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Lily, a young woman with a secret, had been dating Alex for years, and she felt it was finally time to reveal her true self to him.

As they arrived at the cabin, Lily's heart pounded with nervous anticipation. She led Alex inside, feeling the weight of her secret growing heavier with each step. When they reached the cozy living room, Lily took a deep breath and prepared to show Alex the truth.

With trembling hands, Lily began to remove her sweater, revealing patches of dark fur sprouting from her arms and chest. As she exposed more of her skin, Alex's eyes widened in shock and amazement. Lily's body was undergoing a transformation right before his eyes.

Dark hairs continued to spread across Lily's skin, growing thicker and denser with each passing moment. Tufts of fur sprouted from her arms, legs, and torso, covering her once-smooth skin in a thick coat of hair. But despite her fears, Alex's reaction was one of awe and acceptance.

With each passing moment, Lily's transformation became more pronounced. Her muscles swelled and bulged with newfound strength, her stature growing taller and more imposing with each passing second. But alongside the muscle growth came an unexpected transformation—her skin darkened and roughened, her limbs elongated into powerful appendages, and her once-delicate features were replaced by the rugged strength of a werewolf.




Will we ever see the women go more wolf? Transformation wise