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Jane was efficient and hardworking - she had been working for the same company for several years now and had never missed a day of work. But there was something darker to Jane's personality - she had an insatiable sexual appetite and slipped into her own private world whenever she was alone at her desk. Jane would close her eyes and imagine herself being touched by her own hands - her fingers gliding over her sensitive nipples and down to her wet pussy. It wasn't long before Jane's hands were working their magic - her fingers darting in and out of her pussy as she moaned softly to herself. One day while Jane was self-pleasuring at her desk she noticed something strange happening - her hands were turning into paws and her body was growing hairier by the second. Her pussy was pulsating with pleasure - but Jane could feel herself transforming into what she had always feared - a hairy horny werewolf with huge tits. The feeling of her nipples rubbing against the fabric of her shirt was almost too much to handle - her breasts were growing larger by the second and her nipples were rock hard. She knew she had to leave - she couldn't let anyone see her like this - but it was too late - she was already becoming the werewolf she had always feared. As she stepped out of the office and into the hallway Jane felt even more strange - her pussy was still pulsating with pleasure as her body continued to transform - her paws were now covered in thick fur and her claws were sharp and dangerous looking. She knew she had to find someplace to hide until she could find a way to reverse the spell - but where could she go?



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