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Rachel was always looking for new ways to lose weight. She spent most of her days at the gym, trying different kinds of exercises and diets but never seemed to get the results that she wanted. One day, while working out at the gym, Rachel overheard two women talking about a new drug that promised to help with weight loss. Without thinking twice, Rachel approached them and asked where she could find this wonder drug. They handed her a small vial filled with an unknown substance and told her to take it before bedtime every night. Excited by the prospect of finally achieving her dream body, Rachel drank the entire contents of the vial as soon as she reached the gym. Rachel felt strange something had changed within her body. As Rachel got dressed for the gym. she realized what had happened - instead of losing weight the drug had caused her breasts and hips to grow massively beyond their usual proportions. Her waistline had shrunk a bit, but her curves were now so exaggerated that they made her look almost cartoonish. Rachel was stunned and horrified by what she saw in the mirror. But then she noticed something else - a thick coat of hair covered her entire body.



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