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Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I hope the marks on Fisk's face are from working hard and not showing signs of his age.... O_O

Tyro Thunderdrone

I see nothing wrong with the following situation, man's gotta cut wood. It aint gonna move itself.

Viro Veteruscy

He has a special set of skills...


My daughters have lived through this...

Joel Kreissman

Guess the siblings will have to scare him off this time.


Thankfully, Fisk doesn't seem like the type of insecure, little-dick-energy dad who needs to threaten a teenage boy for daring to like his daughter.


He does seem like the type to test the mettle of any boy to ensure they are worthy. In a subtle way at least.

Greg Perry

Is it just me, or has there been a stylistic change in how the character's faces are drawn? it looks like a fun arc coming up...and there may be some parallels to Fisk's talk with Elizabeth's father.


Oh man. I just found this site. I have been swamped with RL for the past few years, but I always loved reading about Fisk. I'm so happy that you have continued with him and his family. <3


Hm. I have this feeling that anyone who feels like they're up to the challenge of dating Janey would at least have SOME idea of how to address her father.