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Merry Christmas folks. Thank you kindly for your support.
Now, I'm sorry, I can't make it in time for christmas. I was originally planning to post update 0.2 today, but even grinding hard these past few weeks did not get me there in time. Rendering just takes so damn long. I'm actually not that far off, but I need a few extra weeks to get it done properly. Just take save compatibility as an example: I'm already at ~100 lines of code just to get "old" saves from version 0.1 working with this seamlessly. I cannot be breaking save compatibility especially this early on! I will do my damndest to make sure you can take your 0.1 save right to the end of this game. Right now it's looking pretty good, but I have not tested it as much as I would like. 

So anyways, let me give you a little preview of what I have been working on.
Here is the photo viewer/gallery app I added. Don't worry about that "add demo data" button and identical photos, that's just for me to test it.

And here's it working on the android version (for small devices):

Now these are the photos you start the game with and that looks a bit barren, doesn't it? So mean to crank it up a bit for version 0.2. I don't want to give it all away, but a little preview can't hurt.

And there will be more:

I also wanted to expand on the whole Escaperoom shenanigans and I did:

So I made this screen for you to deal with multiple rooms available. You might notice those 2 empty slots. To be perfectly honest I don't know how many rooms I want to add yet, but I think 4 should be an absolute minimum for the finished game. Especially since I have a bunch more planned for the Escaperooms which I don't want to talk about yet, since it's gonna be a good long while until then.

Now one thing I have to show you, since I love it so much is this little icon that is supposed to show an escaperoom that is in construction:

Silly little thing, but I just love the way it looks in that escaperoom screen I showed you. Sadly you don't get to see it in action yet.

I just noticed this while looking for some preview images to show you:

I was not planning on doing this meme when I rendered those. I might have to now though 😄

Those hills have eyes (on them)

Oh, right. I have also been working on the ability to make phonecalls. Now don't go in expecting to be calling everyone and everything just yet. Well, you CAN call them, but not nearly all of them will have meaningful interactions just yet. But I can some fun stuff in already and it's shaping up nicely so far. I want to make it worth it for the players who do want to call everyone 😉

Then there is lots of little stuff, like implementing schedules for some of the characters, so for instance depending on the day of the week and time of day you may or may not see Aster in the Cafe starting with 0.2.
I want the game to feel open worldy and I think there is A LOT of work I still need to put in to get it to that point. Oh well, baby steps and all that.

I should probably set up a poll for patreons to vote on what they would like me to focus on: implementing an open world, more story events, new features for the phone, a usable computer for the Protagonist, the ability to rename characters and so on and so forth. I want to know what you guys are most interested in. So I might just whip up something like that over the holidays.

Alright, so this post is getting kinda long and rambly now. Better wrap this up, there are christmas cookies to eat!

Again, sorry for not making it in time. I'm gonna take a little break over the holidays and hopefully bring you the 0.2 update early next year. 

So happy holidays everybody!


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