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Danzo's root agent has confirmed that the leaf team was indeed after the bases of Orochimaru.
Danzo had no information about what exactly Tsunade wants to do. But worst case scenario she would be searching for something else and stumble upon the evidence against him from Orochimaru.
Orochimaru is a high level shinobi. He must have preserved some evidence against him in case any of their deals were not meant by him.
When the illegal experiments first started Orochimaru was reluctant to sacrifice children with no success. But then Danzo went to him with the offers of forbidden jutsus. Orochimaru has very less morals, so he agreed. And when Hiruzen found out about illegal experiments, Danzo rated out Orochimaru to save himself.
Orochimaru was no fool. After his desertion from the hidden leaf village, Orochimaru has kept every single evidence against him.

Sai has confirmed Orochimaru's death. But they let go of Uchiha Sasuke. Danzo was furious after getting the report and wanted to order Sai to assassinate Uchiha Sasuke. But he didn't. He didn't know the exact details as Sai was unable to confirm anything. But just in case if they found any evidence against him, Tsunade won't miss this chance. Unlike Hiruzen, she would tear him apart the moment she got her first evidence.
Not to mention Orochimaru used impure world resurrection to bring back the previous kages. But somehow they managed to defeat them all. That girl Tenten somehow managed to to free the fourth.
But the most troublesome thing was the Jinjuriki. According to Sai's report his proficiency with kyuubi's chakra has increased significantly.
After they scattered, Danzo call back Sai. He didn't want to lose one of his valuable assets because of a wild goose chase.
According to the information he got later he had around four days of time. He would prepare everything in these four days. If they didn't find any evidence against him, then he would buy his time and use kotoamatsukami on the Jinjuriki of the nine tails. With him on his side that girl Tenten would be on his side as well. Then he can easily overthrow Tsunade. Until now he was playing cautiously. But this mission might open all his dirty secrets to the world. So he can't hold back.
If they found evidence against him, then it would be his end in hidden leaf village. So with an additional plan of escape he would still try to use kotoamatsukami on the Jinjuriki. But he was doubtful that he could win against 5 S-rank shinobi on his own. Tsunade, Jiraya, Minato, Naruto and Tenten, all of them were formidable in their own right. The nine tails Jinjuriki wasn't a S-rank shinobi. But with the new information of him being able to use nine tails chakra so proficiently, Danzo considered him as an S-rank ninja as well.
That's why he was sure that if they got all the evidence against him, he won't be able to use kotoamatsukami on Naruto so easily. He needed some kind of distraction. That's why he decided to use his old friends to serve as the distraction. He cooked up a plan and decided to meet them just the day before the arrival of the search team.

But what danzo didn't knew, that the information of returning in 4 days was sent by Tsunade as a trap to buy some time. Whereas the team has already returned.


Minato and Jiraya were looking at all the high alerted root shinobi from above. All of them were ordered to stay vigilant and move in the moment's notice. Danzo has decided to move all of the illegal members of his root organisation out of the village. They would serve as a great distraction in the worst case scenario while he himself flee the village. Of course he would bring a few of his loyal and most powerful root agents. But the canon fodders would serve as sacrifices.
Tsunade has given them detailed explanation of whom to spare and whom to kill. There were many young shinobi who were recently brain washed by Danzo and still salvageable. They where ordered to spare them. Tsunade has gotten all these files from an double agent in Anbu. She had also the list of 'loyal to Danzo' ninjas. They had to kill them.
But there was a complication. The seal inscribed on their tongue. What the route agents new about the seal was that it prevents them from speaking anything about their mission and Danzo. But what they didn't new that it was a remote killing seal. Their life was in the palm of Danzo. Not to mention he would notice once his agents were killed.
That's why they had to wait till tomorrow morning. Tsunade has planned to strike him down during his meeting with the other elders. At that time they would also begin their attack. They were at the base so soon because of only one reason. To not to let go any of them.

Minato wanted to ask Jiraya about Naruto's childhood days. He was restless and sad because of the mission he couldn't fool around. It was the same before with Kakashi. Due to Naruto being near them he was unable to ask in front of him. He knew the hardships of a Jinjuriki. But still he believed in the village and willingly sacrificed his own son. He still regretted his decision but he just hoped that his loved once would have taken care of him in his parent's absence. But what he didn't knew that if it wasn't for Tenten, Naruto's life would have been much worse.

Because of the same reason Jiraya was happy that he didn't have to talk to Minato. The man has given him the responsible of a godfather. And yet when the time came in Haryana way leaving his God son. He has no means to face Minato. He just hoped that this mission would continue for eternity and he has to never face Minato. But he new that the reality is cruel. One day or another he has to face him. So while he was waiting patiently for the time to begin their work, he was mentally preparing himself for the future.

On the other hand Kakashi along with the anbu agents were spread around to prevent any unseen escape.
Kakashi was happy and at the same time very disappointed in himself. Happy that his Sensei has came back to life. A part of him hoped that if she could bring his other teammates back to Life. But he knew it was not a fair request.
So he refrained himself from even asking Tenten about what she did.
But the most problem I take thing was, he didn't know how to face his teacher again. Due to the orders of third Hokage, he never approached Naruto in his lonely childhood. He could have sneakily approached him. He was an anbu captain. But he didn't. It was his way of escaping. But now he regretted his choices in the past. He was ashamed of himself for being a coward.

While the second team was alert on their positions, the first team of 3 people were also preparing for the mission. Tenten and Naruto where carefully inscribing many chakra resistance seals in the meeting room of the elders. Surely it would also stop them from using their chakra, but due to Tenten they can avoid it by using a counter seal on themselves.
The stage was set. Tsunade has called Ibiki and Inoichi to stay by her side in standby. Tomorrow morning a cancer from the leaf village would be removed.
Tsunade was not celebrating before victory but she was planning to hand over the head to the resurrected fourth. She had done the greatest work in the history of the hidden leaf village among all the Hokages. So she believed that she deserved a long break and some praise.




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