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After Minato meeting Naruto decided to postpone all the beatings and talking till the end of the mission . Although we continued after he bitch slapped him once, but even Minato himself agreed that he deserved it. But that was a matter of another time.

I didn't know that whether it is confidence or carelessness, but Uchiha Sasuke was wide open. Maybe he thought that no one could ever find out Orochimaru's hideouts.
But that carelessness made our work easier.
After confirming the fact that indeed Sasuke was inside the hide out, we started planning an attack and capture plan.
I used some of the poisons to make a potent one with the effect of hallucination and sedation. With the help of Naruto's wind manipulation, the poison was spread the poison inside the base.
The poison was odourless and tasteless. So even if Sasuke stays on guard it would be difficult for him to detect it.
After confirming the poison has taken its effect through my summoned spiders, we entered the hide out. With the help of my spiders we directly reached his room. After that all it took to restrain him was a chakra supression seal and paralysis seal.
All of us waited in another room accept for Naruto and Sasuke.
Even if Naruto is a reincarnation, he still got the innate talent of talk no jutsu of the original Naruto. That's why we decided to let them settle their matters within themselves.
My Naruto is not a gay. But I still sent a spider summon to keep an eye on him just in case so that if Indra and Asura shit happened, I can make sure that Naruto won't cheat on me over Sasuke.
Well jokes aside I sent a spider summon to keep an eye on their negotiation.
And it went pretty well.


Uchiha Sasuke woke up with a headache. He panicked a little when he found himself unable to use chakra. But then his onyx eyes met Blue eyes. He remembered them. Those eyes belongs to one of his comrades in the past.
Uzumaki Naruto.
He was sitting on a chair. But he wasn't able to move at all except for his head. His entire body has been paralyzed. Before he could speak up the person opposite to him spoke.
"So you are still keeping your verginity for Itachi ?"
When Sasuke heard the word 'Itachi' he wanted to scream at his kidnapper. But then his mind processed the full sentence of the assailant.
He blinked twice. His mind froze. He couldn't think what to respond. But Naruto didn't let him think.
"I thought you came to Orochimaru because of his looong tongue. But I guess deep down you still want Itachi to pop your cherry. Sasugay..."
Sasuke's face was redder than the reddest tomatoes.
But Naruto couldn't understand wheather it is from anger or shame.
"I am gonna kill you !!!"
"Sorry but you can't. You see you are the one captured by me princess."
"Stop fooling around and release me !"
"Why ? why should I release you ? What can you give me in exchange of releasing you ? You know what you are technically a missing nin. And I promised to bring you back to the village. So I want an equivalent amount in order to release you."
Sasuke greeted his teeth.
"What do you want !"
"Don't shout or I might take my offer back. You don't want to delay achieving your dream do you ? And you know very well what awaits you if I take you back to the village."
Sasuke took deep breaths. He come down and spoke again.
"What do you want dobe ?"
"I want all the location and information you know about Orochimaru's hideouts virgin princess.... Wow this title suits you better than teme."
Sasuke looked like he would explode at any moment due to anger.
"Why do you want that..... rascal"
"You can't think of any creative name ? Well whatever ! And as per your question I won't go to any details but it is suspected that Itachi might not be the only culprit of the Uchiha massacre ."
The magic word worked well and Sasuke forced himself to calm down.
"What do you mean by that and what does it has to do with Orochimaru ?"
"You truly worship your brother, don't you ?
I don't go to any details as it is confidential, but do you really think no matter how powerful a person is he can slaughter an entire clan of more than three hundread members without making a sound ? Do you really think one of the founding clans of the village hidden in the leaf so weak ? Not to mention even if the Uchiha clan was in the outskirts of the village they were not very far from the Inuzuka clan. Do you really think that without any assistance no one from Inuzuka clan wouldn't notice the smell of blood in the air. Not to mention there were many seals found after the attack which were meant to prevent any leakage of sound and scent to the surrounding atmosphere. Itachi maybe powerful but he was no seal master. And as per your second question it is suspected that Orochimaru is working with that man. Our suspect has too much political power that even the Hokage cannot take direct actions against him. So we need solid proofs. That's all I cannot tell you more than this. But if you truly wants to take revenge then you would help me find the culprit. Who knows if you decided to come back to the village maybe you would get the chance of executing this person."
Naruto stayed silent after revealing the information.

It took a full 5 minutes to the genius of the Uchiha clan to understand the full picture.
But after he understood he decided to co-operate with Naruto.
Naruto told him to find Itachi and find out the truth from the culprit himself. Because the whole situation is dirtier than the dirtiest water.

There were five locations for us to search thoroughly. And there were five of us. Minato was debrifed about the mission by Kakashi.
And we decided that each one of us would go to one of the hideouts along with one of my clone and 5 of Naruto's clones.
That's how our search party started for the new mission.




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