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—Seven Years Later—

Julie never forgot that fateful night in the forest when she watched her Aunt Cassy have everything taken away from her.

As time passed, Julie tried to train in her magic, but without her Aunt Cassy to train her, her promise of vengeance seemed to fade from memory, or rather it found itself shoved deep deep inside and weighed down by hundreds of pounds. Watching her Aunt have her whole life shattered left Julie with a profound sense of helplessness which led to an increased reliance on food for comfort which in turn distracted her from her studies. This ensured that her status in the coven remained low.

Julie was the bottom witch, a brutally direct term that technically just meant that she was considered the least magically gifted witch in her coven circle. In a fuller sense, it also meant that everyone else in the coven looked down on her because of her distinct lack of acumen in the arcane arts. Julie just didn’t take much to it. No. What Julie took to much better was eating.

College is, for many, a time of intellectual curiosity, but for Julie, her curiosity was much more food centric.

Julie was a nosher. Ever the accepting individual, Julie was always welcoming to others and their cultures, especially if those cultures brought new foods for her to try. She was a champion of Indian cuisine, never met food that was too spicy for her. She in fact would regularly engage on pan-asian tours throughout the dining hall and through her take out options. She made friends with a number of student groups by way of their cuisines. She carefully learned the difference between being Hispanic versus being Latin American and also the difference between Peruvian,  Ecuadorian, and  Brazilian, Mexican, and Colombian cuisines. Her tastes were never fully satisfied and she was always hungry for more.

The corpulent college girl really took advantage of her meal plan. She was never one to shy away from thirds or often fourths. Seconds were always a give in. And she always stacked every plate as high as humanly possible so that she never felt like she was missing out. And yet, somehow she never took more than what she could eat because, especially as Julie’s college career continued, what she was able to eat grew more and more.

And of course, Julie felt an incredible need to give back to her new friends, and what better way to give back what was given to her but then taking up a fruitful new hobby, one that would satisfy all of her friends and her own greedy piggy stomach.

Julie took up baking.

In short order, while other people she knew were progressing in their magical prowess, Julie became deadly proficient in the art of pasty. She excelled at cakes and pies and everything in between. Few could stand up to her scones. Her tarts were terrific. Her lemon squares were legendary.

And Julie was always her favorite taste tester when it came to her own work, or anybody else’s. She took great pride in her abilities and wanted only perfect gifts to go to her friends. Therefore, she would become incredibly specific with what she was looking for and taste and taste to ensure that the nuances were just right. Entire batches would be consumed to find out what it was that they were missing, and then entire batches would be consumed to know that they were all correct. It was an unprecedented level of quality control that added more than a few quality pounds to her already pudgy figure. Most of the third or fourth batch of cookies or brownies or whatever bake goods she was up to making would eventually be handed out to her friends.

And Julie tried making many friends this way. She was a kind person with a big smile to match her big belly and delicious treats. It was hard for many people to not be nice to her, at least if they weren’t incredibly shallow like many people that Julie had the misfortune of knowing.

Of course, most of the people Julie managed to befriend were not the kind of people who mattered to Julie’s family because most of those people did not actually belong to the world that she was a part of, a world that, thanks to all of her gormandizing, was threatening to leave her behind.

While other people in Julie’s coven used college to expand their thinking and expand their minds, Julie spent it developing her palette and expanding her waistline. And now she was getting ready to feel the full weight of her actions, not that she wasn’t already feeling a lot of weight of course. At four hundred pounds, the weight caused a lot of feeling, mostly in her achy joints.

Bottom witch was an especially appropriate term for Julie because her bottom was indeed immense. Julie’s ass consisted of two incredibly globular spheres filled with so much fat that they somehow stuck straight outward, and, while sagging low, still managed to maintain a shelf-like look. Most girls either have fat asses that stick out or flabby asses that sag down, but Julie managed to do both at the same time. Her spectacle of an ass made wearing most kinds of pants incredibly difficult as most fabrics, no matter the size, strained so much against her flabby behind that they would inevitably burst at the overtaxed seams, and usually at the most inopportune and humiliating moments.

Dresses were not much of an escape either because the sheer size of her incredibly chunky caboose meant that whatever dresses she put on would ride up and expose the lower portion of her blubbery butt cheeks.

This dilemma left Julie with only a few viable options. She could either wear dresses that were incredibly long and practically tent-like (and mumus brought about their own special kind of humiliation, mostly revolving around the name itself). She could wear outfits that were tailor made to deal with the exact kind of problems that Julie’s globular glutes presented, but that kind of custom work was expensive and financially prohibitive for the college girl after her family decided to stop fitting the bill for it because she was so frequently growing out of her tailored clothes. This of course then meant that Julie simply had to settle for wearing the stretchiest fabrics that she could find, and her outfits, therefore, consisted of an inordinate amount of yoga pants in a variety of different styles, many of which Julie liked to label “fun” as a euphemism for ugly with their incredibly bright and frequently garish patterns.

These yoga pants which would stretch tight across Julie’s bulbous buns and would inevitably show Julie’s panty lines because unless Julie was wearing thongs which were not the kind of thing that was very easy to come to at her immense size, the fabric was stretched to the point of near sheerness. So Julie was often left to make excuses for herself and pretend that “nobody will really notice” and “it will be fine”. These not so clever lies were often enough to get her through the day, at least until she heard the traditionally snickering and less than kind words behind her back. These would make her run away and hide.

Of course, running away was not exactly an easy thing for Julie to do. Hell, walking wasn’t exactly a cake walk either (cake… walk… cake… that’s much more Julie’s speed Sedentary and eating.)

Not only did Julie have her mammoth ass weighing her down and holding her back, Julie had to fight the forces of gravity with two tremendous tree trunk like thunder thighs that pressed together no matter how much she tried to spread her legs apart, chafed like hell, and forced her to move around in an incredibly slow and ungainly waddle.

That waddle was sent further off by the large counter weight that was her jiggling double belly which seemed to move with a mind of its own and yet was diametrically opposed to whatever it was her ass was doing. Julie’s soft, lazy stomach fat frequently swung in seemingly the opposite direction of her flabby ass cheeks. One would zig and the other would zag and the result was that Julie was extra unsteady on her feet, especially if she had to move with any great speed.

The other thing that Julie had causing her trouble, and the one part of her body that Julie was at least somewhat proud of, were her titanic tits which also swung like two independent pendulums whenever she waddled about. Finding bras that could comfortably keep her breasts in place and supported was a near impossibility. There were few options for her save for some monstrosities that looked like they were meant for teams of people to help strap her in.

Medieval princess Julie was not. No. Nobody liked to help her much when it came to clothes or her body, and despite the friends she would win over, at least temporarily, with food, Julie would often be left feeling vulnerable and alone which in turn made her feel utterly pathetic.

And none of the friends Julie did make mattered when it came to her coven.

Julie had to face it, she was a fat loser. She had spent too much of her time being a pathetic greedy little piggy, failing to stand up for herself, failing to control herself, failing to actually work on her magic, and now it was all going to come to her ultimate humiliating reckoning.

The time had come for her to face her challenge.

When witches of similar age reached around twenty-five, their numbers were culled, not in the killing sense, but the coven thought it best to keep their numbers controlled. So, the witches of similar age were grouped together and a contest was held, the challenge. Young witches were paired up in duels with the winner taking the power and glamor of the loser. That is what happened to her Aunt Cassy.

And to ensure that no witch came out of the contest too powerful, the witches were ranked accordingly and then paired off by power level. The bottom witch was paired against the top rank witch which meant…

“You’re done for, Fatso.”

Julie would be facing Vivian.

And so she spent much of her time during the last few days trying to duck Vivian as much as possible. The desire to hide and the desire to eat meant that at this time, Julie was trying to hide in the campus cafeteria.

The campus itself was a front controlled by the coven. Coven witches would attend college here and then stick around attending a kind of magical grad school until it was time for the contest. Then the losers were kept around in menial jobs on campus or at other coven operated businesses. That’s how Julie ran into her Aunt Cassy again, or at least saw her from a distance.

Cassy was rolling her cleaning cart through the cafeteria, tending too the garbage. She was stuffed into an unflattering beige jumpsuit as she waddled about. The jumpsuit made a loud swishing sound as the fabric around her thighs rubbed together with each lumbering step. Her wide hips and bulbous butt made her prone to knocking things over and making a bigger mess to the great frustration of students who were not afraid to let Cassy know that her fat ass was messing up.

People can be so cruel.

For instance, Julie watched one of Vivian’s cronies, Eloise, who knew damn well who Cassy was, polish off a banana and then toss the peel on the ground right in front of her.

“Better pick it up, Piggy,” laughed Eloise as she flipped her long and luxurious blonde hair over her shoulder.

Eloise stood up as Julie bent over so that her friends could compare their two figures. Eloise was a stacked woman with big breasts and tight curves and she wore a dress that hugged every one of them tightly. In that way she was like Cassy, but her outfit was meant to be tight against her toned but curvy form unlike Cassy’s overtaxed jumpsuit as it pulled taut against her fat flabby body.

With a laugh, Eloise spanked Cassy’s ass.

“Better mooooove your fat ass along now, Lard Ass.”

Cassy staggered forward and pulled herself up as fast as she could, which wasn’t very fast due to the counterweight of her massive belly. Without a word, and with tears in her eyes, she waddled off to continue her janitorial duties.

As Eloise watched Cassy waddle away, her eyes caught sight of Julie. With a grin on her face, her hand went to her phone.

Unfortunately, Julie was oblivious to this fact. Watching her Aunt Cassy had grown uncomfortably awkward, so Julie instead focused her attention on the food in front of her. And it was quite the spread.

It was the kind of spread designed for a four hundred pound woman. There were six separate plates, and that was only because that was as many as Julie could fit on one tray. There was a plate just for breadsticks, piled high and paired with an entire soup bowl worth of tomato sauce and another soup bowl full of alfredo dipping sauce. Julie went to town on those two at a time. Then she stuffed her face with spaghetti, not taking the time to care about the sauce that splashed all over her chubby cheeks.

After the breadsticks and spaghetti, it was time to get to the plate piled high with crab rangoon. These went into her mouth by the handful. She took the briefest of moments to smile once that plate was done. This was a meal she was enjoying, and truth be told sustenance wise she could have stopped quite a while ago, but Julie wasn’t eating for sustenance.

She was eating for pleasure.

And it was her pleasure to tuck into a plate of fried chicken next. This was paired with an entire plate dedicated just to loaded mashed potatoes that she had drowned in gravy. She dipped her chicken in this concoction and sucked down everything but the bones.

Julie’s mind was already moving toward her second course and dessert as she dug her spoon into a greasy serving of shepherd’s pie. Beef juice joined the mix of gravy and pasta sauces that had gathered on her chin. She was in the middle of enjoying the shepherd’s pie while thinking about the kinds of pies she would sample for dessert when she heard-

“You really are an uncontrollable fat fucking pig, aren’t you?”

If Julie had noticed Eloise on her phone earlier, she might have put two and two together and run off to hide and feast on the collection of junk food in her apartment, but now it was too late and Vivian was standing right in front of her.

“It’s sad really, how fat and pathetic you are.”

Vivian gestured to the many plates, most of them empty.

“This is a paradise for a cow like you, isn’t it?”

She sneered at Julie as she picked up a handful of napkins in her face and then poked Julie’s fat arm and watched as the soft flesh sprung back into place.

“You’re a sponge for fat, aren’t you? You just soak up all of these empty fucking calories and blow up. I mean, how do you seriously wake up each day and look at yourself in the mirror and think it’s okay for you to be this fat, you absolute pig? It’s pathetic that you could ever let yourself get this disgustingly huge, tremendously tubby, outrageously obese. You cow. You land whale!”

Eloise laughed as Vivian went in and grabbed handfuls of Julie’s belly flesh and continued to verbally tear the fat girl apart.

“Look at that belly. Big is an understatement. It’s huge and soft and wobbles like it has a mind of its own.”

Vivian let go and let Julie flail her fat arms around for a moment. The raven haired beauty laughed and shook her head at the sight of the flushed and flustered fat girl and the scope of her heavy belly.

“I can see it wiggling and jiggling like mad just from you sitting here and breathing heavily after this meal. Doesn’t that worry you? Don’t you feel that and think something must be wrong? Or has all the fat seeped into your brain and slowed your thinking like your thunder thighs have slowed your walk to a slow ass waddle.”

Julie hung her head and was hoping to just magically disappear, but teleportation was exceedingly past her limited magical capabilities and so she had no choice but to continue to sit there and take Vivian’s abuse. She tried to get up and waddle away, but Eloise easily kept her pushed back down so Vivian could lace into her without breaking her concentration.

“And speaking of ass- that thing could have its own zip code. We could send it postcards and it would still need two day shipping to get from cheek to cheek, you bloated sow. Those ass cheeks are just garbage bags of cottage cheese. Nobody wants to look at them, you fatwad, you loser. Nobody wants to look at you, especially when you’re eating.”

Vivian wobbled Julie’s massive belly.

“You gorge yourself like that fat pathetic pig you are and chew with your mouth open like a cow. You’re out of control, and you know what? I love it.”

She leaned close to the red-faced redhead.

“Why?” she said as she tweaked Julie’s double chin.

“Because your fat is going to make it so much easier to beat you in the challenge and steal your power. I can’t wait to see what you look like when I somehow ruin you even further.”

Vivian grabbed Julie by her frizzy hair and yanked it backward so Julie was forced to look up at her.

“I can’t wait to see how much fatter you’re going to get when I sap whatever pitiful amount of magic you actually have inside your lard filled pig body. And leaving you even worse off than your loser Aunt.”

She got down on one knee so that she could get directly in Julie’s fat face.

“Picture it.”

Vivian forced Julie’s fat hand to rest on the curve of her slender waist.

“Imagine me growing even hotter and more powerful than you can ever dream of.”

She slid herself closer so that Julie’s hand moved to the small of her back, and then Vivian slid her hand under the lower roll of Julie’s belly and gave it a hard pinch.

“My destiny is to be the hottest, most powerful witch our coven has ever seen, and your destiny is to remain a soft, weak, fat, pathic, lard-ass loser.”

Vivian flicked Julie’s nose and stood. She tussled Julie’s hair like Julie was a small child and chuckled.

“One week, fatso. That’s how long you’ve got your pitiful magic for. Maybe try training a little so I have a bit more to take? Or just continue to be a useless pig, I suppose. I don’t expect much from you. Nobody does. But in one week your fat ass is all mine.”

Julie grit her teeth. She wanted to give Vivian her fat ass alright. She wanted Vivian to know exactly how she felt. But what she felt was incredibly powerless, and before she could even think of anything to say, Vivian was already sauntering away. Julie was left shaking her head at the floor.

When she looked up, she was met by Eloise dumping her soda on her head. The syrupy drink covered Julie’s tears but couldn’t drown out the laughter.



Great Chapter.Julie is very likeable and easy to root for.Vivian is so detestable can't wait for her to get hers.

BS Writer

Thank you. I think stories are often driven by great villains, especially these kinds of stories. You have to really want to see them get what's coming to them, and I'm glad that I've succeeded in achieving that for you and others.