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Hello everyone!

I almost finish this artwork. It will be finished by the end of this week. Also, I will create the poll to chose the next our hot character for the second collectible card. And it will be really really soooon!

And another personal news... -___-

Well guys, I didn't tell you before that I'm going to change my living place... Again. It was not only my decision because I was moved by company where I work for as my main job to another project in another country.
And I did it!
Few days ago I left Georgia and went to Kazakhstan. It was long and not easy road. But now everything fine and I can continue to draw sweet pictures for you, guys ^___^
Hope I will back home one day

I wish you to live peacefully and love your family




Without hard work, one wouldn’t even get a fish out of a pond


Moving for work, not an easy thing, well on the bright side at least same job, can't imagine the disruption of moving home and jobs that some people do.


Also I can see other countries because of my work. That's not bad too :D