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AN: /... / Guide speaking.

'....' Makima speaking to guide.

\ ... \ Talking in telepathy net.


Mother's Love

'....What the hell ! Where the hell all of my extra skills go ? And what's that new subskill true evolution in the unique skill metamorphosis ? And what's up with the last unique skill that's something really dangerous !'

/Master, two weeks ago I had asked permission to merge some extra skills to create new unique skills with the help of Uniq skill metamorphosis and origin skill Akashic records. The process has completed two days ago. But when I was about to inform you, you are interrupted by individual Milim Nava's 'tantrums'. So you dismissed me until you didn't at necessary to learn./

'Oh yeah ! Because I got special flower cake and she did not. Sorry for the earlier outburst Mr guide. Continue your explanation.'

/Extra skill evolve and extra skill fast adaptor has merged with unique skill metamorphosis giving unique skill metamorphosis the subskill true evolution.
True evolution would allow you to evolve in extreme conditions to a higher life form without meeting the conditions.

Extra skill hard worker, extra skill perceptive one and extra skill learner has been merged to unique skill fast learner.

With the help of origin skill Akashic records, extra skill destructor and abyss magic has turned to unique skill true destruction.
But the sub skill abyss and the sub skill turn null are unusuable due to master's body being weak./

'I see.... Thank you for your hard work. '

/This is my duty master./

Mr guide maybe just a skill but he always felt like a part of my own soul. The reason I treat him like a person was because he was my partner ever since I have came to this world.
We are living in towards the west of eastern Empire in a small country. The country was surrounded by lush forest and mountains. A great place for training. Even with the help of Mr guide, I preferred to learn for myself as well. Thinking about my progress I flew towards our house.

"Maki, Mili ! Come to bathroom now !"
Mom knew even before I entered the house.
'I am dirty anyways. And I don't like using self clean magic just to clean myself. Because bathing is also important.'
After bathing with my mother and elder sister, we were finally ready to eat lunch.
Mom tied milim's hair in twin tails and braided my hair before went to the kitchen.
I really love my family. I mean, I never was able to feel the love of parents in my previous life.

"Thank you for the food !"
The meal was really delicious ! Infact every meal was delicious. "So did you learn anything new ?" Father asked me.
"Yes, regeneration magic. " I answered.
"Hmmm... Let me guess she has masterd it right ?" Dad asked mom this time.
"Yes, So how's Milim chan doing ?" Mom asked dad.
"She is doing great. She has really a kank for close combat. Her sword Play has improved to a great degree."
"Hey Makima ! Let's play this afternoon. It has been a while since we played together."
"*Sigh* We played yesterday."
"Yeah, but we haven't played today."
"Okay . But I will choose the game. And no fighting.".
Mom smiled at her. But there was certainly a troubling expression was on her face. Atlasted for only a second but I managed to notice it.
I have seen the same expression on her face a few times since last week. And that's what has been bugging me. But last time I tried to ask her, she told me not to worry about it. But I had this bad feeling in my guts since last 3 days. I just don't want to loose this family.


It was the time of dusk when we returned home after playing outside. I wasn't sure what's going on. But a forboading feeling came to me. Suddenly I felt my connection to father lessening. I couldn't understand what's happening.
The blessing and the crest of star king started to loose it's effects. I immediately rushed inside. It shouldn't be possible. The only way it could happen if the starking himself lost his powers. Dad is the first true dragon to ever exist. It should be impossible. The only way I could think it was possible if he abandon me himself.
For the first time and both of my lives, I was truly panicking. Both of the scenarios were extremely bad. But I would rather prefer the second one before the first one. I would rather be abandoned than him loosing his powers.
That is when my forboading feeling came true with the announcement of the voice of the world.
//Attaintion !
Notification from the voice of the world.
Due to breaking the rule set, individual Veldanava will loose his powers. The process will start now and the individual would loose his title as a true dragon with time.//


"Don't worry sweety. Nothing will happen to us."
My mother, Lucia tried to sooth me .

But I knew that it is far from over. As a former human and you human nature very well. Veldanava is a god. That's the best way to describe my father. But at the same time he was also known by the messes. And now that he has lost his powers or soon he will lose his powers, there will be plenty of humans who will try to harm him. Wheather just to prove their superiority over a God. Or to inflate their Pride. There would be many who would be ready to attack him at the moment notice. Humans are the main source of the seven deadly sins. Weather it is pride ,greed envy or lust, every single sin has came from human's desire.
As a former human, I was aware of many of those feelings. And that was my main concern.
Mom was a saint and she was really strong. But l still couldn't shake off the feeling.

Our family decided to move into Empire of Nam-Ul-Nasca next week. Aunt Velgrynd and dad's disciple Rudra came to escort us. It was very reassuring that even was the new announcement his relationship with my father didn't change. I guess he is a true hero.




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