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Max Storage

Energy gains will now be capped. This means that you won’t be able to automatically gain energy if you’re over the cap limit.

A Monthly Card will allow you to store more energy.

  • Quest Energy is capped at 100, depending on the player level if without MC.
  • Combativity Energy is capped at 20, depending on the player level if without MC.
  • Kisses Energy is capped at 10 if without MC.
  • Condoms Energy (Leagues) is capped at 15 if without MC.
  • Worship Energy is capped at 10 if without MC.

Players with a Monthly Card will now be able to store more Energy types depending on the type of MC.

💎 New Monthly Card 💎

A new Monthly Card with exciting new rewards!

For the heroes who want more resources and more options, we’re releasing a new Monthly Card: the Diamond Monthly Card!

Treat yourself and treat your guys with the awesome new benefits of the Diamond MC:

  • 30 days duration
  • 450 Kobans per day (total 13500)
  • 10 Kisses per day (total 300)
  • 40 All Gems per day (total 1200)
  • Free Collect All
  • Collect last Season, PoA, PoV, PoG rewards
  • Free x10 and x50 Villain Performance
  • Free x15 League Performance
  • 50% Off Market Reload
  • Free x10 Champion Performance and Rest
  • 50% Off Daily Missions finish now
  • 50% Off Pachinko Reroll
  • 16 Team slots in total
  • Free Club Champion Multiple Performance & Short Rest
  • Free Places of Power Auto Assign All and Claim All
  • Free x10 Season Performance & Refresh Opponents

Nutaku Maintenance News

Nutaku will run scheduled maintenance on Thursday, January 12th at 8 AM EST.

The maintenance period will be approximately 30 minutes long. Nutaku and all integrated games (browser and app) will be unavailable during this downtime.


Al Czepka

I guess the diamond card will be also a reward at patreon. At wich Tier will it start?


We're still figuring some things out, but as soon as we know it will be communicated :)


30$ from 70? for only 2700 extra kobans? whats up with this price? we live without the skips of club champions for months before, why someone will do that, the free season looks good for seasonal, but it doesnt happen all times, and now why i would spend my 1.3k kisses for example, if we just have one KC per month? (considering i spend 400-500 per month on season bc of both KCs)