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{Great Hall, Hogwarts}

{1st Sep 1991}

"Well well well, looks like we have a half-blood trying to sneak into the hallowed halls of Slytherin..." Draco spoke causing Rigel's smile to freeze for half a second. He looked at the blond as if he was an idiot for a moment.

"Your mother was literally in the room when I performed the Bloodline tracing ritual. Are you an idiot or is your place in the family so low that your house elf gets more important information first?" Rigel questioned, Daphne tugged at his hand indicating him to not cause a scene.

Even if Rigel wins this war of words against Malfoy he would still be labeled impulsive and quick to take a bait by everyone else. The Political ramifications were not worth abusing Malfoy for. Rigel though was not thinking about those deep things right now, he was focusing on what Malfoy's angle was. All these needless jabs just seemed... needless.

'The Malfoy surely would have a better plan than leaving him to bark at me till Christmas right.' Rigel thought.

"At least I have a family," Malfoy bit back with a useless retort, he was told by Mother that Rigel was smart but nobody mentioned anything about his sharp tongue, he was burning with embarrassment and he went with the only way he knew how. He whipped out his wand and pointed it at Rigel who just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

The casual dismissal of his magical prowess was infuriating so he asked, "What do you say, what can you do now? You assaulted me without warning because no one was around. Now that you are in my territory what can you do?" Malfoy blabbed on as he focused, he just needed to goad Rigel into a duel and then use the spell that he had practiced all summer.

Rigel didn't even draw his wand as he stared at the blond, he looked around at the prefects but no one stood up, they were likely evaluating both him and Draco.

'This idiot is going to cost me some reputation hits... the only way out I can think of would be to make this grander. The Slytherins loved to worship don't they, but how would they react to this?' Rigel thought he looked at Malfoy with narrowed eyes as he concentrated.

"~Wakesss upsss~" The words sounded normal to him but even he could feel the amount of magic he drew. His reserves dipped below half as the whole common room stilled. Thousands of eyes blinked as the tapestries all around the room came alive.


Evelyn had spent 4 years in this common room and not until today was she aware of how many snakes were drawn or molded in the common room. From the candle holders to the frame of every painting. Everything was in some way or form made up of snakes. The armrest of her chair stood up as it slowly opened its fangs.

Her eyes couldn't possibly be any wider as her entire worldview shifted for a moment.

It was a low hiss, but it hit every soul that was present in the common room. As thousands of blinking eyes focused on Malfoy from every corner of the room, he nearly pissed his pants in fear.

"Dear Draco, you are standing in the center of the Snake's Den, how can you call this place your home territory?" Rigel asked.

Malfoy took a step back as he lowered his arm, his image was the farthest thing on his mind, right now he just wanted to hide.

"I don't know what your plan is Malfoy, but we both know what we are fighting for. And I would like to assure you that you would never gain access to the Black heirship. You see I'm a Parslemouth, I could command any snake to do whatever I want. So if something happens to me before the Winter Solstice. One of these thousand very poisonous snakes would bite you in your sleep, and the Black heirship would go to the next in line who is Harry Potter." Rigel spoke slowly, he knew everyone was listening so he made the threat obvious.

"I'm sure nobody here wants the progressive side to gain 7 more votes in addition to the 5 votes Potter would provide them. So be a dear and convey this message to Narcissa, she already lost when she couldn't do anything to me during the summer." Rigel finished his tirade and the blond nodded hurriedly.

"~Sleepsss~" Rigel hissed as the common room moved again, the atmosphere lightened considerably but before he could comment anymore, he felt a strong grip on his hand and Daphne dragged him through the right tunnel. She quickly read the nameplates and when she found out that the name Rigel Black was carved into a door she opened it and dragged Rigel in.

"Why would you do that?" Daphne almost screamed as she stared at Rigel, she didn't know why she was this angry but the whole dick-measuring contest with Malfoy was entirely futile.

"What do you mean," he blinked at her with a fake confused face but faltered when he saw her glare increasing.

"Alright you mean why did I reveal I'm a Parslemouth?" Rigel asked. At Daphne's nod, he continued, "Because he was goading me into it."

"He was goading you into it so you did it?" Daphne asked, what kind of logic is that?

"Well, Narcissa was there when my ancestor was calculated and she knew I had Gaunt Bloodline. So it was normal to assume that I was a Parslemouth. She likely had a plan that involved trying to land me in jail so that I couldn't do the inheritance ritual and for that, she must have been telling everyone that I'm Gaunt. Right?" Rigel asked and Daphne nodded.

"See, but no matter what she has planned, she is now in a stalemate. Without Draco, she can't move forward and she would not risk his life when there is still a chance to negotiate. While it sounded like I was giving her an ultimatum, it was merely an invitation to come back to the table and see what cards we have." Rigel shrugged.

Plus he wanted to see if he could take advantage of the negotiation where he obviously never settled to take advantage of Narcissa.

"Still you revealed you were a Parslemouth..." Daphne protested weakly, she didn't know what she was feeling, okay she knew what she was feeling but she didn't know why she was feeling so possessive.

"So? We are in Slytherin, most of the upper years won't care they are about to graduate and until their reign ends I would have enough strength to wipe the floor with anyone else." Rigel asked.

"You don't know anything about the Core expansion Ritual do you?" Daphne asked as she let out an exasperated sigh.

'This is going to be a long day!'



AN - Sexy times start possibly in the next chapter.


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