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{Second Floor Girl's Lavatory, Hogwarts}

{31th Oct 1991} 

{Narcissa's POV}


The stone grounding filled the room as Narcissa saw the stones shifting to reveal an entrance. Though her 'eyes' were more focused on the magic around the room, she had felt it. The ambient mana trembled and obeyed Rigel's command when he spoke in Parseltongue. The runes on the entrance lit up again when he whispered something. Mana danced around the entrance, but nothing changed.

'I have heard him speak in Parseltongue before because it is his password, but the amount of ambient mana has a different effect.' She was quite attuned to mana due to the Black Family trait. But it was the first time she had seen someone command ambient mana. Other than using wards, it was quite hard to do this. 

Rigel's eyes surveyed our reaction, and I could feel a slight hint of interest in his emotions. He had been like that since the beginning, checking everyone's reaction. It reminded her of when she first gained insight into emotion sensing with her mana sense in her 5th year.

'It surely is that, as Rigel normally isn't that interested in everyone's reaction... normally, he's too busy ogling me or someone else.' She wasn't blind to his faults. For all the ease at which magic bends to his will, Rigel was a little prevented. But then again, it was why she liked him, didn't she? The fact that he's not afraid to take control of her and bend and stretch her in ways she wasn't sure was possible before.

Rigel's eyes met hers momentarily, and his gaze lingered before it dipped down. He was ogling her dress again, which was a surprise, as she wasn't dressed provocatively today and hadn't expected to meet him.

'Still, I can lower the dress from the front and make it work for later. Wasn't he going to the Greengrass Ball? I wonder if it would be too much if I wore a white dress to the ball.' The image that Rigel had painted had been stuck in her head, and the thought sent shivers down her core.

"...shall we go," Rigel spoke, although his statement wasn't a question, as he walked over to the opening and jumped. His mana quickly disappeared from her senses, and as she stepped forward to take a closer look, she saw a giant gaping hole slanting downward.

"Albus, how far does it go?" Fudge asked as he was nervous. Narcissa suppressed the urge to scoff and stood in front of the whole. Her earlier excitement was still there as she pulled off her wand.

"Impervius~" She cast and ensured the spell covered every inch of her black dress. After taking a deep breath and being filled with anticipation, she stepped forward and allowed herself to slide. Her ass collided against the hole, and as she was expecting, the hole was covered in charms. The walls were slippery, yet they weren't wet. In addition, there was no heat generated or resistance as she slid down, yet her speed didn't go out of control.

She focused on her mana sense and 'saw' multiple lines of multicolored runes running along in a helix-like pattern around the small pipe she was going down. Maybe she was too focused on the ancient runic language, as several runes didn't make sense to her. She was not ready for the drop. The spell was on the tip of her tongue, but she knew she wouldn't make it in time. Her hands were ready to brace for impact as the slide changed angles ever so slightly, so at least she wouldn't drop at that speed onto her ass.

"Arresto Momentum~" She felt a warm, comforting mana grab hold of her as she stopped just when she was about to slide off the edge. Her body halted. The charm squeezed out all the momentum from her body as she sat on the edge, her feet dangling.

"I knew you would be the first to come down after me. Are you sure you weren't a Gryffindor?" Rigel teased her as he extended his hand, which she quickly grabbed. As the effect of the charm ended, she allowed him to pull her close. Her senses opened wide as she was now intimately aware of how close they were. His hands circled around her waist, and then they groped her ass. 

She slapped his arms but didn't pull away. Instead, her eyes looked at the massive circular holes that worked like gates or pipes. Her footing slipped slightly as she shifted her weight to look around, and several crunching sounds were heard. She froze. Her eyes darted down.

"Uhhh..." her voice tapered off as she couldn't describe the scene. It looked like they were standing in a small pool of bones. 

"Yeah, it's not a great place to make out, is it?" She heard Rigel speak as he let her go. His grip returned to her hand as he led her to the pool's edge, and they climbed up to one of the circular gates. 

"What is that?" She asked, her voice trembling as she looked closely at the bones. They looked like they belonged to small animals, like rats and squirrels.

"That, my fair lady, is the digested remains of a small field of rats that the Basilisk has munched on to survive for several centuries," Rigel spoke. Narcissa frowned. She looked at her shoes and then at her dress.

'Yeah, these are going in the bin... or maybe I can give them to Cindy...' Her thoughts were interrupted as the next person flew down the tunnel. They weren't distracted by the runes, as the slowing charm was promptly cast, and the headmaster's lime robes bellowed as he looked down at the poll. His eyes met Rigel momentarily before the headmaster repeated the process and walked over to their side. 

The little routine was repeated multiple times as everyone used the same charm to stop their descent and look at the pool of bones in disgust before they hurried over to their side. Meanwhile, Rigel had gone behind the group, clearly exploring the place. She hoped Lucius would fall flat on his face and into the pool, but it didn't happen. Suppressing her disappointment, she turned around and looked at the other end of the tunnel.

Her eyes immediately locked on Rigel and Dumbledore as they bent close to something and examined it.

'Wait... is that a snake skin?'



AN: So... regarding the update schedule... yeah... can you guys put the pitchforks down... please?

On a more serious note, my probation period in the new company ends on 5 July. After that, I can slack off every day and focus more on the story. Till then, I'll try my best to update you every other day.



Gracias por el cap, si tranquilo, esfuérzate en el trabajo, podemos esperar


We shall let you keep getting away with this until the 5th but we are watching -_-