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{Guest Bedroom, East Wing, Greengrass Manor}

{31th Oct 1991} 

{Rigel's POV}

{Morning After}


"...igel... Rigel-" I heard someone speak and shake my shoulders as I woke up. I looked at Daphne. Her usually smiling face was distorted in panic as she looked at me anxiously.

'Did she find out about Adora? I mean, sure, it was a little wrong-' My thoughts were interrupted as she spoke, "Get up, Headmaster Dumbledore is here."

'Huh... Dumbledore? What is he doing here?'

I gave her a questioning look, and she replied, "Hogwarts was attacked by a dark wizard yesterday; Headmaster Dumbledore insists that your help is needed to clear the situation."

"Attacked? Hogwarts?" I asked as my brain started working. An explanation quickly popped up that painted a grim picture.

'Did Voldemort decide to take advantage of the fact that Dumbledore was not in the castle and go for the stone? But then why would Dumbledore come here in the morning? In addition to that, he needed my help.' I thought as I grabbed the robe on the nightstand and wrapped it around me. 

"Let's go," I spoke to Daphne, who nodded. Her expression told me that she had a lot of questions, but right now wasn't the time for this.

"Did Dumbledore tell you about the attack?" I asked as we walked out of the guest room and moved toward the central staircase.

"No, it's all over the Daily Prophet. Apparently, a giant snake's corpse is hanging in one of the corridors of Hogwarts." Daphne replied. The rest of the walk was filled with awkward and anxious silence as I took the information in stride. 

'I lost a lot of galleons due to this. I won't be able to claim the corpse now, and with how rare a Basilisk really is, it would be a big loss.' While the monetary loss could be pushed aside, the loss of the Basilisk fang hurt too; not only was it a sure-kill weapon, but I also lost the most convenient way to destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes.

'Unless there was a chance that Dumbledore decided to emulate Harry and used the Sword of Gryffindor to stab the Basilisk heroically...'

Useless thoughts were pushed aside as I sensed Dumbledore's massive mana signature on the other end of the hallway. Adorabella and Daniel accompanied him, along with Astoria, who looked curiously at everything with a small smile.

"Headmaster," I greeted.

"Ah, Rigel. Sorry to disturb you during your vacation time, but it is prudent that you follow me back to Hogwarts." Albus spoke, but his words didn't actually make sense, and Adorabella was the first one to protest that.

"Albus, there was a Basilisk in Hogwarts. I'm sorry, but my daughter and Rigel are not stepping foot in the castle until this whole situation clears up." Her words were firm as she attempted to step in between us and Dumbledore. My eyes drifted back down to her perk and round ass, lamenting how last night ended. While I was fucking her face, we both heard the sound of something colliding in the hallway outside my room. 

"That's why Rigel needs to come with me, as he's a Parselmouth. He's the only one who can prove that there is no more threat to the school," Albus reasoned, his voice level, but from the way his mana was behaving, I could tell he was anything but calm.

"Surely there is another way than putting a first year in danger," Daniel, this time stepped up; I felt a little bad about fucking Adorabella's face right about now. 

'I wonder what their relationship is like if Adorabella took just hours before she was ready to deepthroat me; either they have an arrangement, or he's just dumb.'

"It's alright," I said, stopping the debate from continuing. I got what Dumbledore wanted, and truly, now that the Basilisk was dead, there was no reason he couldn't poke around the outer layers of the chamber.

"I knew about the Snake," my words drew sharp breath intakes from quite a few members of the Greengrass family, "And no, I wasn't the dark wizard who attacked. Though I think I know who it was..." I left the statement at that and looked at Dumbledore. The old man looked back into my eyes, and after a moment, he spoke, "Let's go. We must clear this situation before the public outcry impacts the school year."

I stepped down the rest of the staircase and walked over to Dumbledore. As I was about to ask how we were leaving, his Phoenix appeared in flames, and his hand grabbed my shoulders.


A shriek erupted from Fawkes's mouth as it dive-bombed onto Dumbledore's shoulders, and I felt fire erupt from the legendary bird. Unlike other forms of transportation I have endured in the Wizarding world, this one was quite mild. After a brief moment of falling sensation, I arrived in a completely different place. As the curtain of flames parted, my eyes took in the room. Everyone looked at us with wide eyes, and silence prevailed around Dumbledore's office.

'Don't tell me he left them to bicker just to collect me.' I thought.

"You caught the boy quickly, Albus, Aurors... Grab hold of the murderer," Lucius said, his voice dripping with venom.

Amelia raised her hand as the Aurors began to move, causing them to pause mid-step. She glared at Lucius briefly before turning to Dumbledore and saying, "What's the meaning of this, Albus? Why did you vanish without a word, and why did you bring young Rigel with you."

"Surely, it makes sense to everyone. The monster is a Basilisk, the king of serpents. The boy is a Parselmouth, and who else could command that creature to attack and kill students?" Lucius spoke. He directed the last part of his statement toward Fudge, who was indeed looking at Rigel with a complicated look in his eye.

Not liking how the minister thought of going about this, Rigel squashed those thoughts, "Surely you won't make the same mistake that Barty Crouch did. Decades later, a tragedy repeats itself: the heir to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House is falsely imprisoned. See, even the headlines write itself; I'm sure Rita would have an easy couple of days coming up with even catchier titles."

Rigel saw Fudge's eyes freeze briefly before a flattering smile appeared on his face. 

'Great, now that that idiocy is over with, let's try to figure out what the fuck happened yesterday.'

