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"A group of ninja from the Land of the Sky has made a surprise attack on Konoha. It was suspected that, because Konoha had nearly destroyed the Land of the Sky during the Second Shinobi World War. This might be an old grudge. The group began attacking from the sky, using a Winged Mechanical Device and bombarding the village. But.... due to the interference from Uzumaki Naruto the disaster has been averted. Although there are many ice statues, no one died in this attack." Shikaku finished his report.
"*Sigh* I will send a team to track them back. It won't be easy. But we can find the location from the mind of any....Has she left anyone alive ?" Tsunade sighed again.
"Fortunately, about four of them are still alive. They were outside the air border of konoha. Altho they have still turned into statues, their heart is still beating. I think with your assistance we can extract information from them." Shikaku informed her.
"Good. I also have to send that brat on a long term mission. Although council has pardoned the Uchiha, I hadn't sent him outside the village yet. I should take this chance to send him with that brat. Fortunately I have a perfect mission for them." Tsunade smiled evily.
"Ha ha I was worried that the Uchiha would get away with slap in the wrist. But this is a perfect punishment. No it might even a much crueler punishment than he deserves. I could have told you that sending the Jinjuriki away during the time of attack might not a good idea but in this case she will cause more damage to our sanity if she stays here." Shikaku supported Tsunade.


A girl named Amaru who liked to cross dress as a boy to hide her flat chest had come a very long way to inform Konoha that his village had been attacked, and that he was looking for his sensei, who was currently in Konoha, so that he could go back with him to heal the injured at his village.Tsunade knew Shinnō. So he took this opportunity to assign Naruto a mission. She was already dealing with a headache due to the sky ninjas. So she didn't want to deal with another one that will Naruto cause if she stays in the village.A three-man team, consisting of Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata, were sent to accompany the crossdresser, Amaru, and Shinnō, his sensei, to help Amaru's village.

The team had to travel through a forest full of eerie beasts and poisonous animals via small rowing boats down a river. So naruto freezed the lake instead. Sasuke's eye was twitching at the casual display of power from Naruto. But he stayed silent. No one can deal with Naruto when she starts talking. Sasuke doubted that even Itachi could handle her. The fox girl was very annoying to the point where you would kill yourself rather than deal with her. When they were going through the frozen river, a few sky-nin scout suddenly appeared in the sky. After seeing the team, they attacked them. Sasuke good only sympathize with there oppnents. Soon the group fell down after several icecles pierced their body. But there fall caused the ice layers near Amaru to break. That caused her to fall into the river. While underwater, Amaru dropped his scalpel, a present from his beloved sensei, so she swam down to get it. As she tried to resurface, she was caught in the weeds. After freeing Amaru from the reeds and helping him back into the boat, Sasuke noticed that Amaru was, in fact, a "she", due to her breasts and corset.


"You are a girl ?" Sasuke was surprised.
"Hahaha ! Sasugay ! You are interested in 'him' ?" Naruto laughed. Before Sasuke could retort, Naruto continued.
"I thought that you are keeping your virginity for your brother ! Are you betrying him SasuGAY ?" She told this so innocently that no one could doubt that she is a pure hearted maiden.
Unknown to Sasuke, After Danzo's decline in power. Tsunade has framed her entirely for the Uchiha massacre.
The story went like this.
Very greedy evil old man ordered Fugaku to not support any front line assistance during the attack of the nine tails. Due to his political power Fugaku obeyed without a doubt. But he didn't know that it was his plot all along. After the attack, the evil old man spreaded the rumour that one of the Uchiha was behind the attack. He bought all the civilian council members with money. Then made a perfect plan to outcast the Uchiha. In which he succeeded. After that he began the second phase of his plans. He whispered in the ears of Uchiha elders to rebel against the village. Soon the situation went so far that the Uchiha clan became ready to start a coup d'etat. Danzo, the evil old man was very happy. But then two teenagers came forward to foil his plans. Of course the evil old man couldn't have that. So he stole one of the most powerful Genjutsu from one teen and forced him to commit suicide. Then blackmailed the other with his beloved younger brother.
So all in all behind every tragedy was that evil old man.
Most of these stories were true. In fact The evil old man was the one behind the demise of her own Senju clans. But Hiruzen wasn't involved in that matter. So he carefully left his incompetence aside during the Uchiha incident.
Hearing the truth Sasuke was ready to destroy the village once again after gaining mangekyo Sharingan. But first Naruto froze him and then fried his brain thoroughly with her talk no jutsu.
Tsunade too agreed to declare Itachi innocent once he was brought back to Village.
But that matter aside Sasuke was doubtful that he would survive this mission to meet with his brother afterwards.




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