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Tsunade looked at the spot where the village used to be. There was only a deep carter of about fifty metres deep in it's place. Her mind went blank. Everything was gone. Erased from the face of the earth. She couldn't feather the scale of destruction. How many people must have died in this incident ? First she left alone without doing anything severe to this village. And now she has erased it completely. Her eyes fell on three figures in the middle of the carter and the soul figure flying above it. Golden bat wings, Those were her signature features. She saw her snapping her finger. And in an instant the two small girls landed besides her.
'Hyuga' She recognised them from there eyes.
The third finger in the middle of the Carter was Danzo.
She saw Jiraya shaking from the corner of her eyes.
Suddenly Danzo's figure disappeared as well.
She couldn't understand what was happening. It took them a few minutes to recognise what has actually happened. To came to terms with reality.
She turned towards them.
Then steadily descended from the sky and hovered a few feet above the ground.
"Why ?" Kakashi's voice was rough. Barely recognisable.
"They disturbed me by kidnapping my scintists." Her voice was awafully calm.
"It was a lesson for all of the humanity. I don't want to wipeout every single one of you. That's why I have left two survivers. They will tell you what happened here. Why it happened. And I hope you will help it spread. I have no consent for humans. As long as you stay out of my way you won't face such fate.
And you there, even if you opened all your 8 gates you will be wasting your life. Not that I care. If you want to die that bad then let me drink your blood first. I promise it will be painless."
Guy stopped in his tracks. But then he clenched his fist.
"No ! I won't endure such tyranny ! Such un-youthfulness !
Lee ! The hopes for the future is in your hands !
The gate of death OPEN !"
"*sigh* Well then, come at me."
The demon landed on the ground.
Red deadly aura covered Guy's entire body.
The chakra pressure was immense. Tsunade could feel the dense chakra. Even if she wanted to stop him it was too late. The current state of events have left her mind numb.
"Guy !" Kakashi was anxious.
But Guy's figure suddenly disappeared from his spot.
But the next thing they knew a loud explosion happened in the carter. When the dust settled there eyes widened shock and terror.
Naruko was stopping Guy's punch with her palm.
"Hmmm, I almost felt that. Not that I can feel it for real but it is certainly powerful. For that you have my respect." Her voice was too calm to Tsunade's liking. She wasn't even struggling. Guy tried to pull back. But even with all his strength he couldn't budge. It is not that he is weak. Even Tsunade or Jiraya using sage mode cannot get away unscathed if Guy's punch hit them. But it was the demon who was too powerful.
The difference between pure energy of Photon and a amalgam under powered and tainted energy like chakra is too much. While the solar chakra is pure and raw energy, the chakra that Guy was forcefully eminating using 8 gates was his natural chakra. The difference is quality was apparent. Naruko was sure that even if she clashed against baryon mode,she would win. The difference is like between pure methanol and a mixed oil. The efficiency and power output differs significantly. Sun, the source of power for the planet is the direct source of every energy.
That's the reason, Naruko is too powerful. That's the reason normal chakra attacks won't affect her. The only way to go against her effectively was to attack her yin respect completely ignoring her body. But due to her yin aspect or soul being fused with the solar energy, it was very difficult.
But not impossible. It was proven when an attack from another version of herself affected her soul directly during her time heist. But she was able to resist it due to her strong willpower and the presence of solar chakra.
But here, there was no such threats. So she could take it easy.
Guy fought fiercely. He was certainly powerful and full of potential.
In his last straw, he pushed passed his own limits. And managed to push back even Naruko.
Naruko was very impressed.

"Your life force is diminishing. But I can save you. If you become my subordinate that is.....
Why am I even asking you, in that condition you can't talk, well I will save you for now. You would be serving me after I saved you any way."

Naruko went towards Guy and lifted him up with her telekinesis. Compressing a white orb of light in her palms, she sent it to Guy. Infront of everyone's eyes Guy's body rapidly started to heal.
With snap of her finger, Naruko sent an unconscious Guy into a dark portal.

"I will be taking my leave. Make sure that the word knows the consequences of crossing a demon lord." With that she herself entered to another dark portal and vanished.


From the glorious hidden leaf village, it has turned just to a deep hole in the face of the earth.
The village which has once the home of thousands of people now has only eighteen members left. The land of fire has lost it's major Hidden Village in a mere minute.
All the eighteen shinobi departed to the capital of land of fire. There was no village left to protect anymore. The land of fire lost its military power completely. It would have been a disaster if not for Naruko's next action.




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