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it's Halloween 2022, it's starting to get chilly and you were just dumped by your girlfriend, she says you're too broke and childish cause you believe in ghosts, umpff what a dumb reason... you know what you saw in that abandoned well when you were a young teenager and... that thing... she definitely wasn't a normal human. fuck it, screw her, she was always mean to you -and she didn't even swallow-... but here you are, alone at Halloween with cat makeup because "hehe you really are a pussy now".
why were you even with her.

time passes and you decide to boot up your tv to watch some porn, you might be broke but that premium subscriprion to LiusEroticaTV sure is worth it... "mmm you know what, i'm gonna watch some ghost porn" you say out loud as a way to regain your freedom and show you're not to blame just because thicc ghost girls are hotter than your flat EX gf. After a few minutes of browsing the movie starts. mmm... it says it's a movie starring a famous porn actress and some men haunted but this pale plump goddess but all you see is perling noise and... a well?... something tells you it's the same well you saw when you were younger and this is not another masterpiece produced by LEtv, are you in danger? probably... but you feel a burning need to keep watching what is about to happen, even if it could kill you. Will you see her again? were you right the whole time?

It's her! the same ghost girl you saw is there, and it's awkward... the 17" tv you bought on sale is too small, you see her struggle to pass through the glass but her goth ass is too thicc and she quickly realizes that whatever she wanted to do is not gonna happen.

As you're left alone contemplating her last words "we'll try again... in 2023" you come to the realization that the life you need is not gonna cut it, bad diet, going from shitty job to shitty job, a mediocre apartment paid by your parents, an horrible car... you can have more and can BE more.

You go to bed with a promise

"i will be ready"




I say "hold on a minute" and go to my closet to grab my projector and screen.


too late, she's too sad to continue, she's starting to think to go on a diet and get skinny af