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Maya, patiently awaited her turn to see the doctor. With her mind occupied by thoughts of work and errands, she barely noticed the sickly man sitting next to her, his coughs muffled behind a face mask.

Unbeknownst to Maya, the man carried a rare and virulent virus, one that would soon wreak havoc on her life in ways she could never have imagined. As she sat in the crowded waiting room, the virus stealthily invaded her system, its effects laying dormant until the perfect moment.

Suddenly, Maya felt a strange tingling sensation creeping up her arms, followed by an intense heat coursing through her veins. Panic gripped her heart as she watched in horror as her skin began to darken and roughen, her nails elongating into sharp points. Within moments, she was transforming into something else entirely—a hairy donkey.

Gasps of shock and disbelief echoed through the waiting room as Maya's body contorted and shifted, her screams lost amidst the chaos. Nurses and doctors rushed to her side, but there was little they could do to stop the rapid transformation.

Terrified and confused, Maya stumbled to her feet, her vision blurred by tears as she struggled to come to terms with her new reality. The once-bustling waiting room now fell silent, save for the sound of Maya's hooves clattering against the linoleum floor.

As the shock began to wear off, Maya felt a surge of panic rising within her. How would she explain this to her family and friends? How would she navigate the world as a hairy donkey?



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