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One tranquil evening, as Lily nestled into her bed, the moon's luminous glow casting a gentle radiance across her room, she felt a peculiar tingling sensation coursing through her body. Initially dismissing it as a figment of her imagination, she soon realized that something extraordinary was unfolding.

As the sensation intensified, Lily watched in awe as her skin began to prickle and her pores expanded, giving birth to a dense coat of dark, luxurious hair. Waves of excitement surged through her as she witnessed the miraculous transformation unfolding before her very eyes.

With each passing moment, Lily's body underwent a remarkable metamorphosis. Thick tufts of fur sprouted from her arms, legs, and torso, covering her once-smooth skin in a blanket of velvety hair. Her reflection in the mirror revealed a breathtaking sight—a girl transformed into a stunningly beautiful werewolf, her form adorned with shimmering strands of silken fur.

Overwhelmed with joy, Lily reveled in the sensation of her newfound fur, running her fingers through the dense strands with delight. With a radiant smile, she marveled at the softness and sheen of her furry coat, feeling a deep connection to the primal beauty that now enveloped her.

Outside her window, the moon cast its ethereal glow over the tranquil town, illuminating Lily's transformation in all its breathtaking glory. Passersby paused in wonder as they caught sight of the radiant werewolf, her body aglow with the silvery light of the moon.



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