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The dimming orange glow of the setting sun gleamed ominously upon the contours of the ridges and hills that made up Weeper’s Creek; a strange, foreboding air brushing through the sleepy town that was fitting for the night ahead. Weeper’s creek was a town that seemed plucked straight out of an archaic image of small-town bliss from a bygone era. It was a glorified suburb that housed former city folk tired of the seemingly never-ending rat race of urban living and the scant few remnants of true small-town residents whose families had set up roots for generations and never so much as entertained the thought of leaving. It was the kind of place where everyone truly did know everyone, and not so much as to merely remember someone’s name and shake hands and exchange pleasantries every now and again, but the sort of familiarity that rippled through your everyday life, such that a bad divorce or a scandalous family development would be the gossip of the town for months if not years, a permanent stain marking every interaction to come with a bleak, judgmental tone that would follow you and your family for decades to come.

For most of the town’s residents, this was little more than a minor potential pitfall to be kept in the back of one’s mind, reminding them to keep vigilant and never let their deepest flaws leak out into the open lest they be made outcasts in the homely, quiet settlement they’d claimed as their own.

For Dana Walters though, that fear had proven itself to be very, very real. At the budding age of sixteen with her entire life ahead of her, she’d been marked as one of a tiny number of truly ousted individuals in the town’s flourishing social scene, not that she was chomping at the bit to be apart of it in any way. She despised this town, reviled the fact that she’d been towed away by her shitty parents into a damn near ghost town in the middle of bumblefuck nowhere and forced to uproot her entire life from the ground up…not that she was ever a Queen Bee back when the Walters were living it up in the crowded, car-infested rat-race of urban torment that was the big city, but even that was better than the prickly, overbearing smiles and incessant desire for constant brain rotting small talk and nosy neighbors poking their noses into your business that seemed ever-present here.

Her protest against being hauled to this place seemed like a never-ending battle, even after the ear-bursting shouting matches about it eventually petered out and gave the family’s neighbors some long needed nightly rest for the first time in month. Ryan and Madelyn Walters’ dream of innocent suburban living in a tight knit, white picket fence community seemed to be constantly undermined by their daughter’s every action, outwardly making crass, offensive comments to children in other families that left them bawling their eyes out and quickly made the Walters name a taboo on the list of “families you could trust your kid around”, deliberately blasting the most vile death metal tracks she had collected on her vinyl records at odd hours of the day, playing candy crush in the middle of the preacher’s sermons at church and not even having the decency to try and hide it…Dana seemed to be on a mission to make the little slice of heaven her parents carved out in this town a living hell.

But if having a daughter like theirs had taught her parents anything, it was resilience. Dana’s attempts to send her mom and dad fuming with such unbridled rage and embarrassment that they had no choice but to either pack up and move back into the city and feel the gut punch to their retirement fund of renting out a somewhat decent apartment for a price that could buy a decent home in Weeper’s creek or flat out disown her (both outcomes being an absolute win in her mind) always fell just short of their mark, as they always seemed to bounce back with little more than a half hearted punishment and a nauseating speech that she would almost always zone out completely for.

Dana was almost worried that somehow the allure of the creek had mesmerized them so much that there was nothing that could convince them to leave. She’d heard how they’d always talked about moving somewhere rural way back when, and now that that dream had come to reality, a strange aura of calm, vibrant bliss hanging over them that filled Dana’s blackened heart with a deep unease…God, they’d even started making out again…in front of her…

A future where she was trapped in this godforsaken town until she could finally bid her family adieu the moment her 18th birthday came around was bad enough, but one where she had to spend all that time watching her parents being all mushy with each other that entire time simply couldn't be accepted. As the old saying goes, desperate times called for desperate measures, and there was no man who embodied the spirit of utter desperation better than her brother, Dean.

As much as Dana would have preferred to have nothing to do with her supposed twin (she still insisted that the interloper she shared a home with now must have been a plant who took the place of her real brother), if anyone had the skillset to perform a truly audacious act of rebellion that would leave their parents eagerly turning tail to escape from the creek, it was him. For his part, he was every bit as much an outcast as his sister was, where Dana’s sharp, catty sense of wit and seemingly endless penchant to provoke and offend wherever possible made her quite unpopular amongst the strict Catholics and uptight baby boomers who infested this town with their belief that girls her age ought to be “seen and not heard”, Dean was an entirely…different sort of unpalatable.

To put it simply, Dean was a pervert. An utter sex crazed degenerate who fit the part with his offputting demeanor and not-so-good looks. Dana was pretty sure the little creep was the one to blame for exactly two pieces of her old underwear going missing without fail every Christmas shopping season and never being found again. He was a master of “impromptu photography” (which was really just a nice way to say “taking creepshots of random women”) and only barely skirted away from being expelled in their last school for a number of “pranks” that, in the words of their Principal who he so gracefully referred to by the moniker of “Mrs. Mcphatass” (a crude play on “Mrs. Mcpherson”) “demeaned and attacked female students and faculty alike in a crass and violent display of untoward behavior”…which Dean so eloquently interpreted as “bitches getting pressed about me putting up a ranking of their tits when their always shaking those damn things around all the time”.

As you might expect, Dean didn’t have the best outlook on women, and his penchant to make them increasingly uncomfortable certainly didn’t do much to keep him from being painfully single as his peers began to dive into the strange and undefined world of adolescent romance, a fact that he attributed to the girls around him being “shallow” and only wanting to “get pumped and dumped by hot dudes”. While Dana could clearly see that his romantic missteps stemmed from a much different origin…he couldn’t be said to be very good looking, either. He was tall, but with bad posture that weakened his stance and made what little muscle he had on his twiggy frame look poor and underdeveloped, his almond brown hair seemed constantly greasy and oil-slick, and his pale face was lined with a very recognisable smear of acne scars wherever he didn’t have pimples already, and coupled with the laughably wide nose he sported on his face and his recessed chin, he certainly didn’t have much going for him.

Though if Dana ever said that to his face (which she did, on quite a few occasions) she would soon be met with a vicious comeback that tore her apart just as readily. Her brother would eagerly mock her pale, nearly translucent skin, wide, beady eyes, and especially make use of the tried and tested “flat as a board” comment that she’d long since grown used to after the puberty bug seemed to choose to outright pass on her and leave her with a vaguely feminine body structure that lacked even the slightest hint of plush, fuckable curves that she knew guys her age lusted after. But at least she could console herself with knowing she’d never be quite as bad as her brother, and with how good she’d gotten at makeup, she liked to pretend that masking herself in thick shades of black mascara, oily black hair dye, and body paint that made her face a work of art even if her body was a “wooden board” as Dean might have said.

Despite how much the siblings despised one another, they could easily come to terms with the fact that they despised the town even more, and from there was born an idea for a special broadcast in the auditorium during last week’s school assembly that no one would ever forget…

In hindsight though, it was probably stupid to think streaming porn on the projector from an account named “DeanWalter’smassivehardon69420” would ever make their parents want to do anything but keep them here if only out of pure spite…and when he was caught, there wasn’t much loyalty between the siblings stopping him from instantly spilling his sister’s name and landing her in the same spot.

Which left the ill fated pair where they were now, grumbling in Dana’s room with Halloween costumes that they couldn’t go out in while their equally upset parents stood watch downstairs to make doubly sure that neither one could move a muscle while they were suspended, the sounds of kids living it up on Halloween night calling to them teasingly from afar as though to mock them for being excluded from the fun.

Dean was clad in what his sister could only guess was his best attempt to imitate Frankenstein’s monster, his shoddy makeup skills on full effect as the sickly green overtone he tried to lay over his skin was much too thick, and the “stitches” he had scrawled over his head looked like they were drawn on in permanent marker by unsteady hands guided only by a mirror image, wearing a suit that was two sizes too big which heavily undercut the image of a hulking monster he was trying to embody.

Dana, for her part, managed to do a much better job on her costume, whether that was due to her pre-existing hobby of turning her visage into an experimental art piece, or simply a way to busy herself with the immense boredom of being stuck in her room the entire time she was suspended. She’d gone with a tried and tested classic of goth Halloween outfits, a rendition of a vampire that seemed very much like an androgynous Dracula clad in wavy black fabric, makeup done to perfection to simulate the lifeless pale skin of a true undead (which her normal skintone wasn’t very far off from, really), while her lips shimmered with a delicate smear of gloss that took on a deep purple hue on the outer edges of her thin lips and transitioned to the bloody red of a creature stained by the mark of a fresh kill on the inner parts of her mouth.

“So…why exactly did you say I should come to your room? I’d rather not do a sacrifice to Cthulu or whatever weird shit you were planning to do with your two friends this Halloween.” Dean remarked, cutting through the silence that captured the room while his sister was hunched over her table reading some obscenely thick, dusty book that looked more ancient than their grandma’s infamous underwear closet.

“Excuse me? I remember distinctly you begging to get in on this when I said I might know a way to make mom and dad regret locking us up here like prisoners and not be stuffed in this shitty old house all Halloween.” She scoffed his way, rolling her eyes before turning back to the worn pages and studying across them with a look of scholarly focus that was only matched by Dean’s utter confusion as he moved in behind her and tried to understand the scribbled texts scrawled out in archaic word vomit.

“Yeah, well, I didn’t expect it to be some dusty old book. The fuck even is this? Some weird old timey porn or something from back when they wrote everything cause they couldn’t take pictures of boobs?”

“Of course you think it’s porn, a little creep like you probably couldn’t imagine cracking open a book for anything other than to beat off. This is far, far more than that. Not just us getting back at mom and dad and making something out of Halloween, but so, so much more. Deep, wicked things, arcane things…”

“Yeah…now you’re talking like someone trying to tell a bad Halloween story. If this is you trying to bounce some pitch for some horror movie you’re making with your weird friends off me, save it. Otherwise, just cut to the chase and tell me how exactly this is gonna help us? And where does that thing even come from? I don’t think some shitty old book you nabbed from the library will do much.”

“Impatient as always…if you must know, you remember that weird old house a few blocks from ours where some creepy old lady used to live? Apparently, she was super old and a huge recluse, I think she was from some Georgian family or something? What’s really important about her is the rumors. I mean, you have no friends, so you probably don’t know this, but people talk in towns like this, and they talk a lot. About how that old, run down house that belonged to one family for generations was connected to almost every missing person out of this town, about strange noises and sightings that seem to spike around there, didn’t take long for good old cunty Catholics to take up that old tradition of witchcraft accusations after that…”

“So…you’re telling me that you stole that book from a dead woman’s house…and that it’s a book of ancient spells that’s gonna get us out of all the trouble we’re in?” Dean dryly questioned, his face telling his sister everything she knew he wanted to say as he barely held back from snickering outwardly, a tiny sense of embarrassment flaring up within her at her open admittance to her belief in the supernatural, though the opinion of her degenerate brother was far from enough to deter her in that.

“Okay, first off, Miss Tsiklauri has no family, no next of kin…no one’s gonna care about me swiping a book that’s been just gathering dust on her shelf, okay? And look, if you wanna spend all Halloween night jacking off all day without even getting the chance to perv on hot girls in their costumes, fine. I don’t care if you believe me, but I know I felt something when I found this book…I don’t understand all of it yet, but I think I know enough to know that there’s one thing in these pages I know I can do that would help both of us, and trust me I’d rather you not be involved at all but…it needs two people, at least if my grip on archaic Georgian spells is right, which…could very well mean this just kills both of us, but a 50/50 chance of you living or dying is pretty much a win-win for me.” Dana sighed out loud, explaining to her brother as clearly as she could with her palms slammed flat against the pages of the book while Dean’s mocking smile faded as he realized just how serious she was.

“Woah…so, you’re actually all in on this, huh? That’s…pretty crazy…but fuck it. I got nothing else to do I guess, and if it doesn’t work I can just rub this in your face every day from now on. So looks like I’ve got a win-win on my hands too.”

As much as his usual air of smug, cringe-inducing self-satisfaction remained, Dana was stunned by the earnestness that shone through for a moment in her brother’s voice, a silence shared between them that she didn’t quite understand, and an idle thought that perhaps the kinship between siblings who actually got along felt like drifted past her mind as they shared a nod and quickly got down to business.

Despite his clear scepticism, Dean had surprisingly taken to the idea of a summoning ritual rather well once it was explained to him. The particulars of his sister’s words had all but fallen dead with how grossly incapable of understanding the finer details of mysticism and the historical significance of such time honored attempts to summon long dormant forces of lingering dead spirits and ancient higher powers not meant to dance with the world of the living, but the basic idea seemed simple enough, to establish a bond with some mystical force via a deal of some sort, wagering ones desires for a fee that thankfully seemed to mostly involve useless stuff like your soul or a few years shaved off your lifespan.

As the hours ticked past and the sun steadily fell beneath the horizon, the warm orange glow shone over Weeper’s Creek fading into inky black shadow dotted with stars that hung over the Halloween night sky with a foreboding presence to them while the scent of incense took over Dana’s room and naught but the flickering flames rising from the candles they lit together could be smelled. Soon, with Dana guiding her brother to downplay his atrocious mispronouncing of the words to the spell, their chanting echoed across the room while their parents remained none the wiser, a strange sensation striking the air as they held hands and closed eyes through the ritual, making even Dean’s doubtful heart tremor as the air began to shake and a crackle ran along their skin intensifying to a crescendo until…

Nothing. Their eyes were squeezed shut in expectant wait for what was to come, minutes passing before disappointment slowly set in and they opened their eyes, ready to toss their hands up and dispose of that useless book for failing to meet their expectations.

That was right before the candles suddenly dimmed with a wisp of wind gusting through the room…despite the windows being closed and locked to keep the room as isolated as possible. That same wisping wind began to lash about wildly through their hair while the noise of the blowing breeze almost sounded like an indecipherable whisper calling back to the siblings in a growing, booming resonance as the smell of incense morphed into a new, strange, exotic scent that was entirely alien and overpoweringly strong.

Then, almost as if in a grand announcement of a long-awaited arrival, the candles flared up into a new, bright purple flame that shined so hotly that the twins could feel sweat beading upon their skin, goosebumps prickling on their skin as they slowly stood and lifted their heads to gaze upon the figure that had sprouted from thin air just above them.

A long, prehensile tail lashed about in the space between the two siblings right before their eyes, tipped with a swollen, heart shaped end that moved like a limb of its own, slick and fleshy and a deep purple that was deviously eye catching and practically forced the twins to look up and take in the image of the form that tail belonged to…one that Dean was particularly happy to see once he laid eyes upon it.

The creature floating above the air was every bit as terrifying and dangerous as the aura that surrounded it would suggest, and yet it…no, she held a captivating essence to her that forced their eyes to be beholden to her and not look away. She certainly resembled the figure of a woman, but it seemed almost an insult to classify her in comparison to beings so inferior to the hyperfeminine beauty she displayed from the smallest strands of her hair to the sharpest edge of her claw-like toenails dancing on her dainty feet.

That deep purple skin was lush and soft, complimenting her high, prominent cheekbones further enhanced by her perfectly framed chin, the structure of her face putting most models to utter shame as the mere look of her shimmering red eyes setting alight the deepest vestiges of desire in both of the twins. Her eyes were only matched in their tantalous sight by the equally blood red, plump, cushiony lips that only looked that much more alluring when her tail whipped past the pillowy soft mounds and she lightly, lewdly suckled along its tip with a sensual look upon her face.

Her face was but one facet of the effortless seduction she showed in every inch of her that was to be seen. Dean had spent an untold amount of hours fantasizing the perfect female form to suit his absurd, hyper-sexualized ideal of a perfect woman, hundreds upon hundreds of visions of obscenely fat, jiggling G-cup breasts, cinched waists like a classic girl’s doll that filled women with insecurities of their proportions, and absurdly wide hips that heralded a monstrously massive set of thick, meaty, impossibly fat yet still perfectly perky asscheeks that no human woman could ever live up to.

Yet floating above him right now was a being that easily took all those fantasies and made them look laughably tame in comparison, everything about the creature before them screamed excess in its highest form. The very fact that she could even manage to stay afloat with the hulking weight of her absurdly endowed, marshmallowy soft mounds of cleavage held high on her chest and defying all laws of physics for an unreal vision of lust incarnate, matched only by the ridiculous counterweight of her plush peaks of round, bubbly assmeat with each cheek so huge, supple and silky smooth enough for a man’s head to find a pillow fit for the Gods on either one. Much to Dean’s disappointment though, her naked beauty had come with her tremendously thick thighs squishing together and denying him a proper sight of the bare outer folds of her cunt that he knew would utterly ruin his ability to appreciate any other naked slit placed before him ever again.

They were both frozen with shock at the sight of her, focusing their phone’s flashlights upon the devious demoness to ensure her figure wasn’t some false vision spurned by their superstitious minds and standing stiff when confronted with the fact that they’d actually summoned her into existence. Their shock was far from over as a voice that was neither theirs nor hers, one that spoke with a baritone depth that could only belong to a man, and one that bore the very same exotic allure that the vibrant demon hanging over their heads held as it spoke from behind them.

“Sheesh, I think I get why Genies are such assholes now. Three centuries in that damn book and I was damn near ready to lose it.” The figure behind them grunted, his voice echoing with a strange vibrating effect that made it sound all the more hypnotizing as the twins looked back to catch sight of him. If the other creature was an absurd, ridiculous parody of feminine sexuality in its greatest form, this one was her exact inverse.

He sported the horns of a ram on his head, glimmering red eyes just as bright and hypnotizing as the other one’s, though this one had no tail to be seen. His face was a mirror of the woman’s with a harder, masculine edge to his features, claws sharper and fangs bared through the wide smile he had on his face. Where the other one was all softness and sensual curves, he was hard angles and deep, chiselled ridges of masculine bulk, overwhelmingly muscular, but not monstrously so, his pecs standing out like a glistening plate of armor leading down to the sturdy, washboard surface of his thick abs that ended in a deep ‘V’ from which was born…


The twins were too stunned to even notice as the other spoke back in the same strange, mystical tone behind her every word.

“Be glad we are freed at least, brother. Being in the clutches of those peasants for all my life made my skin crawl…”

“I remember you once loved that family, sister. Has the all knowing Trixie finally accepted that she was wrong?”

“Hmph, hardly. When theirs was a house of witches who constructed all sorts of delicious temptations to man for me to feast upon, I was quite pleased…it was after they chose to become frigid wenches and lock us in that cursed book of theirs. But now we’re finally free…”

“No…a spell released us, and the casters…”

The demons looked down on their prey with beady eyes shining down upon them, as they remained petrified, mumbling in a meek attempt to ask or say anything at all, though every word ultimately died on their lips as they were left looking every bit as small and insignificant before the two figures as they thought they were.

“Ugh, this is what I hate about spellbooks, now I have to act like some Genie paying back some silly favor…” the male sighed aloud with his arms crossed, while his sister, Trixie, floated beside him with a wide smile on her face and her tail tickling his sensitive nose.

“Now now Inky, what did I tell you about being rash? Just look at them, smell them…their fears, their insecurities, their desires. There’s some real potential for us here to get what we want. You can feel it in the air, can’t you? All that stifled want from human souls begging to be let loose? And all of it can be ours if we just…put up with these two for a while, doesn’t that sound like a hell of a deal to you?” She whispered to him, kissing along his cheek in a manner that siblings definitely shouldn’t be kissing one another, especially as her long, almost snake-like tongue slithered into his ear and traced along his inner ear, a seductive gesture she knew he couldn’t deny as he gave a little groan of pleasure once she pulled back from him.

“…I assume you’ll be taking the girl then?”


He sighed and grinned at her as they began to approach the twins, shadows casting across their shivering forms before two shrill screams rang out not long afterward.

Ryan and Madelyn, shocked by the sudden noise, were well on their way to rush up the stairs and already thinking of a way to punish their unruly children for causing them even more trouble, but a noxious purple gas filling each corner of the house found its way to them first, and left them collapsed on the staircase, fast asleep for the remainder of Halloween night and embracing one another in their Mr. and Mrs. Addams costume. Yet high above the stairs where they laid peacefully, two silhouettes emerged from the window of Dana’s room, inhuman figures whose shadows fell upon the house as they lingered on the roof before separating, disappearing from their containment within the Walters’ household and out into the night to bask in their freedom and wreak undue havoc upon the town of Weeper’s Creek.


With Halloween night in its full swing, the people of the Creek were all too caught up in the atmosphere of frightful fun that turned terror and chills into childish play met with screams first and giggles shortly after. They were all too used to the subconscious assurance of every fearsome figure being little more than a decoration or prop that was more convincing than the average tacky Halloween gear, and so when the moving shadow of a winged creature zipping through the air like a bat with its silhouette just barely seen in front of the moon before it disappeared, they were all too quick to write it off as a particularly impressive special effect from someone who really wanted to show off this year.

Which meant that no one dared take a second look at the Porter household twice to notice the monstrous winged figure that had landed on the roof of their neighbor’s home. Though that might not have been the only reason for their ignorance, Iris Porter, the Queen bitch of the house who practically reigned with an iron fist, was an infamous stick in the mud on Halloween season, just as she was a ruthless busybody in her job as the local High School’s English teacher. She ran the kind of house that tossed raisin bran at kids who dared arrive on her doorstep in search of candy, that was if she wasn’t in the mood to rant and rave about how immoral and unchristian the supposed holiday was, and this year, just like every year, her house and the entire block surrounding it had become a veritable deadzone for any pedestrians who planned to enjoy Halloween.

And that left the pale creature stalking across the roof all by her lonesome, jet-black wings wrapping over its body with a wingspan so wide that it obscured its entire figure until it creeped in through the window. The wings unfurled from around the figure to reveal a statuesque woman standing at a towering, near seven-foot height, eyes glassy and dim as the moonlight fell upon her through the window and revealed the gothic beauty in her full glory.

One who was particularly familiar with Dana would recognize her resemblance to the woman, but her appearance had been twisted…enhanced, evolved into some new image of herself that was outshined her prior form in every metric. Her pale skin had somehow became even more milky white and translucent, seemingly shimmering with the light of the moon radiating off her while her lips stood out against the clear background of her face, plump, wet and glistening purple and red as a wide, twinkling smile rose on her lips, fangs sharp and deadly and shining with her new, long, snake-like tongue lashing over those sharp teeth.

Dana could feel that she was her, but not her. Something more, an amalgamation of herself and some foreign force that was slowly dissolving into her subconscious. She was no longer Dana…but she wasn’t Trixie either, their essence had began to flow together, to meld and bind into one another just as their bodies had become one…and as strange as it was…she certainly didn’t dislike it. Whatever this possession was…it was doing her quite a few favors in the looks department.

If she had to pick a monstrous creature that she would torment humanity for centuries as, vampires would be her top pick, and whatever the demoness worming its way around her soul was, she certainly must have found it amusing to bring that fantasy to life. She looked like an utter parody of a creature of the night, a titillating reflection of a gothic horror monster made moreso to feed on the endless torrents of lustful desire her body would birth in the hearts of men and many women alike.

Her breasts ballooned out from her chest like massive, springy orbs at least twice the size of her head, bouncy yet firm and heavenly soft all at once, so irresistible in their picture perfect form that even she couldn’t resist grabbing onto, rolling the stiff nubs of her thick, jet black nipples around in her hands while her fingers sunk into her massive, dish-sized areolas while she smirked with approval at the sight of herself in the mirror. The bubbly swell of her absurdly massive ass was definitely fighting to draw her hands to its ripe, silky-smooth expanse instead. Pale, glistening cheeks standing huge and firm enough to serve as an entire shelf of massive monstergirl assmeat so mouthwateringly immense you could see it from in front of her, announcing its presence by virtue of its sheer hulking mass as every move she made caused a meaty, echoing WHOP to resonate through the room, finally tempting her far too much to resist the call to smack her dainty hand down and CLAP~ down onto one cheek of that marvellously soft, pale white jigglemeat with its impact crashing against the walls like a shotgun round being fired into the air!

“Damn, I was good before…but I look like a goddess now…” She mouthed to herself, not even surprised by the new deep, impressively feminine, ethereally seductive glint her voice now held. In only a few moments she’d grown deeply attached to this body, familiar with it, and the very thought of letting go of it set her alight with fury and protective rage…

But that wasn’t the only rage burning within her. She could feel it, her instinctual attraction to this place, the source from which that magnetic desire to come here stemmed, a want that had grown in her subconscious over the many miserable months she’d spent in this town, the source of much of that misery, Miss Porter. Miss bitchy, condescending, “no skirts above knee height” preaching, grey-haired, fantastically unlikable cunt more like. The main teacher who had made Dana’s school life a living hell since she got here, not that she had any idea why that nosy old goose would want to stick her crooked old nose into everything she did and single her out in particular, though she chalked it up to a general hatred of youthful rebels who had the wisdom to fight back against the system that had clearly turned women like her into miserable old bats in their maturity. She was also the reason that Dana hadn’t been expelled for the stunt she pulled in the school auditorium…a fact that the monsterized teen knew had nothing to do with her desire to see “wayward youths set on the right path with discipline and proper guidance” but a cruel, sadistic inner need to torture her even more with extra schoolwork and detention and essay assignments that never went anywhere because the slightest dissenting thought from her academic dogma would earn you an instant F.

“So…that’s what I’m here for huh? Now how to get back at that little bitch, I wonder…” She thought aloud to herself, a mischievous purple glint in her eye as her tail whipped about like an excited dog’s, the heart shaped end dangling in the air just above her face as she wracked her brain over the dilemma.

Then suddenly, as if the world itself had worked to answer her question, the opening floorboard into the attic she’d crawled into banged open with a heavy smack of wood against wood. She sulked into the shadows like it was her element, blending in as a flashlight streamed into the room and illuminated the vision of whichever interrupting force had come in uninvited…

“Scratch that…he’s quite invited…” Dana thought to herself, her eyes easily seeing through the darkness that the poor man had to stumble through like a bumbling oaf. Jared Porter, Miss Iris’ much too good for her husband. He’d been around the school once or twice for career day or whichever other state mandated holiday Dana couldn’t care less about where boring people lectured them about boring topics with no end in sight. Jared was a much needed break from the norm of potbellied old construction workers or tradesmen or whatever other ilk populated this damned town and thought they could give a speech on the value of “hard, honest work”, not because the content of his words was anything special compared to that with how he droned on about the decade he’d spent in the military, but while the boys merely tuned out and distracted themselves with their phones, the girls were much more enamored with the results of his military career that showed clearly in that broad, bulky, musclebound frame of his.

The enormously strong physique he sported was a much needed break from the usual Pillsbury dough boy body that the suburban dads of Weeper’s Creek bore, and unlike his wife who seemed like a regular stiff ugly broad in her 60s (despite being in her late 40s…), the frosted silvery tips of his hair and beard gave him a silver fox sort of aged charm about him, helped in no small part by his square jaw, sharp chin and deep brown eyes that more than made up for the wrinkled creases over his face. Even Dana could admit that his looks had their effect on her, birthing a tiny inkling of a crush on the sheer level of primal, basic attraction that she never thought could be realized.

Or at least, never realized until now, that is.

“Hey? Who made that noise? This better not be some Halloween prank or something, cause I’ll have you kids know this is a ‘treats only’ househo…oh.” He called out to the empty void, stopping himself amidst his own words as his entire vision was consumed with pale, tremendous orbs of jiggling teen titflesh before he finally managed to pull his eyes up to her equally hypnotizing face, her tail twirling through her hair as she cocked her hips and smacked her lips together with a predatory grin that made her lecherous intent all too clear.

“Aw, really? But I think I have a trick you’ll really, really like Mister Porter…don’t you wanna come with me and see~?” She tittered with a joyful giggle that made his head swim and his balls churn furiously at the very sound of her serenading siren’s voice.

“I…h-how do you know m-my name-”

“Now now Jared, that’s not the question you want to ask, is it?” She said, wings flapping close to him as she looked down on him, soft hands playfully tracing his face and pulling his neck up to look at him, filled with awe and wonder as a man gazing upon the divine would be, her voice took on a new, somehow more mystical quality to it, her words were no longer just convincing, they were compelling, undeniable…ironclad commands that he would gladly stake his life on for the blissful pleasure he felt at following his mistress’ word.

“W…what should I ask then, mistress?”

“Why, isn’t it obvious? Why you can’t take those lecherous eyes of yours off me. Why your veins are surging with blood and vigor all over? Why I have the kind of giant, juicy teenage tramp tits you’ve dreamed of getting your hands on behind your bitchy old wife’s back~?”

“I…I’m not…I’m not that kind of man. H-how did you know…”

“Enough questions now Jare Bear. I think your actions should speak for themselves…and there’s quite a few acts I think we can get up to down in the bedroom you and your wife share, come now, follow me, the night’s still oh so young~” She whispered into his ear, tongue lashing out and flicking against his earlobe as her ears flapped just as slow and sensuously as her body moved while carried by them, if the arcane power of her cursed charmspeak wasn’t powerful enough to sway Jared to follow after her, the pale twin moons of her absurdly phat, jello-y rear was the killing blow to any resistance he might have felt, and like a moth to a flame he followed after her, staring so hard he could almost feel his eyes going bloodshot with pain if not for his blood flow entirely surging into his cock.

And Dana merely looked back with a wry smile, fangs glinting with what little light peaked into the attic as her prehensile tongue laced her plump, pillowy purple lips with a lingering sensation of hunger rumbling through her core…


Upon first realizing her new, vampiric form, Dana had first wondered for a moment if she would share the thirst for blood to nourish her immaculate new body, not that she was particularly against the idea of gaining a perfect body at the expense of a few blood bags from one or two people whose lives probably weren’t worth all that much anyway. Having spent enough time to truly come to terms with the feel of her majestic figure, it had become quite obvious that there was no ravenous thirst to feast on the flesh and blood of man, which may have been disappointing to her if not for her discovery of a much more enticing hunger…

“GLRCCCCCSSSHHHHHHHHH~” A nasty, wet, suckling noise echoed and reverberated with a constant beat through the Porter couple’s bedroom, a hot, messy vortex suction that might have been taken for a brain-melting blowjob…only there was no gagging, no gasping, no exasperated grunts and groans through the stretched apart lips of a practiced throatwhore truly giving her all to subsume a man in the deepest throes of bliss within her oral cavity.

No, Jared’s 9 inch prick that made his wife scream in agony and hurriedly rush him through the rare roll in the hay she would actually accept was being completely devoured like an earthworm within the beak of a bird of prey. The pristine purple pillows of her lips were stretched out and smacking right into the silver hair-strewn ridges of Jared’s toned abdomen, his body trickling with sweat and every muscle in his body more tense and worn down than he’d ever felt on any of the three hell walks he’d been through in his time in the marines. He’d lost count of how many times his pulsing member had lost control entirely and sputtered off with the creamy contents of his balls over and over again, reaching limits he never knew he had as his groin ached with pleasure so overwhelming it was torturous, his lips parted, a silent scream hitting the air as he uselessly stamped his feet against the floorboards and came another time into the endless vacuum of lust and desire that was Dana’s mouth.

Mercifully, after what felt like ages, but amounted to almost an hour of being utterly consumed by the cockmilking walls of her tight, tensing throat, the vampire woman released his aching member, hanging useless and spent as he collapsed into the bed and writhed about like an eel pulled free from the ocean depths. The sight of Dana’s lips parting to reveal the messy payload of cock-cream she’d accumulated was truly astonishing, shocking even Jared as he watched her tongue sweep across the hot, sticky spray of coagulated cock-gunk that stuck to the inside of her cheeks, the roof of her mouth, all across the bed of her tongue and the back of her throat, and like some infernal suction cleaning machine, gulped down what had to be more than ten of the fattest loads he’d pumped out in his life in a single go.

“Fuck…I usually hate sucking dick, but…Gods, this tastes so good. I want more of it. Feed me. I command it.” She spoke out, eyes glazed over and watching Jared darkly as a prickle of fear ran through him, his mind racing as he thought of how he could end this, knowing that causing the woman before him any displeasure would bear a heavy cost, but unable to will his drained body to muster any vigor beyond what she had so easily feasted on like a starving animal right before him and already hungered for more…

“I…I can’t…”

Oh? And why is that? Because of that useless wife of yours? That pale, frigid, stick thin bitch that can’t even dream of sucking or fucking you like you know I can? It would be quite…unpleasant for you to turn me down for her…” Dana replied, fangs peeking out with a wicked smirk and sending a jolt through Jared’s heart that rocketed him to act to appease her as best he could.

“No! No…she’s nothing like you. But I…I physically can’t. Even if I wanted to, I can’t keep up with you, m-mistress, please, forgive me…” Jared plead, cowering before her as she finally seemed to take notice of the deflated mass of Jared’s formerly strong, towering cockshaft. Utterly spent and drained of its vital essence just as he had had any pride or self-assurance in his strength decimated by his encounter with such an overwhelmingly, amazingly superior force of beauty and seduction. The pale, soft, mushy worm only vaguely resembling the phallic monument she was oh so devotedly suckling upon with a gusto that would put a seasoned whore to shame was a testament to just how endless her hunger was, and as she watched its offensive presence, playing with the miniscule, flaccid length and squishing it in her fingers as though to punish Jared for daring to deny her her feast, her will for more seemed to materialize, a faint pressure building and building, first making his bones creak with its presence in the air before every ounce of infernal energy seemed to gather into his groin and pulse with a painful ache that sent him screaming and twisting in agony.

Jared’s cock was burning, surging with a sensation of pure, unbridled fiery heat that stopped his thoughts and clouded his entire mind with nothing but total pain. He felt a cumbersome weight between his thighs that only grew and grew and grew, unaware of why he was so suddenly assaulted by such mind splitting pain. But for every ounce of pain and discomfort flooding through the poor man’s mind, Dana only watched with a wide smile of excitement like a cat playing with a captured mouse in its grip as Jared’s cock and balls swelled fatter, thicker and beefier with every passing moment, his balls gravid and heavy and audibly gurgling with massively potent wads of sperm-stuffed ball gunk, nuts almost as big as a pair of oranges and only matched by the towering spire of heavy, fatly-veined, monstrously huge cockmeat glistening with sweat and a flowing river of pre-grease spilling from his piss-slit and lubing up his cock as it finally ceased its growth at an utterly absurd 17 inches of overgrown bitchbreaking breeding meat.

There. That’s better now, isn’t it? All this fat, juicy cock allll for me, surely you can’t say you can’t anymore with this, can you? Well…at least not until I drain every last morsel of greasy nut-gunk straight out from these big fat balls of yours myself, hm?” She whispered, dragging her snakelike tongue across the underside of his bloated shaft and making his twitching cumvein pulse uselessly as he whined, unable to fight against his own overflowing lust and buckling beneath the weight of his own hyper-virile cock at this point.

“Well…hm, I guess you can barely even move with that now, can you? God, I forget how…fragile all that insufferable human meat of your body can be, oh well, I’ve got quite an easy fix for that…” She stated, her look of slight disappointment quickly shifting to a sickening look of joy as she dug her sharp vampire claws into his arm, the veins of his beefy bicep surging with the same pain that formerly enveloped his cock until it flooded through his whole body, spasming in a seizure of unforgettable discomfort as his already musclebound frame grew utterly obscene with the mass of tightly woven muscle fibers growing atop his skeletal frame, shoulders wide and tanky, legs finally swelling with a strength that could actually keep him upright with the absurd density of his weighty cockshaft until he barely resembled himself. It was like every new pound of testosterone-fuelled man meat packed onto his bulky body was bought with the price of his brain matter, snivelling dumbly beneath Dana’s approving gaze, transformed into little more than his monstress overlord’s meathead golem servant as she bent down to smack his cock against her puffy cheeks with her wet tongue slipping out against its side.

“Fuck yes…this is exactly what I wanted. Look at you now Jared, you’re disgusting. You look like a big, dumb, brutish animal and you’re all mine. You don’t have a choice…do you think any woman is going to want you now? And really…you don’t want anyone else, I can see those deep, unrealized desires of yours…you’d rather be my personal pussy-stuffing bull-dicked stud for just one night than be Iris’ loving hubby for life, wouldn’t you~?” She tittered out loud, her words piercing deep into what little consciousness was left in Jared beneath the overpowering desire to fuck and breed and cum and serve his mistress’ will that took over every thought in his mind.

“Now, you’ve had me wait enough for my meal, and now I’m in the mood for a nice, big, hot helping before I really put that new body of yours to the test. And by that, I mean I’m going to milk out a fat fucking wad of cum from these stuffed nuts right into this mouth of mine…”

“W…wait! I…Iris, please…its too much, I’m sorry, just please…c-change me back, I can’t do this to my wif-”

“Huh? Did I break your brain more than I thought, Jare Bear? That wasn’t a question I was asking, it’s an order, and my servants obey orders. Now. cum.” She interrupted, immediately engulfing him to the very base of his obese, womb-wrecking monster-rod all at once, his head tossing back as his very body seemed to rush itself into complying with her command, the mystic charm within her words making the statement replay in her mind as his legs trembled and shivered and his hips bucked helplessly into her greedy maw, his massive nuts pulling tight and rumbling with an epic overflow of seed that soon came flooding through his cumvein and BURSTING between her perfectly plush lips with thick, hot gouts of heavy cum shooting off directly inside of her bulging throat.

“SPPPPPRRRRRT! SPLURTTTTTT! GULP! GLP! GLPPPPPP~” What had to have been literal gallons of cum spraying past Dana’s lips was handled with complete ease as her eyes rolled back in her head, literally devouring every last fat wad of potent nut-grease clinging to her mouth like it was her last meal. She handled a load that would have drowned a normal woman with the sheer amount of creamy cum stuffing her cheeks like a chipmunk like a total champ until eventually even Jared’s balls seemed to pump the last of what he had to offer in his ejaculation, pulling her lips free from his angry red cockhead and revealing her mouth completely whitewashed in a potent overflow of cum, the spermy chunks of tadpole sized swimmers wriggling about on her tongue and the walls of her mouth being devoured as she gulped down everything in a single go and left Jared utterly horrified even as his cock surged even thicker and harder with sensual desire for her body.

“Mmm…now that was delicious. It’s been so long since I had this, being stuffed in that old book…God, I really should be careful, my memories are getting all mixed up. How about we make some new ones, Jare Bear? You might have stuffed my throat, but that big hard cock tells me you want to scrape that meaty dick against my pussy too, don’t you?” She told him teasingly, whipping around on her heel and CLAPPING her hand viciously down to send waves of creamy, rippling phatty flesh, doughy mounds of thick assmeat jiggling and smacking against each other and ripping through any resistance he might have had, his feet pounding into the floor with his humungous muscles thudding into the wooden floorboards as he dove into her, tossing aside any greater sense of morals as his very spirit was consumed by the desire she had spurred within him...


Iris Porter had returned from yet another day of staying late at her teaching job, she liked to pride herself on how dedicated she was, glad to be the first one in the door and the last one out and constantly harping on how hard working and well disciplined she was though the majority of her students could attest to that lateness mostly resulting from her meticulous efforts to pick and preen over the most minor errors she could find to deny her students a decent grade that often led to her poring over test sheets for hours into the night. Now though, she was ready for a nice, peaceful night snuggled up right beside Jared where she could rest and recharge for the day to come…

Only there was some strange, echoing applause of smacking noises that she could hear from the moment she parked her car in the driveway, intentionally pushed right against the nearby houses singular skeleton declaration with a mild thought of “serves them right”. But she had no time to dwell in the pleasure of knowing she had torn down such an ungodly monument to a sinful holiday as she popped her car door open, increasingly aware that the vile, wet, awful sounds she heard coming from her home were all too similar to that disgusting pornography she’d already told Jared to stop watching when she’d last caught him months ago.

As she strolled inside and the sexual nature of those awful, bestial noises reverberating through her household became all too clear, a potent rage overtook her, pale, wrinkly skin going bright red as she clenched her fists and stomped over the staircase, bashing their bedroom door open and ready to launch into a long screed about the pathetic nature of her husband’s obscene attempts to seek out sexual fulfilment outside of herself, only to be taken aback with horror at the sight that was laid before her.

That being some…monstrous, gigantic wall of vain, overgrown muscle vaguely resembling her husband’s figure and pistoning its hulking body above some absurd pale figure of pure lustful sin, musclebound bullmeat meeting soft, pillowy fuck-flesh as his titanic nuts slapped against the twin mounds of massively phat assmeat with a resounding applause of WHAPWHAPWHAPWHAP~ so loud that it made her ears ring with its infernal echo thudding through her. She could hear the animal grunts of pleasure, sounds that unmistakably rose from Jared’s baritone voice, hoarse groans constantly echoing about the room in ways that he had never done with her, she couldn’t think to scream or move, her every wrathful instinct completely eroding entirely as nothing but a pathetic feeling of shame and embarrassment rose inside of her, hoping to crawl away and be spared the shame of being seen watching, and yet rooted into the ground like something froze her in place and left her stuck without a choice but to watch…

“FUCK FUCK FUCKKKKKKKKK~! That’s it Jared, you know you want this. That giant useless fuck-stud body of yours is built for this after all. Just ram those fucking hips and feel your useless little brain go dumb each time you feel this pussy squeeze that cock and those fat breeder balls SMACKING against this juicy teen ass till you spew every fucking drop of that clumpy…oh! Iris, we’ve been waiting for you…stop for a second would you Jare Bear? I promise you’ll get those swollen bull-nuts of yours wrung dry even better in just a bit.” Dana called out to the hulking beast of a man above her, her claws scratching into her back as her screams of delight petered off and Jared reluctantly complied with her order, slowly sliding inch after beefy inch of bloated dickmeat out of her drooling pussyfolds until his cockhead slipped free and both of their naked, sweaty, built-for-fucking bodies were exposed for Iris to see in their entirety with a gasp.

“Y-you…w-what are you?” Iris breathed out, shivering as every inch of the living wet dream of a body before her, Dana’s tongue rattling in the air with a gleeful look on her face, savoring the sheer confusion and fear that took over her in the moment.

“Oh Iris, you already don’t recognize your favorite student? Not that I don’t understand you though, an old bag like you…I’m sure just having to look at a younger, hotter, better woman than you must make that shrivelled up prune of a heart you’ve got hurt quite a bit. I can’t even imagine how much worse it is knowing that Jared here has been plowing this hot, puffy cunt of mine like you’ve never had for hours now…” She stated, crawling over to Jared’s side and slinking her hands around his shoulders, tongue licking his neck to pour salt into the epic gash she had left in Iris’ soul that had her trembling on her feet and clutching her chest for stability.

“Dana? N-no…this is all wrong, this is a dream. Jared, baby, I know things haven’t been quite right, but please-”

Gawd, you’re such a fucking loudmouth, you know? Why don’t you do everyone a favor and shut those gums of yours for a second? You’ve been a world class bitch to me ever since I’ve been in this town, and it’s time I repaid the favor. Now you’re gonna be good and quiet and obedient just like you’ve wanted me to be, while your hubby here shows you just how useless you are when he pumps his fucking load up this tiny teen twat. Lay down Jare Bear, I want her to see me while I ride you and know that she’s never gonna have that for herself.” She spat out, venomous and hateful in her tone as she stood on the bed, legs spread wide with the massive orbs of gigantic wobblemeat jutting out from her rear casting a shadow like a lunar eclipse over Jared’s face, her inner walls open to his sight from the mighty cock-bashing her cunt had been subjected to mere moments earlier, his cock looking like a meaty baseball bat waving erect in the air until she steadied it with her hands, squatting down and rubbing the soft, suckling lips of her pussy against its head and suddenly SLAMMED her lower body down with every ounce of strength she had in those surprisingly sturdy tree-trunk thighs of hers!

Every tremendous, earth shaking WHAP and CLAP of Dana’s absurdly huge ass-shelf smacking down on top of her husband’s chiselled torso rang out like a gunshot firing directly into Iris’ heart, her body compelled to follow the cruel woman’s orders by her charmspeak even as she collapsed to her knees and tears trickled down her face, eyes growing bloodshot as her eyes refused to clamp shut for even a moment, watching every second of Dana howling with unrestrained glee and pleasure atop Jared’s obscenely fat monsterprick.  Even worse was the obvious euphoria washing over Jared’s face, his features scrunched up and his heart beating like an abused drumskin, sweat trickling off his hulking frame as he met every weighty drop of that fat, bubbly pale monster-booty over him with a jerking thrust of his musclebound hips in return, instinctually smacking his hands down against either side of her mouthwatering asscheeks, his nostrils practically huffing steam as his eyes were totally focused on Dana, like his wife wasn’t even in the room…

“NGHHHHHHH! Fuck, I can’t hold on…please, Dana-”

“YES! DO IT YOU DONKEY-DICKED FUCKING STUD BULL~ SLAM THIS PUSSY FULL WITH EVERY BLAST OF JIZZ IN THOSE MASSIVE MONSTER-NUTS! DOITDOITDOITDOIT~ SHOW YOUR WIFE WHOSE THE BETTER WOMAN AND CUM YOUR FUCKING BRAINS OUT~ !” Dana screeched like a banshee, eyes locking with Iris right as the woman felt something deep within herself break, eyes glazing over right as the sound of her husband’s elephantine cockshaft spasming and shaking and exploding with a cataclysmic cacophony of jizz-spurting, pussy-stuffing cock pulses pumping right against the back of the vampire girl’s womb and making her scream with vibrant ecstasy, thrashing atop Jared and working her hips even harder atop him to milk out every thick, hot, frothing shot of chunky, belly-bloating cum deep inside of her.

Minutes passed with nothing but the sound of an endless deluge of tacky, off-white semen flooding Dana to her very core, her new body only energized by the feeling of seed sloshing inside of her as even her womb seemed to merely take in the essence of male virility pumping within her and only further energize her magically endowed body. And so as she rose, despite her wild, frazzled hair, sweat-soaked form, and furiously fucked-out, gaping, cum-spilling slut cunt, she somehow looked even more alluring, her pale skin shining even brighter, her fuckable curves all the more firm and plush and jiggly, and her beautiful face even more horrifying as a look of sheer bliss washed over her while Jared’s massive, utterly spent log of drained cockmeat was pulled free from her squelching walls and slapped against his abs while he sunk into the bed with exhaustion.

“mmm, God, that was just wonderful. You see that Iris? What do you have to say about that…oh? Did I break you now? Awww…and I was just having fun, your wife is a real fragile bitch isn’t she Jare Bear? No wonder you needed a real woman to take you for a ride…” Dana spoke, mildly amused by the fact that she had completely, irrevocably altered the course of Iris’ life as she lay in a crumpled ball on the floor, eyes white and blank and totally unresponsive, but what gave her much more disappointment was seeing what was left of Jared.

The man that once seemed like such a perfect plaything had proven himself to be incapable of keeping up with her, just as most men were. His cock completely deflated and his altered body seemingly catatonic, as though with his final ejaculation he had spent every ounce of his virility from then on, his body drained of any energy it formerly might have had, incapable to do anything but let his chest rise and fall with each of his breaths as some useless statement of defiance that he still got out with his life.

“Hmph, humans. So fun, but only for a short while…oh well, the night’s still young, little Dana, we have all sorts of fun to get up to in the meanwhile…” She happily sang to herself, wings fluttering and carrying her through the bedroom without a single thought spared to the couple she had so effortlessly torn apart, instead her mind only fixed on what other mischief she could get into with the time she had, with another lingering thought creeping into the back of her brain that piqued her interest.

“Why now, I wonder what brother dearest has been up to in his new body…”

But that would be a question for another time, and for today at least, we close the book on our tales of lusty terror, lest you wish to be haunted by ghastly spirits of desire and temptation in the dead of the night…


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