ornate full length mirror that was covered in a dropcloth.

“Hello, dear,” called a voice from the back, unseen by Julie.

“Hello!” Julie called back.

She heard the whirring sound of a mobility scooter working overtime as the shopkeeper came out from the back room.

The woman was the single largest, roundest woman that Julie had ever seen, absolutely circus fat lady kind of fat. Even on the double wide scooter that was moving herself along on, her tremendous body, led by an extraordinarily wide ass. She was dressed in a blue tracksuit that looked impossibly stretched and yet not worn at all. And as fat as she was, it didn’t seem like any of that was particularly saggy. Even sitting down her entire body had a strangely taut appearance.

Given the woman’s unique appearance and the feeling that Julie got when she first walked into the store, Julie could only draw one conclusion:

“You’re a witch.”

The rotund woman gave a soft slow clap with her well padded hands.

“Very good, dear. I was a little worried you wouldn’t piece it. Now I can stop with the pretense.”

With that the woman hefted herself off of her scooter, and Julie could really get a full sense of just how immense she was. Julie had never seen anyone with such an incredibly prominent belly, one that surged forward looking like one half of a giant sphere. On anyone else this big ball belly would have been the dominant feature, but this woman’s immense amount of fat was almost equally distributed in all directions. Her thighs were ludicrously large, and while she still clearly had cankles, her thighs were so much fatter that her legs made a funnel shape that gave her the appearance of being a bad photoshop job. She had extra thick ham hock arms and tremendous gravity defying tits. Every part of her was so perfectly stretched out that her velour tracksuit gave her the appearance of an overripe blueberry.

As she moved toward Julie, her thighs were so large that she moved less like a human being waddling and more like a floating parade balloon. Her ass was so huge that Julie could see the sides of it swaying even as she was staring at the woman head on.

“Oops,” went the fat lady as one of her huge hips knocked a display stand over and sent an antique pocket watch falling to the floor.

“Oh,” Julie practically tripped over herself as she hurriedly bent over to pick up the pocket watch.

“Here you go.”

The woman had a bemused smile on her face as she took the watch.

“That’s very sweet of you, Julianna.”

Then she turned her hand over with the watch in her open palm, wiggled the fat fingers of her other hand, and the pocket watch gently flew from her palm and hovered back onto its display.

“I didn’t- how did you know my name?”

“Divination is something of a specialty of mine. Though I didn’t expect you coming into my shop today, which is… interesting.”

A stingy ball of ice formed in the pit of Julie’s stomach, and without turning her head, her thoughts moved back toward the covered full length mirror she had seen earlier. As the blob of a woman smiled at Julie, her extra chins inflating, Julie tried her best not to show her fear even though she knew the cold sweat breaking out on her forehead was likely betraying her. The divination skills, the cozy antique shop, Julie was coming to a growing understanding of what she was dealing with.

This woman was a mirror witch.

Julie’s mother had warned her about mirror witches.

Mirror witches are amongst the most powerful of witches. Gifted in divination, mirror witches live life in four dimensions, capable of seeing past and future. Most witches use totems, focuses, and rituals to shape magic in the moment; they know the specific thing they want to do and they do it- for example, making someone fat. But beyond that initial point of contact, the magic ripples outward with a mind of its own. How far do things go? How the world changes around the target, the responses, the way reality shifts and minds change to make the magic make sense, like deja-vu, these are usually out of the hands of caster. They are the things that the magic concerns itself with, and while magic may work by certain rules and be fairly predictable to the most practiced, it is ultimately out of the control of most.

But not mirror witches.

Mirror witches can see everything, magic reflected and refracted through time; they can see all manner of realities and weave them together using their mirrors to weave strands of magic together and alter reality as they see fit.

“Not just mirrors, dear. We use ponds, founts, crystal balls. Though, I find the last one to be a bit ostentatious.”

Julie looked back at the covered mirror that was between her and the door. Opening one’s mind to the minds of others as well as an untold number of realities meant that many mirror witches inevitably fell victim to madness, and Julie was not eager to stick around to find out.

“It’s fine, dear. Really. I’m not even insulted.”

Julie turned back around and saw that the fat woman was now standing right next to her, so close that their stomachs were almost touching, which, with the size of their stomachs meant that their fat faces were still a decent distance away from each other.

“Where’s my manners? I’m Sabrina.”

Sabrina held out a fat arm. Her breath smelled strongly of maple syrup. As the two fat women shook chubby hands, Julie was grateful for her earlier act of kindness with the pocket watch.

“You… ummm.. You can just call me Julie. Pretty much everyone calls me Julie except for my mom.”

“Yes. I know your mother.”

“You do?”

“Quite well.”

There was a long, heavy pause between the two, and Julie could tell in that moment that Sabrina was thoroughly sizing her up and hoped that she was not found wanting.

“What brings you to my shop, dear?” asked Sabrina.

“I… don’t know. Just had a feeling.”

“That’s interesting,” Sabrina mused as she stroked her triple chin.

“May I?”

Sabrina reached her chubby hand toward Julie’s forehead, and Julie simply nodded in response. Sabrina then pressed her sausage fingers against Julie’s forehead and took a long moment before nodding.

“Hmmm… I see. And your mother didn’t send you?”

Julie shook her head which made for a rather comical sight as Sabrina’s hand followed along, still touching her forehead.

“Your challenge is coming soon, and quite the challenge indeed. Oh, this… yes. I know her mother too. Vivian… she certainly could use a good humbling. If she were here…. I could- but no…. No. Although….”

The idea of potentially getting help from a mirror witch to best Vivian made Julie’s breath catch in her throat.

“H-how do you know my mom?”

Sabrina removed her hand from Julie’s forehead and smiled.

“Years back, before you were born, I nearly succumbed to the madness. Your mother helped me out. She was able to cure me and contain the changes to- well- this,” state Sabrina matter-of-factly as she gestured to her globular form.

“I owe her a favor.”

“So you’ll help me?” asked Julie, her eyes beacons of hope.

Sabrina just shook her head, sending her triple chins wobbling.

“No, dear. My favor is to your mother, not to you… Although…”

Sabrina twirled her fingers and the pocket watch flew from its display and hovered in front of her.

“You were helpful, and I suppose a small favor deserves one in kind. Plus, we’ve already established that I'm interested.”

The watch flew into the waiting hands of Julie who held it like it was a precious glass figurine catching the light and reflecting back hope. And the light did indeed bounce off of the pocket watch’s gold exterior, but in her hands it took on a glow all its own.

“What does it do?”

“At the least, it is a good deal more powerful focus than your wand. The rest… well that’s up to you to figure out. But, if you’re as clever as I think you might be- and you’re cunning… I think you’ll be able to make great use of it.”

Julie turned it over in her hands, hardly able to comprehend or believe just what she now had in her possession.

“Th-thank you! Thank you so much! I’ll make the most of it. I promise! This is- this is just…”

Sabrina reached out and put a steadying hand on Julie’s shoulder.

“Time for you to be going now, dear. And do tell your mother that I hope she’ll stop by and claim her favor soon.”

“S-sure. Thanks again!”

Julie waddled off lost in a haze of unbridled hope spilling over into unchecked joy.

As she waddled away, Sabrina leaned out the doorway and then took the time to inspect the frame. Her eagle eyes soon caught the thin but tell-tale sign of exactly what she had suspected, the remnants of a minor conjuring spell, a magical lure, still fresh. She bent down and ran her finger along the thin red line before touching her finger to her lips to determine what kind of blood was used to complete the ritual.

“Beet juice. Very interesting.”


When Julie walked into the cafeteria for lunch the next day, she was clutching the pocket watch and staring at it so intently, trying to figure out how best to use it, that she almost ran into two people on her way to the food stations, and in fact she would have ran into trouble if her ear had not become so tuned to Vivian’s pompous, taunting, tone.

“You’re disgusting, Fat Ass.”

In a panic, Julie shoved the pocket watch into her pocket and looked up hoping that Vivian hadn’t noticed it. Luckily, Vivian hadn’t seen her yet, and her cruel comment was actually pointed at the newest cafeteria worker, a rather hefty girl with frizzy hair.

“It’s not my fault!”

Wait- that voice. Julie knew that voice. And the moment she actually took the time to look at the fat girl’s face, it was clear as day.

It was Eloise!

And judging by the way she looked, Julie could tell the way Eloise’s challenge had gone. The formerly slim and sexy girl was now a full fledged fatty, not just chubby, not even just fat, but morbidly obese!

“Yes it is. You lost, and now you’re a fat loser. That’s how it works, Blubber Butt.”

“That waify blonde bitch cheated!”

“Cut the excuses. We’re tired of your whining, Wide Load. You’re weak and that’s why you’re nothing but a powerless, porked up, loser- A fatty- a chunkster, a pot bellied pig with a fat flabby ass to match.”

Vivian kept digging her accusatory finger into Eloise’s bulbous belly.

“You’re a cow, a heifer, a dork, a certified oinker. You’re not hot anymore. You’re not even pretty. You’re pitiable and fat, so freaking fat.”

Eloise was, in a word, dumpy. And that dumpiness was greatly affected by the large dumper that she now possessed. As Vivian and her cronies circled around Eliose like a flock of vultures, poking and prodding and pinching folds and rolls of fat, Eloise found herself spinning around in a fruitless form of defense. Her fat body shook in protest, and as she turned, this gave Julie the clearest view of just how fat Eloise’s new lard ass was.

The former princess had become quite the bottom heavy porker. Her flabby ass, clad in the most unflattering and tight uniform slacks possible looked ready to burst through them. The dark gray slacks were so tight against Eloise’ round rump, that Julie could see the impressions of the cellulite that now littered her once perfect posterior. Eloise’ ass was now ponderously large and each cheek seemed to move on its own, only moving in uniform as they clapped together while Eloise tried to avoid more predatory prodding from Vivian’s cruel inspection of her bloated figure. Her big all butt looked wide enough to spill over any chair she might sit on, if she didn’t break it first. Those cheeks were thick, but not in the tight and luscious way that they used to be. Instead they were flabby and sagged pathetically down onto the backs of Eloise’s thunder thighs.

Those thighs were also beyond thick. They were more like tree trunks trapped in the tight slacks like they were overstuffed sausages waiting to burst forth. Julie could tell that there was an immense amount of strain, between Eloise’ thunder thighs and her big fat ass, that the uniform pants were not long for this world. It was a cruelty that Julie knew all too well, and she couldn’t help but long to see Eloise experience it.

Eloise’s thighs, along with pushing out the seams of her pants as far as they could, also pressed against each other and forced her into an awkwardly wide stance. Julie watched Eloise clumsily shuffle about trying to avoid Vivian’s prying hands, and she knew that, if she were able to watch Eloise walk away from this, that Eloise’s formerly modelesque strut would be reduced to a ponderous waddle. Julie knew from experience the chaffing that Eloise must be feeling, the heavy burden of having to walk around with such hefty limbs, the humiliation that comes with the jiggling sensation of even the smallest step and movement. It warmed her heart, and she felt joy at the thought of the panicked inner monologue that Eloise must have been going through. Julie knew that Eloise’s plump, pasty thighs were too fat to fully separate themselves no matter how wide she tried to stand. They would always be a reminder to the once slim Eloise of how fat and out of shape she had become, a constant tormentor just like Julie’s thunder thighs were to her.

Julie couldn’t help but chuckle to herself as she listened to the fabric of Eloise’s cheap pants swish against itself as she turned around and greeted Julie once again with a full frontal view of her belly.

That belly was a far cry from the slim waist that Eloise used to flaunt. She was the kind of girl who loved to lift her shirt to flash her midsection (and tease further up), and she loved to run her hand up and down her abs. And now Vivian was sinking her hand into soft squeezable adipose, and shaking that flabby upside down. Eloise had been cursed with a generous spare tire, a porky pot belly that pressed against her dirty apron and came paired with a matching set of thick pinchable love handles. It was easy to pinch an inch on either side and even easier to grab whole handfuls of belly blubber.

Eloise used to be very athletic, and now she was humiliatingly soft. This was evident in her spongy belly. Even disguised by an ill-fitting button down work shirt and an apron, one could tell that her gut was a flabby mess, the kind of paunch that lazily rolled over the waistband of her pants and drooped downward. Julie could see Eloise's side belly peeking out from underneath her shirt with the front only obscured because of the apron she was forced to wear as part of her lunch lady uniform. It was obvious that if Eloise was not wearing these clothes her thick, turgid belly would be seen for the pale wobbly mess it was.

The fact that her apron was pushed out as far as it was was a testament, not to any kind of musculature, but to the sheer volume of fat that filled up and stretched out her spare tire and now sloshed about with every move she made.The thick matching love handles wrapped themselves around what used to be Eloise’s waistline and joined rolls of back fat that pushed out the apron strings and taxed the tenuous knot that tied them together. From every angle, Eloise was a flabby girl fit for bursting out of her clothes-

Except for perhaps up top.

Eloise’ pert and perfect breasts, generous in both their size and gravity defying nature were no more. While the rest of Eloise’s model quality figure had blown up and flabbed out, her breasts had only taken on the flabby part. While they were now filled out with saggy fat, if anything they were smaller than they had been. They no longer had the ability to draw the eye as they sagged pathetically, swallowed up by her uniform and grossly outpaced by her pot belly. They were pathetic deflated things that Julie was sure still likely had stretch marks from their sagginess. Elosie’s days of flaunting her chest and using her boobs to get what she wanted were long over now that her double ds were deflated pudding cups. The only parts of her that people would pay attention to were now fat and saggy ones.

Even Eloise’s arms had grown, although the muscles she once had had shrunk. They were now jiggly bingo wings that ended in chubby hands with thick sausage fingers. Her shoulders slacked from the complete lack of confidence that came with having everything that she had taken away from her and having all of the mean comments she had ever said about others thrown back in her face.

To Eloise’s great shame and Julie’s tremendous delight, the part of Eloise that had changed the least was her face. It was still chubbier with the slight but permanent double chin that ballooned outward whenever she tilted her head, and there were definitely stress lines that were further framed by her frizzy hair, but Eloise was still utterly recognizable, and Julie knew that reality for others would have naturally reshaped itself to make them believe that Eloise was the stereotypical hot girl who let themselves go and was now a full fledged fatty.

“You really are pathetic, Fatso.” laughed Vivian as she seemingly began to grow bored of toying with her prey for now. Instead she decided that it was time to go in for the kill.

Julie watched as Vivian grabbed two big handfuls of Eloise’s gluttonous gut fat and squeezed and shook.

“This is all you, Piggy. This is you forever now. You’re not one of us anymore. You will never be one of us again. You are a fat, pathetic loser, a servant, a docile cow who exists to serve us food and amusement. You’re a porker for life. Understand that, you sloppy sow?”

Tears rolled down Eloise’s chubby cheeks as she nodded causing her small double chin to wobble in defeat.

“Prove it. Oink for me, Piggy.”

Eloise’s eyes went wide with pleading.

“Vivian, please.”

But Vivian stared back with icy cold eyes.

“I said oink, Fatso. You got that, Lard Ass? When I tell you to do something, you do it or I’ll blow your blubber butt up even more. You’re a porker now, so oink like the pig you are.”

Eloise sighed and began to oink just loud enough for Julie, who was straining to listen, to hear.

“oink. oink.”

“Louder, Piggy.”

“Oink. Oink.”

“I said louder, Piggy! Oink for me! Oink, you pig!”


Eloise began to sob, and Vivian rewarded her oinking with another belly shake.

“Good job, porky. You might as well embrace your new identity as an oinker. A big pig is all you’ll ever be.”

Vivian gave Eloise’s big broad booty and smack, squeezed it hard enough to make Eloise squeal and then walked away with a laugh and her cackling cronies following closely behind.

Defeated, Eloise hung her head in shame and waddled back behind her sloppy joe station. It was such a sad sight, that Julie felt compelled to go over and offer an olive branch. Maybe this would be a turning point for Eloise, fences could be mended. A new friend could be made.

“Ummm… Eloise. I just wanted to say….”

Eloise looked up with her eyes red from the tears that were still running down her chubby cheeks. As she noticed that it was Julie who was showing her pity, Eloise could no longer stand the indignity. She wiped away her tears, glared at Julie and shaped her mouth into a menacing scowl.

“What do you want, fat ass? Come to laugh? I may have gained some weight, but I’m nowhere near as fat as you, you cow- you - you WHALE! Your lard ass has its own zip code!”

Eloise’s cruel words bounced off of Julie as she simply trampled with anger. Then, as she fished the watch back out of her pocket, a devilish grin stretched across Julie’s chubby face. She held the watch with one hand, focused her power and waved one hand over the tray of sloppy joe slop.

A nervous Eloise looked down at the bubbling mixture just in time for it to explode right in her face. The surprise of the sudden explosion of slop caused Eloise to stumble and fall on her lard filled, well cushioned ass. The button pinged off the front of her pants, and Julie could hear the tell-tale ripping sound of Eloise’s big bloated butt blowing out the back of her pants.

Julie stepped forward and stood over her fat fallen foe with her hands resting proudly on her massive hips.

“I may be fatter than you, but I still have my powers and you don’t. And don’t you ever forget it, Piggy.”

Julie extended a finger toward Eloise, unaware of the gentle ticking of the watch still clutched in her other hand.

“Feels shitty doesn’t it, Fatso? Welcome to the chub club, Tubs. The cafeteria tables have turned and you’re on the other side, Lardo,” Julie spoke with an excited tremor in her voice overcome with a mix of anger and joy and fear at her own words.

“You’re the cow now. And I bet you’ve got a killer appetite don’t you? You’re going to spend your days stuffing your fat face and growing fatter. So. Much. Fatter. You’ll be looking back at today wishing you could be this thin.”

The second hand on the clock ticked forward, and Eloise’s stomach surged in response. Several buttons on her blouse began to burst off as the overtaxed knot of her apron finally gave way under the pressure of her expanding back fat. Several more seams split along Eloise’s saddledbags.

The second hand stopped ticking.

And Julie blinked, taking in the unexpected sight of her handiwork.

“Holy shit,” she muttered.

Eloise was too busy shaking and sobbing, her entire massively obese body trembling with fear, to register Julie’s surprise.

“Please. No more. No more! I’m sorry! Have mercy!” she begged.

Julie stuffed the watch back into her pocket and turned her back on Eloise. She stormed out of the cafeteria with as much speed and purpose as her fat legs could manage.

She couldn't believe she did it. She could do it.

“I will do it,” she told herself.

Seeing what had happened to Eloise had reminded Julie of both what there was to be won and how far she still had yet to fall if she lost. And she left the blubbering butterball more determined than ever to see her dream come true, and watch Vivian fall. 



This is just wow. Really enjoying the sights of other games and I never expected these many characters to be introduced. Really interweaving an expansive story!

BS Writer

Thank you. Eloise really became a much bigger part of the story than I intended. I mean, obviously I meant to make her big. I just thought when I sat down to write it that it would be sort of a quick scene tacked onto the end of the chapter. But it really took on a mind of its own.


Great chapter. Interesting. Had an idea it would happen but I didn't think Eloise would fall so fast. This blonde girl you keep teasing intrigues me.

BS Writer

Thank you. I felt that narratively it was important for Eloise to go down early because it shows reminds Julie, and the reader of what's at stake. It shows that even the presumably popular ones can be beaten. And it gives Julie an opportunity to use the watch and get a bit of revenge against a minor antagonist before she has a prolonged standoff with Vivian. Another reason for this is because I wanted to sneak in more fat talk and another heavy fat description scene since I wasn't getting to the challenge with Vivian yet and I did a lot of world building/ exposition with Sabrina this chapter and Julie's mother in chapter 2. It's the same reason I through in a dream sequence. I hadn't done a fat transformation in a while, so I wanted to put it in here for people to enjoy. I'm glad the blonde intrigues you. It's always good to know when introducing a mysterious character that people care about knowing who they are and what they're doing. I know there's a payoff, and I hope it will be worth the wait and enjoyable.