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As she expected Haku was there. Kakashi did a number on Zabuza. Even if he want to retreat, he can't do it without recovering a little.
Naruto has noticed his presence. So to seduce him, she used all her cards. She has already ordered Kakashi to keep others busy. So her first trap was emmiting a large amount of Asmodeus Haki and lust fragrance. She was lying under a bed with wearing kunoichi clothes. Not her usual once. A thigh cut sleevless kimono without any underwears. Not to mention her dress was not in perfect shape. An aura of vurnerability was around her.

Her plan was to lure him out then seduce him to have intercourse with her. But Naruto underestimated her own charm. Her system never demanded heavy workload from her. Sure special quest tends to be extremely lewd and difficult, but she never had to put her life on the line. But the powerups were always generous. And because she never used it to full extent, she didn't know it's real severity. That's why she was really surprised when the feminine boy no older than thirteen tried to rape her in sleep. But it was for better she guessed. She didn't have to seduce him anymore.
Haku had a very small dick. Understandable that he was 12 13 years old. Although it was rock hard, it couldn't be compared to Kakashi. So Naruko was disappointed.
"Come on here big boy. Put your dick in my greedy little pussy." Naruko whispered seductively.
Haku couldn't resist the temptation. And immediately went for it. As soon as he entered Naruto's cave, she activated her skill of absolute domination. Haku's eyes whitened for a while as her unique skill took it's effects. Naruto has experimented on her skill before. Absolute domination does not require someone to cum in her pussy to activate. As long as the opponent was having vaginal sex with her whether male or female, she could use her skill.
Hack was a virgin. So the tightness of Naruto's cunt was too much for her. He trusted widely into her cunt. Not even minute after he came inside her.
Understandably Naruto was disappointed. She was excited a little to test the cock of a shota. But it was not what she had expected.
"What a disappointment. I was really looking forward to this. No wonder you are dressed as a girl. Your cock is too small. *Sigh* I should call Kakashi here. He should be able to do something about my horny little cunt.....
Go back to Zabuza and stay there as usual. Act like you acted before."
With that order Naruto dismissed him and reached her mental connection with Kakashi.
She had to admit that Kakashi's cock was the best. Even doing it with yang release clone, was not same as Kakashi.
He was wild and has a high sex drive. Not to mention the sensation of his cum filling her womb is amazing. That she could never get with her clone. After Hokage band them from having sex, there activities lessened a lot. But now as they were out of the village she has nothing to worry about.


Kakashi reached the spot Naruto has called him to. He has left or shadow clone to overlook on the training of his other students.
It was the sea shore where Naruto has called him to.
After looking for a while he finally spotted the naked beauty standing on a rock. She has no shame. She didn't care if someone sees her like this.
Naruto turned to Kakashi.
She just said two words that threw Kakashi's rational thinking out of the window.
"Fuck me."
Kakashi immediately started to undress. Within 10 seconds he was completely naked. He won't wear anything if his little Naruto is going full nude.
Kakashi went towards Naruto and waited for further instructions.
"Lift me up from behind and fuck me. As long as my feet does not touch the ground, you can fuck me. And another thing, you are allowed to enter me only once. Once you pulled out your cock from my pussy, it's over.
Now, fuck me...sensei ."
Kakashi didn't need further instructions. He quickly went behind Naruto and lifted her up by holding her ass. Naruto wanted to enjoy the view of the sea while being fucked from behind.
She spread her legs wide Kakashi adjusted his grape on her thighs. She grabbed is rock hard cock in one hand and spread open her pussy with another. When she finished pushing the tip of his cock into her cunt, Kakashi swiftly thrusted upwards while bringing Naruto down.
"Annnnn !"
Naruto late out a lew moan.
With that there lovemaking section started.
The thought of having sex outside where any passerby can heard her loud moans excited Naruto a lot. So she didn't held back her moans.
"Faster ! Sensei ! Harder !"
The girth of Kakashi's fat cock was same as Naruto's fist. So even with his above average length, Kakashi's dick can made Naruto see stars. Kakashi started ramming his cock wildly. He was making sure that his cock should not come out of Naruto's cunt completely.
Kakashi grunted in pleasure as Naruto reached her first orgasm. Her cunt tightened around his cock and tried to milk him as much as she can.
But somehow Kakashi managed to held it in.
But he didn't slow down despite being close. Kakashi continude to ram is fat cock into her needy little pussy .
"Annnnn ! I am cumming ! Sensei !"
Naruto was very sensitive and the recent thrusts where raming to her g spot. That made her cum continuously. Because of her body fluids, it became easier for Kakashi to fuck her due to less friction. Her tightness also increased due to continuous cummings.
Soon Kakashi also reached his climax. He thrusted very hard trying to reach her womb. Finally with the third thrust, his cock managed to reach her womb and then he exploded inside.
"Annnnn ! Sensei's hot cum is filling up my womb !"
"How is it Naruto chan ?"
"It amazing !"
"*grunt* I hope you are not tired because this is just starting."
"Yes ,*pant* you can fuck your little Naruto as long as you don't break the rules I have set." Naruto panted a little. She was very happy.
As she expected Kakashi did not took her cock out of her cunt. It was deflated a little. But not completely. Naruto could feel the mixed fluids of there love making was coming out of her pussy. But due to Kakashi's cock being inside, it was very slow.
Kakashi decided to nimble on Naruto's neck and collar. Naruto continued to moan. After a minute his cock started to grow in size again.
Naruto was very excited. She can't imagine how much cum would be gushing out of her little cunt after they finished.


"Seriously I underestimated your stamina."
I said to Kakashi. I looked at my stomach which has grew a little. I have spread my legs wide . Hot white body fluids were flowing out of my pussy continuously.
Kakashi looked very proud and tired.
"Are you satisfied ?" I asked him.
"Then I have a task for you. If you complete it, I will allow you to fuck me on every mission outside the leaf village."
Kakashi nodded vigorously. Amazingly he was fired up all of a sudden. All of his tiredness vanished.
I smart as I told him my next plan to take over the land of waves.





This is the only story I’m interested


Same, finally an update! Hope it will be updated more frequently, good work!