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So, new poll incoming while yuri is packing her stuff to go corrupt some random nuns or something, so start to think of who to suggest cause this month's theme will be either "gets a strange package delivered" (yes it's tentacle alien corruption) or "turns goth" (lots of piercings, lots of dark lipstick)
let me know which one you prefer too :D

by the way, sept 17 is my birthday so i thought of updating and sharing my throne for the peeeple who may want to gift me something :) i'm already happy you're supporting me here so :) here's the link https://throne.com/liuskin



I think for both Kim Possible would be a great choice. Tentacle could be a trap or another mission. Goth would just be a phase (?). Or Frankie Foster with a new immaginary friend (tentacles). And goth would simply make me rock hard


I would go with tentacles!!


What's the range of characters we can suggest ? Are OCs acceptable ?