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Dear Patrons,

We want to start off by apologizing again for the inconvenience of our Patreon page & billing being paused while we tried to see how we could fix the billing situation.  After a back & forth with Patreon's creator support, we couldn't revert the change of the billing for our page.

This means that going forward, all Patrons will be charged the moment they subscribe, and not between the 1st and 3rd of each month (how it worked until now). They want to eventually have all creator pages use their subscription billing option (charging Patrons as soon as they join).

What does this mean for Gay Harem's Patreon page going forward?

The only thing we can do is turn the billing back on, but deliver the in-game rewards the same way we have until now. This means our Patrons will be charged whenever they join, and receive instant access to the Patreon roles on Discord, the Patreon chat & news channel, and all the digital content we have on our Patreon Page (sketches, insights, etc.). But we will deliver the in-game rewards between the 1st and 3rd of each month to all Patrons who've had a successful transaction to Patreon in the last 30 days. We will be very strict on our end with charge dates to ensure that everyone will get their in-game rewards.

We're also aware that some payments take 1-2 days longer to process, so we will be checking back a few days after delivering rewards to make sure we don't miss anyone.

We're aware that this isn't ideal, but we need to adapt to these changes by Patreon, otherwise, we'll be forced to shut down the Patreon page. On the bright side, Patrons can now decide when they want to be charged by subscribing on their desired date.

This being said, we will resume the billing for Patreon on September 27th. The Patreon Page currently says billing will resume on the 29th but it's an automatic message, we're resuming billing manually on the 27th. This gives you enough time to decide when you want to be charged, and unsubscribe if our Patreon page no longer interests you. If the 27th is not ideal for you, you can unsubscribe and resubscribe on the date you prefer to be billed.

To those of you who purchased Monthly cards while Patreon was inactive - if you purchased a single month, we may be able to offer some compensation (at least for the daily Kobans that the monthly card would've offered you). Be sure to take a screenshot of your remaining days on the day you resubscribe to Patreon and send it to us via a Customer Support ticket. Also, if you've signed up for a recurring monthly card, please disable the recurring payments before signing up for Patreon. You could unsubscribe and wait until your Monthly Card expires and resubscribe afterward.

If you purchased a 3-month or a 6-month Monthly Card plan, we won't be able to compensate you adequately, so please wait until the 3 or 6 months are up before subscribing to Patreon.

We know the situation is not ideal, but it's the only way we can go forward. The other option was to create a new Patreon page and set up the old billing, but Patreon is planning on switching everyone to subscription-based billing in the near future, which is why we couldn't revert back to it in the first place. They would've eventually forced this billing method on us anyway.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!


Davy Bogaerts

So if we bought a 1 month card we take a screenshot of how many days left on the 27th when you guys reactivate things?