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One fateful afternoon, as Emily ventured into the pasture to check on the animals, a peculiar sight caught her eye—a lone donkey, its eyes gleaming with an otherworldly glow.

Unbeknownst to Emily, the donkey harbored a secret—a curse that would soon change her life forever. With a sudden lunge, it sank its teeth into Emily's hand before darting off into the shadows, leaving her bewildered and in pain.

As the days passed, Emily noticed a peculiar change taking hold of her body. Dark hairs sprouted from her skin, spreading rapidly and uncontrollably, as her once-smooth complexion became obscured by a thick coat of fur. At first, she dismissed it as a strange reaction to the donkey's bite, but as the transformation progressed, she realized with horror that she was becoming something else entirely.

With each passing day, Emily's body underwent a remarkable metamorphosis. Tufts of fur covered her arms, legs, and torso, leaving no doubt that she was transforming into a creature of the night—a weredonkey. But amidst the chaos and confusion, a strange sense of calm washed over her, a primal instinct that seemed to guide her through the bewildering transformation.

As the moon rose high in the night sky, Emily's transformation reached its climax. Her limbs elongated and morphed into powerful appendages, her face contorted into a fearsome snout, and her once-delicate features were replaced by the rugged strength of a beast.



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