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Ellie, with her sun-kissed blonde hair and slender frame, always felt a strong connection to the outdoors. Her wardrobe was a testament to her love for hiking, with her favorite piece being a well-worn red flannel shirt that clung perfectly to her form. Her jeans, faded from countless adventures, completed the ensemble.

On this particular morning, the sun cast golden hues over the forest as Ellie embarked on a trail she had never seen before. She had heard local legends of the Whispering Woods, where boundaries between the mythical and real were thin.

Venturing deeper into the forest, Ellie's sharp blue eyes caught the shimmer of a peculiar circle of stones. Curiosity piqued, she approached and noticed the intricate patterns etched onto each stone. At the center stood a lone statue of a Sasquatch, its eyes eerily lifelike.

Drawn in by an inexplicable force, Ellie reached out to touch it. The moment her fingers made contact, a jolt shot up her arm, spreading rapidly throughout her body. Her vision tunneled as the forest around her seemed to shift and warp.

The transformation began subtly. Her feet, previously snug in her hiking boots, began to swell. The leather constricted, making her gasp. Looking down, she watched in horror as her toes thickened and her arches broadened. The boots split apart, revealing her now massive, bare feet.

She could feel her slender calves expanding, becoming muscular and powerful. Her jeans, already snug around her thighs, started to strain at the seams. The denim creaked and groaned as her legs grew thicker and more robust. She could feel the fibers of her jeans digging into her skin before they surrendered with a loud rip, revealing hairy, meaty legs.

Ellie's midsection underwent its own metamorphosis. Her flat stomach rounded out, stretching the fabric of her flannel. Her once slender waist widened, and she could feel rolls of new flesh forming. As her hips expanded and her behind grew rounder and more prominent, the waistband of her jeans gave way entirely.

Her upper body didn't escape transformation either. Her arms bulked up, muscles forming where there were none before. The sleeves of her red flannel shirt tightened, and then ripped off, leaving her upper arms exposed, showcasing the coarse hair that had sprouted.

The sensations on her face were the most disconcerting. Her jaw ached as it broadened, her nose flattened, and she felt her teeth enlarge. Her blonde hair seemed to retreat into her scalp, replaced by the coarse, thick hair that now covered her body.

After what felt like hours, the whirlwind of transformation subsided. Ellie, or the creature she had become, took a moment to assess her new form. No longer the slender blonde, she was now a towering, chubby, hairy Sasquatch, her red flannel a mere rag on her immense frame.



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