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Maki Zenin was a woman who deserved far beyond her current station in life. Nothing was as it should have been. She was enrolled in the worst of the four provincial high schools of Pangea, surrounded by peers of lacking social standing who hadn’t the slightest foothold in the alliance of corporations, commuting back and forth between the underdeveloped streets of this godforsaken city with…hybrids by her side.

She was ashamed, abandoned by her family, looked down upon and cast aside and seen as a blight upon their bloodline, a Zenin in name only, subsisting off a meager pittance of an allowance tossed her way by her father as a bribe to keep her out of his life. Though if there was anything she couldn’t complain about, it would be the conditions she’d lived in, the Zenin corporation had always been famous for the obscene opulence they fostered amongst themselves, and for how much they disdained their eldest daughter and disinherited her from their fortune…they certainly didn’t skimp on making her exile a luxurious one.

A penthouse building in a literal ivory tower within the richest neighborhood in the Wyvern district, two personal aids to dote on her hand and foot, and Nobara, her trusted bodyguard and lifelong friend, the one thing her father had given her that Maki was somewhat thankful for.

One would think that the treatment she had faced at the hands of her family would have fostered a deep seated hatred of the elitist standards of the snobby, wealthy, condescending masses that she was surrounded by in her formative years, but strangely enough, Maki somehow managed to take on the most vile aspects of her father’s spiteful hatred of those beneath her. Her very being despised knowing that she was living among the riffraff of society, rubbing elbows with vagrants and mutants in a school filled with mongrels who had never once been acknowledged by the PAC, and that was exactly why she so desperately raged against her position as an exile, determined to scramble above the horde of unworthy souls that filled this godforsaken land and prove to her family that she belonged at their place, watching over the little people and puppeteering them under a superior force of will.

She’d managed, for a time at least, to establish some sense of order over the uncultured masses she’d been forced to live with. Over a year of rigorous dedication to setting herself apart from the crowd had made her something of a Queen Bee, the Wyvern academy’s star Kendo athlete that effortlessly outdid generations of sportswomen who dedicated themselves obsessively to their craft, a star student who had won the respect of the famously stone hearted Bayonetta and a social butterfly who could rocket you to unparalleled highs of popularity just as easily as she could crush you within a swamp of slanderous rumors that would make any insecure teen wish for the fiery pits of hell rather than the unbridled torture of living as a student who’d made an enemy of her.

But as she’d expected, the riffraff of the Wyvern district were much too docile and meek to dare stand up to their betters. Order seemed to have been established in an ironclad pyramid, with her and Nobara standing at the top as the single shining beacons that would reach out from the scum and muck of this district, a few of the more distinguished sediments of inferiors below, and the truly irredeemable dregs of society were at the very bottom stratus, barely even worthy to look upon her pristine form with their crude eyes as the inferior beings they were.

While many would see her worldview as archaic and outright deluded…there was some basis to the absurdly gigantic ego she’d managed to build up in her scant 16 years alive. The Zenin corporation was a Titan of industry that had been integral to the Pangean civil war and made history as one of the central members of the PAC, her bloodline was one of long standing privilege and power that every last family member was solely committed to holding onto and expanding.

Their children were put through rigorous extra curricular programs and tutorships to hone them into perfect management machines to guide the titanic beast of a corporation that would be placed upon their shoulders once their parents passed away, and to top that off they were fed with a specialized diet designed to maximize their physical and mental productivity, ruthlessly trained in the most renowned martial arts programs there were, and even now rumors persisted of secretive experimental genetic experiments designed to imbue their best and brightest with obscenely powerful mutant traits…

For Maki, the results of her rigorous training were displayed splendidly on her beautiful body, bearing a modest set of mere DD breasts that made it that much easier to admire the graceful musculature of her toned and chiseled feminine physique, all of which was on full display as she stepped out from the heated steam filling her shower, a towel just barely hiding her most intimate parts. Her mind and body both felt fresh and new, baptized by the scalding heat and washed of any lingering impurities left by the filthy inferiors she had to interact with. Despite the brick-like hardness of her firm, sturdy muscles, the contours of her body made it impossible to deny her womanhood, the hourglass curves of her ripe hips swaying gently as she stepped out into the sprawling, luxurious living room space at the center of her penthouse, the shining sun glimmering past the horizon to signal the break of dawn making the massive moons of her ass, pale, perky and firm yet packed with just as much soft, spankable assfat as it was taut, trained muscle shine with the lingering flecks of water dripping off the hypnotizing curve of her derriere.

Were there any peeping toms that somehow remained undetected by the Zenin heir’s superhuman senses, they would be quite dejected to see her cloak her bare flesh in a towel that only barely managed to cover her delectably doughy rear, a slight hint of those wet pale cheeks peeking out from the very bottom of the towel that soon crashed into the sleek leather couch cushions in the center of the room, taking in her tiny moment of relaxation and sinking into a deep meditative state almost instantly.

This was her favorite part of the day, connecting herself to the aura of all of Pangea itself in the scant moment of silence she could have at the break of dawn, sat so still and unmoving that even the wet locks of seaweed green hair on her head seemed to go stiff and frozen with her. For once, a moment of silence, with no need to worry about those brainless incompetents or staking her claim as the Zenin clan’s true heir out of her exile…finally…peace…

And then the wooden bang of the door to the living room slamming open, an urgent movement that she knew for sure couldn’t have come without reason, and a disturbance which only one woman around her would be so brave to make during her morning meditation.

“Lady Zenin, excuse the interruption-”

“Lady Zenin was my mother, Nobara. I’ve told you not to be so formal with me, it’s…uncomfortable.”

“Forgive me, Lady Maki…I have…regrettable findings regarding Wyvern academy.” Nobara said, clearly showcasing her inability to fully separate herself from the mannerful speech that had been drilled into her since birth, and Maki was too focused on the issue at hand to take on the fruitless task of trying to correct her.

“Urgh, I thought I’d already told you how to keep those little bugs in line…taking care of a few village idiots that try to disrupt order should be simple, no?”

“Yes, Lady Maki, but regrettably…this one seems much worse than the usual sort we might deal with. Just watch…” the orange-haired servant said, pulling out a tablet that she placed before the woman’s eyes before placing her glasses on the crook of her nose so she could watch what unfolded in its full detail.

The sheer number of obscenities that had been displayed on the screen in such a short amount of time was enough to make the Zenin woman balk, legs crossed and feet idly tapping the ground as she watched one unknown, hulking, monstrous figure of obscene masculine bulk engaging in acts of utter filth and depravity…fucking his way through students, teachers, defiling what little dignity the Wyvern academy had to its name. And all with the aid of that…vile, beastly, enormously thick, vein-riddled shaft of pussy-pumping breeder meat that plowed though women of all kinds while they screamed like helpless animals, plapping their fat, wobbly asscheeks and degrading them into blissed out cock-addicts hungry for their next fix…

She shook her head at her thoughts, eyes taking on a look of cold concentration and facing ahead, a slight sigh seeping through her lips at the knowledge that she’d have to miss out on her daily meditation today and deal with the unruly insect in her midst.

“Get dressed, Nobara. I’ll be meeting this…strange character soon enough. I couldn’t care less whether these animals breed like rabbits or not…but stepping out of line from the structure I’ve so carefully created to uphold order for…such obscenities is simply unacceptable.” Maki told her servant, the orange-haired teen bowing her head in assent and moving to follow her orders as quickly as possible, meanwhile, Maki stared on at the tablet that’d been left on the couch cushion, the image of that massive, burly body rutting into a fertile teen body beneath him like she was a mere toy burning into her retinas for how long she stared at it before she finally managed to tear her eyes away and step to her walk in closet.

Truly, such an unruly presence was strange…there’d been no one she’d seen in the entire Wyvern district who could provoke such interest in her.

And that would only make it all the more satisfying once she had asserted her place over him at the top of the food chain…

Hours later, nearing the hour of sunset where most of the staff and students of Wyvern academy had filed out of the building, Michael Marlowe was in a similar state of meditative concentration, sweat trickling down his body as he remained perfectly still, his nostrils only emitting the slightest sound of his shivering breaths in and out as he moved into perfect synergy with the world around him. That alone would be somewhat unusual to be doing in the middle of an empty classroom, but it was all the more strange a sight when he was buck naked on his seat, with the kneeling bodies of Ochako, Izuko and Katsumi all beneath him, devotedly slurping on the raging hard length of his towering fuck-spire like their very lives depended on it.

His concentration didn’t speak to a lacking in the cock-thirsty teens depraved desire to serve him to their greatest ability, if anything the sensation of each worshipful tongue and adoring set of plump, puffy, bubblegum lipstick-hued lips smacking and licking at the towering monument of masculinity itself that was Michael’s incredible cock. He could feel those wet tongues scraping, drooling mouths fighting for the slightest morsel of chunky, hot pre-grease dripping from his enormous length, desperate to make his bloated member release the lava-hot overflow of virile stud-seed they were all so potently addicted to, as though their thoughts, hopes and very lives revolved around making those seed-stuffed monster-nuts clench and tremble in violent, sticky release…

Yet for all their devotion to pleasuring the hunky bull-God before them, he remained resolute in his silence, sinking deeper and deeper into meditation, finally reaching the epicenter of concentration that Unohana and Robin had told him about, a dim black space that surrounded the entirety of his body and left him secluded in an empty mind space of eternal quiet.

[Congratulations master, you have unlocked the skill {concentration}, your efforts have seen great progress in the eyes of lady Glynda, please accept the award of the perk board]

Linux telepathically spoke to its owner, the square-jawed man rolling his eyes somewhat as his suspicions of just how much this world of Glynda’s design was practically a glorified eroge RPG’s, the sliding holographic screen of choices in front of him only confirming his suspicions further as he looked on at each one he could find available to him, a smile on his face as he settled on a single fitting pick.

In reality, the trio of cockslurping whores lathering their tongues against every inch of his shaft felt their hearts skip a beat as his cock lurched and trembled, their faces pressed close together and letting their hungry tongues slip out to take the virile spray of thick, pulpy nut-sludge against their faces…

But no such thing happened, only the shivering girth of Michael’s enormous manhood as it seemed to…change, every inch growing thicker and heavier, lurching with a spiderweb tapestry of veins that ran from the base of his cock where the meaty shaft met his musclebound torso, to the giant, blood-red fist of a cock-knob crowning his fat dick. The truly impressive growth though was that of his GIANT, SWINGING, CUM-CHURNING ALPHA-NUTS AS THEY SAT FULL AND HEAVY BENEATH HIS COCK, BLOATING AND GURGLING AUDIBLY WITH THE RUMBLING “GLRCHGLRCHGLRCHGLRCH” OF LITERAL GALLONS WORTH OF SEED PERCOLATING WITHIN THOSE FAT CUM-POUCHES UNTIL THEY HAD FATTENED TO TWICE THEIR FORMER SIZE, THE STUFFED LEATHERY SKIN OF HIS HEAVING BALLSACK RIDDLED WITH THICK SPERM-TUBES THE SIZE OF FINGERS ALL CONNECTED TO THE GIANT CUM-VEIN ON THE UNDERSIDE OF HIS COCK!

“Oh…God…” The women mewled all at once, watching as Michael rose with a mischievous smile, his cock standing even more impressive than it did once before endowed with his newly chosen [Hyper-virile] perk, his balls infused with mutant sperm-cells so overwhelmingly, unbelievably virile that there was no possibility of a single drop of his cum entering a vulnerable little womb without resulting in a 100% guaranteed pregnancy. With how fat, greasy and heaving his superhuman ballsack was it almost seemed like just being near it could make barren wombs sprout with fruitful eggs again ready to take his seed and bear his brood.

“Yeah, that’s right you three…why don’t you show your God some reverence then, hm?” He smiled down at the three of them, drunk off the overwhelming power that filled every last cell in his body, so absolutely sure of his supremacy in this moment, he almost wished that he could face some challenge soon. At this rate, taking over Pangea looked like it would be nearly too easy…

And as though to prove him wrong in that very moment, the door to the classroom was slammed in with stupendous force, breaking off its hinges entirely and being tossed into the wall with an explosion of dust that cloaked the twin silhouettes that suddenly pushed inside.

“Well…damn, who the hell crashed the party?” Michael coughed, waving away the dust from his eyes as the two figures before him slowly came into view, a green-haired woman, bearing a Katana that she held artfully in her two hands and leading the way for an orange-haired beauty right behind her bearing an equally deadly looking staff, donning simple black bodysuits against their figures that Mike couldn’t help but give an admiring look on sheer instinct, cock pulsing between his thighs with a magnetic attraction to the two unclaimed wombs that had just entered its vicinity.

“Michael Marlowe, correct?” Maki said, her tone making it clear that it was a statement rather than a question, beams of light glinting down her blade’s polished edge as she approached, each footstep soundless yet sending a deafening shiver through the girls’ hearts as they clamored against the muscular mass of Mike’s thighs for protection…hell, even Katsumi, despite the fiery, quiet rage glimmering in her eyes had never been this docile around anyone but him before…

“People tend to call me that, yeah…and you’re Maki, right? What, you jealous or something? I’ve got a lotta girls to attend to, but I could fit you i-” he snickered, his words cut off as Maki suddenly pushed the tip of her blade against his throat, glaring at him from behind her glasses even as for a scant moment he could almost swear her eyes flickered down below for whatever reason…

You, you are an anomaly of the highest order. You rampage around this school, you defile women no matter their social standing, you make little more but the barest effort to remain hidden and act like you own this place. If this were my family’s property, I would have no trouble executing you here and now…unfortunately, my intentions would make such actions untenable, I ask you instead to be a good little mongrel, apologize for your behavior and do nothing of consequence within the walls of this school again and you will suffer no harm.” Maki curtly stated, staring down the man before her like a predator eyeing a wounded animal, her eyes aggressive and sharp, and yet laced with a budding sense of excitement, like she expected…or even wanted defiance from him…

And she received exactly that when she felt a thick hand grasping the edge of her blade and pushing it away from his neck, an opposition she tried to push back against and…failed? Their forces had met equilibrium, the blade pushed a few inches away from his neck and shivering constantly as Maki tried with all her strength to slice through his iron fingers only to be met with a chuckle and a smile from the man.

“That sword’s almost as cute as you doll. But seriously, you really wanna try me? I’m pretty sure you’re gonna regret it…” He mocked her, once again being interrupted as Nobara zoomed into his view from the side, the heaving orbs of her enormous rack jiggling through the shiny latex bodysuit she wore and nearly distracting him too much to slide out of the way of her assault. Neither attack was enough to really harm him…but these two had accomplished a remarkably impressive feat in the little time he’d known them…

They’d made him sweat.

“You three should probably cover up and get out of here, I’ve got business with these two.” He told the trembling trio left behind him, Izuko, Katsumi and Ochako all trembling with fear and uncertainty before they finally scrambled away at his command.

“Those three…I must say, your taste is…questionable. Those three are utter riffraff, any man worth his salt wouldn’t dare sully his genes on such inferiors…and yet somehow you’re still here, and keeping up with Nobara no less. For a man at least, you are somewhat impressive…comparatively.”  Maki said, a sly look on her face, circling around Mike and looking him deep in his eyes, gaze shifting between his face, his mighty, dangerously hard cock and Nobara before suddenly sheathing her sword. “Halt, Nobara…this is childish, don’t you think? Resorting to such basic methods of conflict resolution. I don’t know who you are…but I know you’re something different than the usual muck around this district, excuse the initial aggression, but I would like to be sure I’m at the very least not wasting my time with truly useless mooks…might I make you an offer, sir?”

“L-Lady Zenin? W-we never spoke about this, what are you aiming for?” Nobara interjected, a look of bare shock on her face that shifted to wrath as she had to watch the smug smile on Michael’s face as he took a seat directly in front of Maki.

“There’s something strange about you, mister Marlowe, am I not correct? You live with the Midoriya family, and yet I can tell from the little I’ve seen from you that you were never born from their…unfortunate genepool.”

“Well, despite all the weird eugenics talk you keep spouting off, you’re right about that. What are you getting at though? Trying to harvest some ‘fortunate genes’ for yourself?” Michael shot back, his sweat-soaked muscles on his broad, enormous frame making him glisten like a brilliant bronze statue before the two women.

“I prefer to call myself a pragmatist…but no. You know of the PAC, correct? I’m sure you do, see, I have observed you, studied you…don’t ask me how, but I have eyes around the entire district, I know how unfamiliar you truly are with this place…but I also know that that makes you quite special.”

“That…may or may not be true, but how is that important to you, huh?”

“You still have no idea who I am, don’t you…listen, I don’t know what that miserable old bat and her whore daughter have been feeding you with their conspiracies, but none of it matters. I can see it in your eyes, you have the same look I do, you want power, and lots of it. If that’s what you want, the PAC is who you need to ally yourself with, not a secret society of outcast bitches that’s basically a glorified fanclub for some childish story. I can get you a foothold, I can get you glory, money, power, women far better than those drab little girls you had sucking you off not too long ago…all you’d have to do is be my loyal attendant, how does that sound for you?” Maki proposed, her voice lowering to a low, sensuous tone that made his heart pump furiously in anticipation to use her young, nubile body for his pleasure.

“That does sound…nice. You drive a hard bargain lady…but I’ve had my fair share of work with megacorporations, and they always screw you over. So, let’s say instead of your deal, we go with my deal, where you apologize for being such a damn bitch, help me to come out on top of this district and all of Pangea, and get on your knees with milkjugs over there and drain my balls like my girls were about to before?”

“...Well then, in that case, it seems we’ll probably have to fight, I can’t just leave such a source of opposition completely unbothered.”

“Oh really? You’ve seen what I can do, are you sure you wouldn’t end up losing?”

Maki smirked at her foe’s cocky line of questioning, unsheathing her blade and standing tall and proud, resting the edge against her shoulder and cocking her hips out in a strong, confident stance before she gave her reply.

“Nah, I’d win.”

Half an hour later, Maki was on her knees on the hard rooftop floor of the Wyvern Academy building, a constant outpouring of strangled chokes filling the air as ruined streaks of deep black mascara ran down her cheeks and dribbled by her stuffed cheeks, jaw practically unhinged with her puffy lips spread unbearably wide against the immense pillar of gutpunching cockmeat stuffing her tight throat and SKULLFUCKING her into absolute delirium.

“GAWKGAWKGLRCHHHHHHHHHH~!” The incessant noises seeped out in a never-ending chorus of oral whore-wrecking brutality, the crashing of his cum-stuffed nuts into her chin and neck sounding like a pair of wrecking balls smashing into a building relentlessly. She had lost, she’d been utterly defeated in what had to be the most devastating battle of her life, emotionally and physically pushed to her absolute limit as Nobara fought by her side…and it barely took more than twenty minutes for him to completely and totally destroy any semblance of a chance at victory either of them had.

And now he was claiming his prize, violently rearranging her fleshy onahole of a throat as he looked down at her, his cheek barely grazed by a teeny cut that represented the fullest extent of damage they could doll out unto his superhuman body. Nobara, for her part, was spared the humiliation of being turned into a cock-drunk fuckpuppet on the enormous, skewering length of Michael’s meaty pillar of bitch-breaking dick, but she fared just as badly when her brain was SWAMPED WITH THE OVERWHELMING SCENT OF THOSE FAT, MEATY BEAN-BAG NUTS TEABAGGING HER PRETTY PALE FACE AND SEEPING EVERY LAST NASTY MORSEL OF ADDICTIVE STUD-SWEAT INTO HER BRAIN AS SHE FELT HIS VIRILE WRIGGLERS KICKING ACROSS HER TONGUE THROUGH HIS GIANT SACK EACH TIME SHE LICKED AND SLURPED AND SLOBBERED ALL OVER IT~❤️💗💗”

“Well…I’d say its pretty clear you’ve fucking lost now, isn’t it, Maki? Why don’t you get that cock out of your mouth and tell me what you’ve got to say about it, hm? But make it quick, I wanna keep pounding that little fucktoy throat you got…you’re picking up the slack for two bitches instead of one, you got that?” Michael hissed down at the green-haired woman, clenching his fist with pleasure at the sensation of his mutant sperm-charged nuts shifting and trembling with each new heavy glop of seed brining within his balls.

A lewd “POP!” rang out in the air as the vacuum suction of Maki’s cock-smothering lips fought back against Mike’s strong hand yanking her off from his fat, pulsing cocktip. A veritable explosion of sticky slobber mixed with gunky white pre-goo spilling out from her mouth as she just barely managed to take a breath to fill her empty lungs before immediately trying to stuff her throat once again, smashing her face into the underside of his hulking shaft with her tongue swinging out and lapping desperately like some wild animal…

“This…this is unreal…I’ve been trained for my whole life to be the Zenin heir, done everything to live up to that and you…you just beat me…so easily…so strong.” She whimpered, cheeks bright pink with a glowing blush as she was held back from greedily devouring every inch of Michael’s enormously fat cock, settling instead for grasping his bloated girth and slowly pumping along every inch of it, watching the hypnotizing twitching of that gloriously dark alpha-meat.

“BLOOOOORT~” The obscene sound of hot, pasty gunks of oatmeal thick semen sliding out of the slimy piss-slit at the head of his cock filling Maki’s heart with excitement as the gluey glob of pre-jizz drooled out in a thick, slimy trail that fell down on her jumpsuit clad ass with a wet hot PLOP, the very sensation of hot sticky nut-slime dribbling across her finest asset like that pristine, perfect ass of hers that the few men of Pangea who still retained a somewhat healthy sex drive would dream of getting the slightest touch of was nothing but a glorified sperm tissue to the grunting stud before her making her cunt tremble close to climax before he ruthlessly stuffed her throat once more.

“Yeah yeah, I know. Now get that fucking throat back to work and drain these goddamn balls! You bitches have no idea what the hell you’re in for, that perk of mine made me feel more pent up than if I spent a month without spewing out a load, and now you little sluts are gonna get to swallow every last dreg of it once I blast it down those pretty mouths of yours...” He told them, viciously barking his orders out while dragging his hips back and forth in a strong, almost angry rhythm, the hanging mass of his scrotum smacking into Maki’s chin even as her devoted servant tried her very best to gargle down at least one of the oversized jizz-kegs he had dragging between his legs to the fullest of her ability.

That was at least until Nobara was forcefully YANKED away from her duty of worshipfully licking across every last inch of those hefty orbs of sweaty, salty, bitch-breeding bull nuts and had her head SLAMMED down to swallow more than half of his virile, twitching fuckstaff all at once, a chunky SPULOOOOOOOOORRRRRTTTTTT ringing in the unsuspecting woman’s ears as each and every burst of frothy white cum shot down her throat with all the force of a battering ram, so unrelenting in pressure-injecting every thick wad of sperm-infested jizz globs into her mouth that it backwashed and sprayed out from her nostrils and the sides of her mouth all at once!

The Zenin family aid could feel herself shifting in and out of consciousness, eyes rolling back into her skull and tears spilling over her eyelids. For the first time since she was born, it seemed like she had found something more important, more essential than the ironclad will of the Zenin family and their heir that she had been raised to serve and protect all her life. The huge, hefty pouches of hot, juicy ball-broth that were currently brewing up another massive load to stuff her full even as she was already getting her throat absolutely power-hosed with seed, the towering rod of cunt-scraping destruction that stretched her jaw further and broke her mind harder than any experience ever could…were those not even more divine, more deserving of worship and dedication even than the mighty Zenin clan…and perhaps the PAC altogether?

Before she could even begin to finish that thought, the orange tresses of hair on her head were nearly snapped away from her scalp as she was ripped away from the enormous trunk of elephantine cockmeat standing hard and stiff on his groin, her face instantly BURIED UNDERNEATH THE GUNKY WHITE SPRAY OF DENSE SEED-GLOBS THAT SMOTHERED HER FACE AND LEFT HER BLOWING CUM BUBBLES THROUGH HER NOSTRILS AND MOUTH AS SHE WAS TOSSED ON THE FLOOR LIKE A DISCARDED CUMSOCK AS MIKE HAULED MAKI FROM WHERE SHE WATCHED LONGINGLY AND STUFFED EVERY INCH OF PITCH-BLACK BREEDING BEEF STRAIGHT DOWN HER THROAT!

Even with the veritable gallons he had already pumped straight down Nobara’s piping hot slut-maw, every trembling, violent spurt of jizz plopping down audibly into her belly as she was left with no choice but to swallow every drop lest she outright drown in the endless virility of her oral inseminator’s superhuman payload of delicious alpha spunk.

For her credit, she had done a better job than her friend had, ceaselessly gulping down the seemingly endless deluge of the gut-busting cock-snot pumping down her guts until the volcanic heat of his trembling cock with each violent burst of seed finally began to abate, slowing bit by bit until little more than a milky stream of oatmeal-thick, gluey sperm-ropes were sliding down her tongue and dribbling over the roof of her mouth as Mike held her by her skull and brutally extricated his shaft from her steaming hot throat.

“Ahhhh…now that was pretty good. Usually I’d just fuck that slippery slut-cunt between your legs too…but you two have pissed me off pretty damn good today. I’m thinking maybe I just let you both know how defeated you are…maybe take a video and show the whole school what stupid jizz-drunk throatwhores the distinguished ladies of the Zenin family really are, hm?” Michael groaned out with a smug smile of satisfaction, lording his victory over Maki and bashing his brutal rod of fat obsidian bully beef over her blissed-out face, her mind barely keeping up with his words enough to groan with her nose slammed against the swollen undercarriage of his hefty nuts, a whiff of his awe-inspiring virility finally reawakening her to scream out in protest.

“W-KOFF! WAIT! Y-you’ve won, you can do whatever you want with me…with us. But please…don’t leave us. I just need to ask you for one thing…If it’s you…”

“Oh, so now you’re trying to act all desperate and nice, huh? Hasn’t that ship sailed by now? Give me one reason why I should even listen to you, much less do something for you?” The beefy, brown-skinned hunk told her, brows crinkling together in a deeply bitter look that made Maki’s heart pang with guilt…why did it hurt her so much to know she’d caused him any displeasure? As though the very idea of doing anything but worshipping every inch of his immaculate body and making him feel sooooo good was a sin in and of itself…

“I…I’m sorry, and trust me, just me saying that is unreal. But I’m no use to you just being…tossed aside like nothing, you want to be at the top, right? To own this place like you deserve? I can help you, teach you how to work things in your favor…just…come to my penthouse, I promise, w-we’ll do ANYTHING you ask…”

[Lady Glynda recommends you heed Maki’s request, Master. Unless you would like for a penalty to be established?]

A long, dissatisfied sigh leaked out from Mike’s nostrils at that information, his eyes shifting down to take in the sight of Maki’s glimmering eyes, filled with an obsequious desire to follow his every waking will and looking like a servile puppy whose poor heart might just break without being gifted the privilege of serving her master with all her heart and soul and every sopping wet, squelching slut-hole in her body tailor made for pleasing big fat stud-shafts and squeezing nasty blorts of raunchy seed out of that engorged, fist–sized tip for all she was worth~

Well…at least it looked like he’d be getting something out of going along with Glynda’s constricting demands for now.

“God…this is so embarrassing, must we really wear these, Lady Maki?” Nobara whined, her lips jittering while a cold sweat dribbled down her forehead, her complaints instantly met with a forceful clap to her sweat-soaked rear, doughy flesh rippling like the waves of the sea before settling back into place as she pouted back at the man before her.

Michael remained every bit as smug and annoyingly arrogant as he was before, only now he was desecrating the luxurious penthouse her and her beloved master shared with his naked presence, the building she’d called home for more than a year now seemed to take on an entirely different aura with him in it, like his very existence was pervading through the air and establishing his ironclad dominance like some animal marking their territory.

“Now now, Nobara-chan…we’re hosting our guest here. Excuse her, master, the Zenin household is supremely welcoming to our honored guests…especially one of your stature. She simply hasn’t acclimated to you quite yet…why don’t you give Michael something good to look at my dear?” Maki suggested, her formerly harsh tone seemingly gone entirely and replaced with a smooth, sexy titter that tickled his eardrums pleasantly as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her next to him on the couch.

“Yeah, those fat fucking cow-udders you got bouncing out in that outfit are pretty damn hot. So why don’t you keep your mouth shut and get to work shaking them for me already, huh?” Mike spat out, his gravelly voice deep and commanding as Maki giggled into his side, the thin fishnet leggings hugging the women’s thighs stretched to their complete limit as their midsections all the way down to the bottom of the pristine pale expanse of tantalizing teen twerkmeat jutting out from behind them making their bodies all too inviting for him not to leer at like a leopard watching its unsuspecting prey from the shadows.

“...Heh, a personal lapdance from your attendant seems pretty nice, but I know that’s not what you brought me here for. What’s the deal, Maki, and don’t lead me on here, I’m not just strong.”

“My my my…I thought you’d like for me to put your pleasure before our business, but I suppose it’s all the same for us, isn’t it?” The green-haired woman remarked, fingers trailing across the bulging mass of Michael’s enormously strong thighs before finding his slowly rising cock, squeezing softly against the hardening mast of his girthy cock as she went on, her voice a sultry whisper that had him grumbling his lust with eyes laser focused on the wobbling peaks of creamy, head-sized cleavage Nobara was waving nearly directly into his face all the while.

“I’m sure you already know by now…if you’re trying to climb your way to the top of this place, the PAC is the biggest obstacle in your way. Everything is in their back pocket, the industries, tech, weaponry, stuff you wouldn’t believe even exists wherever you come from…”

“Hey, I’m from a pretty wild place myself, don’t go making assumptions like that.”

“So worldly...self assured, I like that about you…we’re a lot more similar than you would think-”

“Quit buttering me up and get to the point already, bitch. And Nobara, get those fat tits over here, I want those creamy udders of yours beating me off like it’s your job…hell, might as well be at this point. Maybe I’ll have you dressed up like this all the time from now on, have those meaty cock-pumpers you call tits open for access all day, every day.” Michael interrupted her, arrogantly ordering Nobara in the midst of her rhythmic and sensual swaying of her hips for his pleasure, blushing brightly at the crude words he shot towards her even though her body moved on autopilot, dropping to her knees and plopping the massive mounds of pale white cleavage on her chest right against his glistening, pre-greased cockshaft with a wet SQUISH.

“So…forward. Look, all I’m telling you is that if you want this world, you’ll have to pry it out of the hands of the PAC, and trust me, brute forcing it isn’t gonna get you what you want, you’re strong, but I don’t know if you’re quite that strong. Their leader has never even been seen by anyone but the most loyal corporate leaders in the world, and the stories about them…you want to get in close, gain their trust, prove what an asset I know you can be…” Maki began to explain, pressing her modest bust into one of his broad shoulders and whispering deeply into his ear, fondling his massive nuts as Nobara pumped her breasts against his cock with a frenzied, desperate look of cockthirsty need on her face.

“Well…I don’t doubt I could take on whoever you’re talking about anyway, but…perhaps the path of least resistance might be somewhat preferable. Go on…”

The Apex Games, I don’t know if its the same for you, but here, youth and strength are some of the most sought after ideals there are. The PAC gets representative teams from every district high school each year, and they compete ferociously for whoever can come out on top…this goddamn shithole of a district is so full of inferiors that they’ve never even passed the preliminaries, but if it's you, you could win…and if you win, you achieve an audience with the PAC’s leader, a being of radiant beauty that’s only told about in legend…I could only imagine what you’d do if you had her all alone and to yourself, a big, strong, manly hunk like you…” Maki trailed off, dipping her head down and lovingly smooching against the flared head of Mike’s massive, meaty cockshaft, partially to butter him up to accept her offer, but mostly because the sight of that angry, pulsing cocktip dripping with sooooo much hot, sticky nutbutter that was going woefully unconsumed was just too much of a tease for her NOT to scrape up into her greedy maw and swallow down with all the gusto of a true seasoned whore.

“Nghhh…not gonna lie here, you’re really persuasive there…and how are you gonna help me with that, bitch? Good on you for telling me all this…but are you really gonna be a good asset beyond slurping on that cock-knob like the dick drunk slut you are?”

Schlrrrr~ shlrrrrp~ POP! Y-yes! I know…I know we’re so much weaker than you are…but compared to all the other riff raff in the academy, we’re your best bet. Every troop needs six members at the least, are you gonna have Izuko and her silly little girlfriends helping you out on this? Maybe they’re good for milking those big, manly balls of yours…but I could probably do all that and more~ SCHLLLLLP! SCHLRRRRRRRRRP! SHLKKKKKK~” Maki droned, her hoarse throat slurring her speech as she dived back down to scrape her throat across every unattended inch of virile, throbbing bull-beef she and Nobara so dutifully served together, as though breathing without being choked out on the awe-inspiring cocklength that had fucked her pretty mouth into oblivion only a scant few hours ago was a far greater deprivation than giving up something as unnecessary as breathing oxygen for a minute or two…or ten…or thirty…or an hour…or however long she could bash her face against that beefy black dick till her entire tongue was forever imprinted with his sensual taste so she’d never forget how he ruined her oral orifice.

“That does sound like a pretty solid deal…but how sure are you that you can live up to that promise, hm? Those ‘inferiors’ you’ve been talking shit about so long make some pretty good jizz-buckets…sure, your throat might be a worthwhile hole, but it takes more than that to be a real prime bitch in my book.” Mike smirked down at her, watching as the cockthirsty teen slowly slipped his meaty member out from her glossy pink lips…

“Well then…you’re very welcome to find out. You might have beaten me in a fight, but in the bedroom? I can already see how much you’re struggling to hold allllll those thick, heavy, sperm-stuffed jizz wads you’ve got steaming in those massive balls of yours. So…it’s pretty safe to say I’d win.”

“FUCKKKKKKKKKKK~! SO! DAMN! MUCH! W-WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME BAREBACK FUCKING WITH HUGE, HEAVY BREEDER COCKS COULD FEEL THIS DAMN GOOD!!! YOU’RE RUINING IT! YOU’RE RUINING MY PUREBRED ZENIN PUSSY~ EVERY LAST INCH OF MY CUNT IS GETTING CARVED OUT BY ALL THAT INFERIOR BULLDICK~♥️❤️💔!!” The young Zenin heir howled into the heavens with her head hanging back and her spit-slobbering tongue spilling out from her gaping maw, her legs hanging uselessly in the air and hooked around the bulging mass of Mike’s enormous traps as both of his huge, greedy palms SQUEEZED into all the pillowy fuck-flesh he could sample in his fingers and used her enormous ass as a handle to PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! His musclebound hips into her like a well-oiled pistoning machine thudding into her deepest parts and making her brain go more and more blank with each ass-clapping THRUST!

Nobara was once again on her knees, the raging blush she bore earlier growing into a fiery red hue of embarrassment and desire staining her cheeks, left to use her face once again as a rest for the ceaselessly bouncing spheres of gravid, cum-churning balls slapping her in the face over and over again. It was bad enough that she had already had her mouth used as a convenient disposal for pump after hot, thick, greasy pump of belly-busting stud-syrup, made to strut around in some whorish outfit and got her enormous mounds of creamy cleavage mocked and jeered at by the very same hunk pumping his horse-hung cock between those baby-feeding fuck-pillows…but even worse than that, she was almost beginning to…enjoy it…

“Gawd…I can barely even fucking THINK with these MASSIVE MONSTER-BALLS CLAPPING OFF MY FUCKING FACE SO MUCH! It stinkkksssss…so gross…so much greasy sperm and hot, pulpy stud-nut just begging to burst free from these huge hulking black nuts of his. This massive musclebound oaf should be thanking his lucky stars that Lady Zenin is ordering me to do this…no way would I be slurping and licking on these grody, leathery, nasty fat balls of gross gurgling fuckpudding all by myself…neverrrrrr~💗💓💖”

“That all you got, Maki? I thought you Zenin sluts were trained to be perfect physical specimens? But now I’ve got you babbling like a goddamn cockdrunk bitch with this cock pumping inside of you, what you gotta say about that, huh? Gonna give up? You too fucked out of your mind to even talk before you surrender to getting used like a goddamn onahole just like all my other little sluts?” Michael teased her, slamming his hands back into the overgrown fuck-handles of her giant, jello-y assmeat jiggling on her rear end with a meaty WHOP! and redoubling his efforts of relentlessly plunging into her soaked walls without giving her a single chance to catch her breath.

And yet, astoundingly, by sheer virtue of her supernatural stamina and unbending force of will, grit her teeth and tightened her core with a suctioning force that SQUEEZED AND TUGGED ON EVERY LAST INCH OF BITCHBREAKING BRUTE-DICK BATTERING HER INSIDES AND SLOBBERING ALL OVER IT LIKE A SPECIAL MADE POCKET-PUSSY SOLELY MADE TO MILK HIS FAT COCK!

“I’ll give up…when I’ve made you a SLOBBERING LITTLE PUSSY ADDICT, YOU FAT-DICKED BARBARIAN! IF YOU’RE GONNA POUND MY CUNT INTO A SHAFT-SLURPING FUCKSOCKET, THEN I’LL SQUEEZE AND SUCK AND MILK OUT EVERY LAST RANCID BLAST OF BUBBLY HOT BALL-GUNK IN THOSE STUPID STUD-NUTS TILL YOU KNOW HOW MUCH BETTER I AM THAN ALL YOUR OTHER SLUTS~💞💖💘”  She screamed out like a passionate war cry to the heavens, her long, beautiful legs spreading out in a wonderful V as she shocked Mike into stopping with the athleticism she put on display, bouncing herself against his muscular groin with an ever growing chorus of WHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPPPPPP~ that almost had him letting loose his boiling hot load of tasty cock-custard before his groaning balls clenched on his command to hold back his climax before returning her efforts with his own forceful rutting plunges drilling into her and scraping through the plush walls of her tender twat.

Both of them were clearly on the verge of an EPIC, ALL-CONSUMING, BRAIN-BURSTING CLIMAX THAT WOULD FILL MAKI TO THE BRIM WITH THE FATTEST, CHUNKIEST, THICKEST LOAD OF VIRILE JIZZ MICHAEL HAD EVER RELEASED IN HIS LIFE AND BRING HER TO A SQUIRTING RELEASE THAT WOULD LEAVE HER COMPLETELY COCK-BROKEN, BABBLING AND RUINED FOR ANY INFERIOR MALE ON THE PLANET WHO WOULD EVEN DARE TO LOOK UPON HIS NEWEST CONQUEST! His greedy fists dug into her thick thighs and clapped her against his cock in a rhythmic beat of ass-plapping fury that had her pussy spasming around every beefy inch he fed into her with those rough battering fuck-slams of his until…


Mike’s enormous climax was matched by a loud, echoing WHAM of his beefy body that set her massively meaty spheres of brazenly bouncing wobble-flesh endlessly jiggling and clapping together in a sea of juicy pale asspadding that cushioned the visibly engorged, pulsing orbs of his massive mammoth-nuts as they jerked and pulsed with each nasty BLORT of cum that blasted her womb full until it utterly overflowed entirely, her midsection growing gravid and overstuffed with the sloshing wad of sperm-saturated stallion-seed punching into her peachy pussy and pumping HARDER AND THICKER WITH MASSIVE BURSTS OF FROTHY WHITE STUD-SAUCE THAT SPLASHED BACK INTO NOBARA’S FACE WITH EACH ENORMOUS SPRAY OF BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF EGG-SEEKING SWIMMERS HUNTING DOWN HER OVARIES WITH IMPREGNATING INTENT!

By the time his climax had finally somewhat abated, merely the dripping globs of excess ball-grease squirting out of Maki’s utterly stuffed pussy had left Nobara’s face slathered in a mask of cloudy off-white ball-brew that practically served as a one man bukkake. She was so enamored in stuffing every morsel she could get into her greedy mouth and sucking down every tasty dreg of those fat, slimy, tadpole-sized stud-swimmers sloshing around within his fat chunks of seed that she didn’t even bother to ask whether her mistress was okay as her distended gut heaved and her gaping pussy trickled with a gushing rush of sticky jizz that only inflamed her hunger that much more just looking at it once she’d scraped and chewed on every scrap of tacky bull jizz she could find.

So hypnotized was she by following the flow of off-white pulses of greasy stud-sperm flowing out of Maki’s furiously fertilized cunt, she barely even noticed Mike standing before her with his enormous cock every bit as hard and pulsing with the need to breed as it was when it was punching through her master’s cunt and stretching out her busted cocksocket with his fat fist stroking across its turgid length while he watched her crawl on her knees with her undefiled cunt glistening slick and wet and begging to be used for all it was worth.

Her eyes widened as she felt a thick, superhumanly strong set of fat, powerful fingers sinking into her doughy thighs, looking behind her with glistening lips trembling and her sopping wet cunt clenching in anticipation for what her primal mind knew was bound to happen next, even as her stubborn little consciousness prodded at her to show the meekest bit of resistance as her mouth opened to tell that brutal bully off for once in his life and leave him wanting for her this time…

Of course, she failed miserably before she could even begin to speak.

Within a blink of an eye, she’d been tossed into the side of the nearest couch, pinned beneath the weight of over 200 pounds of brawny brute-flesh right on top of her, brutally slamming every inch of cuntpounding breeding-beef he had inside of her as she crossed her eyes and dug her fingers back into the couch to keep herself steady. There were no words or warning, simply the bestial, primal rutting strength that rumbled against the back of her cunt with each tremendous thrust shaking her eggs free from her ovaries to prime her for the impending fertilization he had in store.

She could feel his weighty ballsack THWACKING into the meaty crevice where her pert, bouncy booty-spheres met, leaking with her own fresh trickle of sweet love-juices slathering the 18-inch slab of enormous equine black bullmeat smashing through her insides as she tried and failed to keep up her adversarial facade in the face of the unbridled euphoria of being subjected to such primal rutting bliss all at once.

OOOOOHHHHH! B-BRUTE! P-PIG! FUCKING BREED-HUNGRY BARBARIAN BASTARDDDDDDDD~! IT’S SO UNFAIR, IT’S SO UNFAIR THAT SOME LOWLY RUTTING ANIMAL LIKE YOU HAS A COCK TO BRING ME AND LADY MAKI TO OUR KNEES!!!💔💕 A-are you going to…cum inside me? Force me to bear your disgusting, unworthy children with every nasty spurt of thick, pasty breeding-muck of yours inside of my womb…nooooo, I want have it, not that, anything but that…💜💖💓” The lust-drunk teen “protested”, though the sinfully hot, lewd tone that carried through in her every word as she eyed up the “beast” atop her like the gorgeous hunk of beefy stud-muscle he was, her words soon tapering off entirely as the shadow of a COLOSSAL, CREAMY SET OF ULTRA-FAT, FUCKABLE ASS-SPHERES THAT COULD ONLY BELONG TO HER LADY HERSELF WAS CAST OVER HER AND HER FACE WAS IMMEDIATELY SQUISHED BENEATH AN AVALANCHE OF CREAMY, WOBBLY ASSMEAT AND SPERM-SOAKED PUSSY THAT QUEEFED OUT GIANT DREGS OF CHUNKY SPUNK DIRECTLY INTO HER THIRSTY WHORE MOUTH~

“Mmmm…shut the fuck up with that tsundere act, Nobara…you think I couldn’t tell when I first saw that recording~? You’ve been watching this massive breeding bull rut his way through bitch after bitch for weeks now, haven’t you? What a naughty little attendant you are…you probably expected this to happen, didn’t you? Is that what you wanted? To be a claimed little fat-titted breeding sow for this burly stud with me~ Not that I’m not grateful to you for introducing us…but such dishonesty deserves punishment…how about a mandatory pregnancy, courtesy of our hung breeding bull?” Maki teased her servant, making extra sure to pop the wobbling spheres of her ass in a remarkable show of muscular control, putting herself on display and smacking around the perfectly pale hills of jello-y pound meat to spur Michael further into his rutting frenzy, practically spewing steam from his nostrils and all too susceptible to the teeniest whisper into his ear in that oh-so-seductive voice of Maki’s that heralded a promise that could only drive him to the peak of his pleasure at the mere thought of the offer.

“If you give us girls, I promise I’ll make them the perfect little whores for you. Adoring little servant sluts that can’t think of anything but serving their big daddy…just. Like. Me💞💜💜”

The roar of primal pleasure that boomed out from Michael’s throat was enough to make the very foundations of their penthouse tremble, a manly groan so loud and echoing through the entire neighborhood of high born Wyvern residents that there would be rumors of an escaped zoo animal prowling their streets for weeks to come. His hyper-charged balls tingling with a telltale sensation of approaching climax that would soon culminate in yet another ENORMOUS, PULSATING ORGASM THAT SENT WAVE AFTER WAVE OF CUNT-FILLING COCK-GUNK SPEWING DIRECTLY INTO NOBARA’S BELLY UNTIL SHE LOOKED EVEN MORE STUFFED THAN MAKI HAD, ALL WHILE SWALLOWING A MASSIVE EXCESS OF THICK JISM SLIDING DOWN HER THROAT FROM HER MISTRESS’ PUSSY.

Finally, Mike’s massive cock seemed to somewhat relent, still looking more bloated and overgrown than any other man’s as it hung between his knees, veiny and dribbling with extra spurts of final sticky ropes of yellowish cum-chowder pissing out from his meaty member which Maki instantly caught, crawling on her knees to nurse his fist-sized cock-knob in her eagerly suckling maw.

“...Awww, soft already…you had sooooo much thick chowdery ball-juice to spew all over us earlier though. What a shame…I would have thought you’d really give it to me and teach me a lesson by slamfucking my fat fucking ass full with your load like a real stud…but I guess you just couldn’t measure up, how disappointing…SCHLRRRRRRP~” Maki mewled between needy licks and desperate, jaw-widening slurps of Michael’s burly cockrod, pulling back with an echoing pop and knowing she was poking the bear…and getting exactly the response she desired from how his softening cock jumped and twitched at such provocation, an already audible gurgling of gallons of nasty ball-paste churning in his oversized nutsack filling the room as he grunted and began to stroke his enormous shaft right before her eyes…

Maki was never one who went into a challenge expecting to be the loser…but after today, losing, at least when it was to Mike, didn’t seem quite so bad…


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