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Bambi was known for her big round butt. She was always proud of it, often flaunting it in tight clothing or even wearing nothing but panties while sunbathing at the beach. But one day, while hiking through a meadow with her friends, Bambi stumbled upon a magical flower that changed her life forever. As she plucked the flower, a strange sensation washed over her body, causing her to transform into something she never thought possible - a hairy horny donkey girl! At first, Bambi was horrified at what had happened to her. She tried to touch her face, only to discover that it had been replaced with a long snout filled with sharp teeth. Then, as she looked down at her body, she noticed that her legs had been replaced with hooves and her chest had sprouted furry teats. But the most shocking transformation was yet to come. As Bambi turned her attention towards her big round butt, she realized with growing horror that it too had become covered in thick black hair just like the rest of her new body. She couldn't believe what was happening to her, as she watched strands of coarse hair grow longer and thicker over the surface of her once-smooth skin. The sensation was both itchy and uncomfortable but at the same time strangely arousing. Bambi soon discovered that not only had she transformed into a donkey girl, but also a horny one at that. She found herself constantly craving sexual release, unable to resist the urges that came with this bizarre transformation. As she wandered through the meadow in search of answers, Bambi felt something strange happening to her big round butt once again. It began to twitch and throb with newfound sensitivity before erupting in a burst of intense pleasure as an orgasm wracked her donkey-girl body from head-to-hoof. Despite being filled with shame and confusion about her new form, Bambi couldn't help but enjoy the intense sexual sensations that came along with it. She started to embrace her newfound donkey-girl identity, learning to love and appreciate every hair on her furry body, especially the ones that now covered her big round butt. As she explored more of the meadow, Bambi soon discovered other creatures like herself - hybrids of animals and humans who reveled in their sexuality and desires without shame or judgment. Among them, she found a community where she felt truly accepted for who she was. And though part of her still longed for her old life as a blonde bimbo girl with a smooth body, Bambi knew deep down that there was no going back. She had been transformed into something wilder, hornier, and far more primal than she ever thought possible - a hairy horny donkey girl that loved nothing more than indulging in her deepest desires without inhibition or restraint.



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