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Hello, everyone!

We're so happy to have you here!

It's our first month and the results are already amazing! :) On that note, we want to let you know that kobans were sent!!!

If you didn't receive them, please PM us with your ID!

Stay tuned for more rewards!

Thank you


Ifreann Reoite

thank you very much for the hard work !!! <3

JN Valente

OK, I have pledged and you have received my first 50 bucks or even my 2nd ones and I am not getting a reply. Moreover as of today it seems that being based in some countries now prevents you from buying more than 360 kobons for 3 €uros. That's all very well but I have had to use a Paris-based payment service I had never heard of at least 4 times. By the time you read this (if you read your messages and if you don't what are you doing on Patreon? Patreon has rules too, and terms of service and users' obligations and RIGHTS - that last concept as well as "customer service" you are not familiar with) they may be many more or just those 4). Pçease tell me that if I moved back home to the UK I would be treated to the same buying of kobons conditions (no more than 3 £ or € and 360 kobons per purchase, and each time I have to give you the data of my credit card all over again risking ID theft, CC fraud and other unpleasantnesses. If you have made radical changes I think it's fair as the game is dominated by the richest players, not the most skilled. If you have made changes that affect only certain countries shame on you. If it affects everyone but you did not bother explain it here or on your user-unfriendly "all of Kinkoid" blog I think you may deserve zero patronage here for zero rewards except Bunny saying thank you on an awkward part of the screen. What about the monthly cards, mine expires in 14 days, and I can not renew it. I'd be thrilled to know that this means everything will be free from now on as it is on many games. I would appreciate an answer though.


We've answered to you on a PM. If you have any questions or feedback, please always PM us. Thank you!