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It was difficult for me to condense all of the information I've thought about for these suits to just a "very general overview".

The gun here is trash. I need to stop being a pussy and just get down and design some that look cool and also workable for these guys.




Have it as a training rifle for new recruits. Like a paintball gun for combat simulations.


Wow. Military was very generous to let them keep them. Either they were not as valuable as you’d expect, or useless to anyone else, or someone has an ulterior motive, like ensuring there is a well armed, unregulated civilian populace “in case”. Or maybe it was to boost the economy after the war, allowing the marines to easily reintegrate into civilian life and use their power armour for civilian industry, swords to ploughshares. Shows just how versatile such equipment would be. Anyway, very interesting.


DEMIL'd LPACS. A nice bonus after discharge from service. ☕️

Greg Perry

I'm reminded of the novel Armor by John Steakley in relation to "retiring" certain equipment. While the protagonist of the novel was under some unique conditions, the fact that each suit of power armor is personalized and fitted to such a degree that pretty much anyone else who tries to use it would be killed just by the suit sealing itself closed makes it simply inefficient to repurpose suits for a new operator. Some components could be transferred, but the primary frame would need to be completely scrapped and built from scratch for a new user. This might be a similar factor in this setting.