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Hurricane Dorian is coming and I'm ready for it. I can't say how updates will be in the next week or so. It's such a big storm, who knows what the power or internet situation will be like and for how long.

Thank you, and take care! I'll let you know when things are back to normal.



Lord Kaio

I'll post it here too BE SAFE, DUDE!!! I love you're art and just got done re-reading "Better Days" and "Original Life". Be safe. I don't know what I'd do with myself if something happened to you before I find out whether Miko and Thomas get back together or not.

Lord Chaos

Stay safe and stay dry.


Hopes and prey for safty to you and others there


Houses, cars, and household items can be replaced. There is only one Jay Naylor and he can't be replaced, so be super safe!

Greg Perry

You probably are already prepped, and now it's just time hunker down and wait for it to pass. Hopefully your family, friends, and neighbors manage to avoid most of the storm.


Make sure you get that milk in bread! For some reasons that is what my local store is out of in preparation for the storm.


There's always something, isn't there? Hurricanes, earthquakes, droughts, blizzards, tornadoes, floods... I guess you just pick the disaster you don't mind coping with.