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The Story link is - https://www.webnovel.com/book/naruto-ero-world_28711464908005005


I'm adding the first two chapter as asked by the new author here. This would be the last post regarding the story as I will be deleting it from my page. The next story I would focus on probably would be the Percy Jackson one.


Chapter 1&2 - Another new Beginning!


[You have entered the Selection Room!]

[You have experienced selective amnesia. All memories of friends and family have been removed. Memories of previous life hidden, necessary memories kept back.]

[Motor skills have been retained.]

[Please create your character profile!]

"Wha..." I exclaimed in surprise as I realized I was floating. I looked around but the screen? Panel? Kept hovering around at the center of my vision.

It took a moment for me to comprehend what was happening. The momentarily dread was further followed by confusion, I couldn't understand what I was seeing. A game? What game? I didn't... wait what was my name?

I was confused not knowing who I was, more the literal aspects of things, the only thing left in my head were the faded personal memories. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't get access to most of my memories. Only after reading the screen, did I realize whatever this was, the afterlife or whatever had wiped out, or at least hidden, most of my memories.

'Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, Harry Potter, One Piece...'

'What an odd collection of things to remember' I thought after searching and failing to find any hint of recognition of anything real, the only thing that was left in my mind was all the information about the mangas and books I had read, the movies I had seen, and the shows I had watched.

I looked at the blue translucent screen in front of me.

[Please select name:]

I looked at the text box before me and squinted my eyes, did I have eyes, was I in an astral form?

I blinked and looked at everything around me, it was pitch black, and even though I could move my hands around, when I tried to touch my face my hand passed through it. It was a bizarre situation that took me several moments to get used to.

I looked at all the boxes before me, 'My memories are...gone and now I'm some kind of ghost or is it just my soul?' I blinked, that was...how does this even work I could feel myself blink but not feel or touch my face.

I tried to remember my name, my age, anything but nothing sprang up. I always came up blank, with no memories, no flashes of recognition of any name. I...I didn't know who I was.

The stories and manga were the only thing I knew now. A name? I guess the only option left for me is to steal one right?

"...Itachi," I replied. I paused midway to marvel at the fact that somehow I could speak but not feel my face, at the same time hoping by following through with the box questions, I could eventually find some way to resolve this memory issue.

'Itachi was probably my favorite character, even though he was completely flawed and manipulated by Danzo. Kishimoto made him a little too cool for me not to pick it.' I thought. I don't know why my memories were in this state, but if I get a new name, I might as well go with one I like.

'How does this even work, my body isn't able to physically interact with the world so I shouldn't be able to touch anything, or make sounds...' I thought. The screen once again caught my attention as it flickered once again with familiar choices appearing on it.


[Name: Itachi]

[Please select the gaming world:]


[Naruto{Ero Edition!}]

[Harry Potter]

[Harry Potter{Ero Edition!}]

[Percy Jackson and the Olympian]

[Percy Jackson and the Olympian{Ero Edition!}]


There were just 6 highlighted options and everything else was crossed out. I blinked. As I tried to recall, I realized that it was far easier to remember the entire storyline of Naruto, Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson than trying to search through my memories for anything else. It seems the selective amnesia was for this reason or maybe something else.

With my impending fate hanging in the balance, against foes that could change the terrain with a single breath, a flick of a wand, and quite literally stop time. The Normal Harry Potter world was the best option. And if there was any other choice given, then I would not hesitate but his eyes kept gravitating toward the second option.

'Ero-edition... does this mean what I think it means?' I thought as I read through the options again. At the upper right corner of the screen was a small black arrow (<-) so I was pretty sure that I could come back if the choice didn't feel too great.

With some dread settling at the back of my mind I clicked on the [Naruto{Ero Edition!}] option.


[First Run detected...Default settings are being implemented for this game run.]

[Choose starting Village!]







'I can choose my starting village...' I was impressed by the options presented but considering that my life was on the line, and the presence of several hot boobs in Konoha was enough to sway my decision. I looked at the comforting (<-) arrow that was still present as I clicked on Konoha.

The panel shifted before me once again as another expansive list appeared before me, this time it contained the names of familiar clans.


[Choose your starting Clan!]










I blinked.

This list was far more expansive than I thought, the choices and their implications were interesting and I took some time to think about it...

I took a long pause before realizing I had a chance to do something hilarious. And since I was already going to look to have fun in this playthrough, might as well go all in.

'Even though playing as an Uchiha in an Ero World would be a bummer, I have to try it no?' I thought as I clicked the (<-) arrow two times and once again arrived at the name selection screen. I swiftly deleted the name with a thought and then typed the three-letter word with great novelty.

*Click* *Click* *Click*


[Name: Bob]

[Please select the gaming world:]


[Naruto{Ero Edition!}]

[Harry Potter]

[Harry Potter{Ero Edition!}]

[Percy Jackson and the Olympian]

[Percy Jackson and the Olympian{Ero Edition!}]


I grinned repeating the selection process I blazed through the next two screens before finally choosing Uchiha on the Clan selection screen.

'I could do with being a Senju but the memes... plus since the Uchiha clan is mostly extinct, so I would be an orphan....' I thought. Though being one of the only surviving members of the Uchiha clan I would have quite high scrutiny, but for the Sharingan and the memes...

'Plus as an orphan, I won't have any responsibilities... and Sharingan of course.' Once the thought was stuck in my head I couldn't stop the grin from spreading across my face... I had a face in this astral form, right?

I looked through the options again and clicked on the [Uchiha] option. I was ready for the next selection window but the situation took a surprising turn. My first warning was that the (<-) arrow vanished. The sense of panic dwelling up in me was further enhanced as I gulped and read the next few words on the panel. Only when I read the last option did I sigh in relief.

'That was a bit too close wasn't it?'


[Uchiha Clan selected...Possibility of an Uchiha clan member existing in Konoha without violating the character creation rules <0.0001%]

[Select one of the three possible starts:]

[Petri Dish]

[Timeline change]

[Unknown Orphan]


I looked through the options once again making sure that I didn't miss anything. After that I clicked on the last option, it was a no-brainer as I didn't want to be the end product of Orochimaru or Danzo's experiments and end up as a slave. The timeline change was probably even worse, dunked into the world of Naruto without the shade of knowing what was about to happen just seemed like the worst idea ever.

'Plus the last option would be the best anyway. I won't have to deal with obligations to the Uchiha clan, but that does mean that I would need to keep my Sharingan a secret until after the chunin exams.' I thought. With my choice made, I clicked on the third option and waited for the next screen.


[{Unknown Orphan} option Selected... Calculation possibility of Uchiha Bloodlines orphans...]

[Selecting Lineage...]

[Determining Parentage...]

[Determining Timeline...]

[Choose one Perk]

[Unsurpassable Physique - Your Physique was meant to break the peak of a shinobi's limits. Your body can handle an almost unimaginable amount of stress and grow faster than anyone else. Your body is more resistant to small injuries. +100% EXP to PHY stat. Double stat points in PHY and AGI at the beginning.]

[Lightning Reflexes - Your Reflexes would naturally increase as long as your vision was able to keep up. The REF stat is locked with the VIS stat and REF can not be lower than your VIS.]

[Keen Insight - Your Vision would naturally increase, keeping up with your agility. The VIS stat is locked together with the AIG stat as it can not be lower than your AGI.]

[Complete Control - You are always in complete control of your body. Balance, Coordination, and Flexibility are your advantages. You gain +50% experience in skills that require physical exertion and movement. All physical combat skills start at level 5.]

[Perfect Chakra Sense - Due to having lived a whole life without the presence of chakra, you are hyper-aware of the energy flowing through your body. You are more attuned to your own chakra and have a passive sense of chakra flowing all around you. Gain Passive Skill {Chakra Sense}. Gain Active Skill {Chakra control} at level 10. You gain +50% experience in skills that require Chakra control.]


I expected the next choice to be hard but as several things flashed past my vision, I realized I needed to slow down. Scrolling upward I went to the very top. The first two commands were very generic and although it would be nice to know who my parents were beforehand, it wasn't something overly important... for now. The third command though stood out, the determining timeline bit stood out to me, foreknowledge of the canon plot was one of my most obvious advantages and I don't want to give up something like that.

'But I can't change anything that this system is doing. There is no option to disregard that command so I'm stuck with whatever choice I get.' The thought wasn't pleasing to me but I had no other choice. The choice that was in front of me though was a lot more important.

'It doesn't matter if the world would be altered slightly by Ero logic, personal strength would always remain important. Each of these options seemingly is made for my build. Sharingan synergizes with each of these options but the first and last option stand out.' I debated. This was an important choice. Now that the fact that I was going to be transmigrated into the Naruto world was settling in, the need to get as much synergy out of my possible future skillset as possible set in.

'All the memes aside, if there is an option there is really no point in not taking Uchiha as my clan. The Sharingan is too broken, even the basic one, don't even get me started over the teleportation bullshit that the evolved versions provide...'

My thoughts were quite clear on this and as I read through the 5 options, each quite tempting, I decided to go through them with the process of elimination. The first one to go was [Keen Insight]. It might look impressive for any other build but with me having the Sharingan -granted I was able to activate the cheat skill- there is no way my VIS would stay behind my actual speed. I was going on a limb by taking the meaning behind those stats but if the Perk worked the other way around, I might have been interested.

[Lightning Reflexes] was the next one to be eliminated. Even though this perk had a massive amount of synergy with the Sharingan, it practically eliminated the drawbacks of the dojutsu in close combat. With this, I won't have to worry about not being able to react to attacks that my eyes could perceive. And as long as I improved my dojutsu I won't have to worry about a stat, which should be impressive. The Perk was eliminated purely because the rest of the three were simply better.

[Complete Control] should probably not be this high up the list. But even though it didn't have as much synergy as the [Lightning Reflexes] perk had with the Sharingan, it simply worked its way up the list because of the modifier attached to it. +50% experience in skills that require physical exertion and movement, this meant that anything related to movement, like Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Bojutsu, or any type of fighting style. Hell even skills related to stealth are movement-based and 50% was an impressive modifier.

[Perfect Chakra Sense] could have been the one I should have picked, purely because I could copy a lot of jutsu with the Sharingan and with a +50% EXP modifier become a mobile jutsu turret. Passive Chakra sense was good and I would start with advanced chakra control which would probably help. I should have picked it as being in a shinobi world and having a good sense of chakra would be immensely helpful.

'But the allure of speed is so hard to ignore.' I thought as I clicked on the very first option.

[Unsurpassable Physique] was a perk that showed that it was focused on his Physique. If it means what I think it means then this would mainly determine my strength. So why did speed come into the equation?

'You need leg muscles to power through and kick the ground to move forward. If strength training didn't have anything to do with speed then sprinters wouldn't train their quads. Plus the thought that I could push my body beyond its breaking point meant that if needed I could push through harsh injuries and training regime. Not that I intend to but having high END and VIT which should be bundled up together with STR to make this PHY makes it the right choice.' I consoled myself. Still what was done was done. There is no point in trying to persuade me otherwise.

The flickering blue screen once again appeared in front of me, this time though the question seemed rather odd.


[Ero world selection detected...]

[Select Starting Training Partner...]

[Hyuga Hinata]

[Haruno Sakura]

[Yamanaka Ino]


I blinked.

The question once again completely threw me off.

'What do you mean by that?'


AN - Changes from the original story as intended by light_novel_addict, the world that MC is transmigrating into is an Ero world. That means the logic governing sex and chakra would be altered to facilitate more smut without making it more questionable!

Regarding the name of the MC. The name Bob means bright, at least according to Google. So the name would be transcribed into Japanese. 'Akio' is a Japanese name that means Bright and Hero so it will have to do. While the means of Bob Uchiha being real are amusing. I don't want to take it too seriously.



Can't wait for the Percy Jackson story