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Guy Skills (Tier I to IV)

(This contains explanations of Tier 5 as more tiers are to come later as the feature goes through further development. Please note that tier 5 is not currently available.)

Different skills based on elements

Tiers of Skills are limited based on the upgraded grades and level of the guy:

  • Tier 1: Grade 1 upgraded, level 10.
  • Tier 2: Grade 2 upgraded, level 200.
  • Tier 3: Grade 3 upgraded, level 350.
  • Tier 4: Grade 4 upgraded, level 500.
  • Tier 5 (not yet available): Grade 5 upgraded, level 650.

Limited skill points per rarity

The Skills points that can be distributed are limited by rarity.

Skill branches

Big Nodes (Tiers)

- Each Tier needs to be unlocked by the guy having a particular level AND grade upgraded.

  • For guys with less grades, higher Tiers will be displayed but locked.
  • For example, a 3-grade guy will have the 5 tiers displayed but the 4th and 5th will be always locked. Info will be available why they are locked.

- If the tier is locked, it is displayed as grayed out.

- The maximum Skill points in previous tiers need to be spent in order to unlock the next tier

- For example, Tier I requires 6 skill points, the player needs to spend 6 skill points in Tier I in order to unlock Tier II.

Small Nodes

  • Each skill has a maximum level.
    • When the max level is reached, disable the button to be gray and the text “Maxed” on it.

- Each skill level requires a light bulb (per rarity)

- For each Tier, there are maximum skill points to be distributed between the skills in the tier

  • For example Tier I has 2 skills each with max level 5, and the maximum skill points for Tier I are 6.
  • Player A can have each of the two skills at level 3.
  • Player B can have first skill at level 1, and second skill at level 5.


Tier 1

Income Surge

  • Node 1: Increase income flat value (X)
  • Node 2: Increase income percentage value (Y%)

Calculation: (base salary + flat increase) * (club bonus + guy bonus)

Tier 2

Stats Boost

  • Node 1: Increase main stat by X flat value
  • Node 2: Increase main stat by Y% percentage value
  • Node 3: Increase second and third stat by A flat value

Tier 3

Trait Bonus

  • One of Eye color / Hair color / Zodiac sign / SEX Position - % bonus for each guy with the same trait in the team.
    • Node 1: %Ego
    • Node 2: %Defense
    • Node 3: %Attack Damage

- Traits are always contextual, in example if we have a Dominatrix guy with blue eyes he will use Eye Color blue as a trait skill

- A match can be any of color 1 or color 2 for the matched guys

These bonuses stack between the guys with the same Trait

  • For example, if the player has two Dominatrix guys with Blue eyes, both guys take the bonus from each other. Maximum %Ego is developed on both guys so the total bonus is 1% times two guys in the team = 2% and this is true for both guys so the end bonus is 4% Ego.

Tier 4

Special Passives

  • These are always available and can stack if multiple guys from the team have them
    • Node 1: Increase the damage with each attack by X%
    • Node 2: Decrease opponent defense by X%

Skill bonuses calculation

  • Tier 1 skills affect the income and there is no effect in battle.
  • Tier 2 skills give stats directly, so they are applied on everything regarding guy stats like battle, Champions, PoP.
  • Percentage bonuses from all skills are Cumulative (all percentage battle bonuses are added together and applied at the end).

Skill level-up & Bulbs

Skill light bulbs are per guy rarity.

There are 5 new currencies - one for each rarity.

Common (for ‘common’ and ‘starting’ rarity guys)





- Common Skill light bulb can upgrade any skill with 1 level for any common or starting guy

- The current bulbs amount of the rarity for the selected guy is displayed in his Skills tab

- Display in the backpack as a currency

- New category on the bottom: “Skill bulbs” to display all rarity bulbs

- 1 bulb= 1 level-up for any guy of the correct rarity


Skill Bulbs will be distributed in:

  • CC (Cumback Contests)
    • As additional reward

  • Based on the reward bracket - the higher the placement, the higher the bulb

- Daily Missions as a 3rd reward (with combination with Ymen/$)

- As an additional reward

- Based on rarity, from Common to Legendary & Mythic bulbs with 5% chance to appear

  • Champions
    • Chance based to be given instead of the Ymen/$ on each fight
    • Smaller chance for lower rarities

- Seasons (From August Season)

- Tier 5 => 3 Common bulbs in the free and 5 in the paid path

- Great orbs x1 are removed

- Tier 14  => 3 Rare bulbs in the free and 5 in the paid path

- OrbMythic1game added to Tier 27

- Tier 25 => 3 Epic bulbs in the free and 5 in the paid path

- OrbGreat10games added to Tier 10

- Tier 34 => 3 Leg bulbs in the free and 5 in the paid path

- Tickets added to Tier 20

- Tier 45 => 3 Mythic bulbs in the free and 5 in the paid path

- OrbEpic1game added to Tier 29

(And more features when they’re released - Stay tuned for more info!)

Skill reset

Resets all guy skills and gives back the bulbs (for a particular guy).

Cost: 5M Ymen/$ per bulb spent.

Check out the new feature and be sure to share your feedback with us!

Leagues Redesign

Leagues are getting a fresh new redesign with several improvements requested by the community!

Keep reading to learn more:

Results from each opponent

Instead of the current W (for Win) and L (for Loss) add numbers with the result obtained from each performance against the opponent.

Example: If your first performance against player X was a win and you got 23 points, show a green box with the number ‘23’ in it.

Initiating the performance

Starting a performance will now be available on the “versus” page, and not immediately.

There are two options:

Single performance - always does one performance vs the opponent

Multiple performance - does x3 or x2 - based on the remaining performances against the said opponent.

This is a free option in terms of HC. The only cost is the challenge currency.

Clicking anywhere on the line with the opponent or the Go button will lead to the versus page.

There is a back button here to go back to the Leagues page.


New stat: Power - the goal is to show more properly the strength of the player and compare it to other players.

This stat displays only in Leagues (for now) and does not have any effect on the performance itself.

Power = Ego + (Attack + Defense)*7.5 + Harmony*0.625

The auto fight will use the Power as a new targeting method

Until now, targeted players were the players from the lowest to the highest level.

From now on, targeted players will be from the lowest to the highest Power instead.

Guy mode VS Stats mode

An icon that will display the guy team information for the player and the opponents (on click).

To access stats mode, click on this button

To access girls mode, click on this button

This is the synergy and team bonuses pop-up that already exists.

It includes the final values of the four main stats (Attack, Ego, Defense, Harmony) and displays active boosters for the player and the opponents (only the boosters that affect the Leagues, not all boosters).

The maximum number for the player will be 5:  4 regular boosters, and 1 mythic which relates to the leagues (either AME or LME)

The maximum number for opponents will be 4: 4 regular boosters, there are no mythic boosters that affect the defense


The refill will happen with the regular (+) button that is used on other energies instead of the current button.

Club Champion

A new Club Champion guy has joined the Haremverse

A playful guy who found himself in this world by pure accident and became this kingdom’s prince.


Fight Ezekiel when he appears as club champion to add Kirill to your Harem!

Seasonal Event Visual Improvement 🔥

The sizing and positions of Seasonal Event characters/buttons have been modified in the event. This change has been made to improve the visuals of the event.




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