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Amara, with her cascading brunette locks and toned physique, was the embodiment of dedication. Every evening, she’d slip into her form-fitting spandex workout gear, allowing her to move seamlessly through her rigorous routines. The local park's outdoor gym, with its serene backdrop of woods, was her favorite spot.

One evening, as Amara started her routine, the sky was painted with fiery oranges and purples, indicating dusk's descent. However, in her focus, she failed to notice the approaching full moon, its glow steadily increasing.

As she went into her plank position, an unfamiliar tingling sensation began at the base of her spine. At first, she attributed it to a muscle twitch or the strain of her workout. But then, it grew more pronounced, transforming into a searing heat that spread rapidly.

The first alarming change was her fingers. They elongated and became gnarled, nails transforming into sharp, black claws. Her palms and forearms bulged as sinewy muscles formed beneath the skin, her spandex stretching taut against this new growth.

Panic set in as her feet underwent a similar metamorphosis. Toes lengthened, nails turned into claws, and the arches of her feet shifted, forcing her into a stance more suited for a beast than a human. The spandex leggings she wore, designed to withstand intense workouts, strained to contain her morphing legs.

Amara's toned core began to expand and reshape. Ribs stretched and contorted as her torso elongated. The slender waistline she'd worked so hard for thickened, and her abdominal muscles shifted beneath the fur that was rapidly sprouting all over her body.

Her face underwent its own terrifying transformation. Her jaw cracked and pushed forward, teeth elongating into vicious fangs. Her nose flattened and blackened, while her eyes, once a soft brown, glowed a fierce golden yellow. The brunette locks, which had once cascaded down her back, now mingled with the thick fur covering her.



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