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One sunny afternoon, while strolling through the local park, Emily spotted a cow-patterned tank top in a boutique window, and she couldn't resist adding it to her wardrobe.

Excited to show off her new purchase, Emily slipped on the tank top and headed to the park for a leisurely walk. As she sauntered along the winding paths, she couldn't help but notice the admiring glances from passersby, drawn to the playful pattern of her shirt.

But as Emily continued her stroll, she began to feel an odd tingling sensation spreading across her skin. At first, she brushed it off as a trick of her imagination, but as the sensation grew more intense, she stumbled to a stop, a sense of dread creeping over her.

To her horror, Emily watched in disbelief as her skin darkened and roughened, her limbs elongating and morphing into hooves. Her blonde hair transformed into a thick coat of fur, and her ears stretched into long, pointed horns. Within moments, where once stood a skinny blonde girl, now stood a hairy cow.

Panic-stricken, Emily let out a startled cry that echoed through the park, drawing the attention of nearby visitors. Gasps of shock and confusion filled the air as they watched the bewildering transformation unfold before their eyes.

As Emily struggled to come to terms with her new form, a sense of fear and isolation washed over her. She felt like an outsider in her own body, unable to comprehend the sudden and inexplicable change that had befallen her.



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