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For the past week or so, I've been devoting as much time as possible to the next MindWare update, and you can expect it to be released this weekend.

The update will introduce several core mechanics, including a character screen. The purpose of the character screen is to display basic information about your character and, most importantly, show you a visualization of what your character looks like.

Keeping up with the game's aesthetics, I've decided to go with a wireframe visualization as opposed to, let's say, a 3D render-style one. I personally believe that it strikes the right balance between making it clear how your character looks like and allowing your imagination to fill in the gaps based on how you imagine your character to look.

🌟 To give you a sneak preview, I have attached a screenshot of the character screen. 🌟

In addition to the visualization itself, I've also implemented the code that will govern the player's transformation and determine the physical appearance. The system is fairly streamlined to keep the game's scope manageable, but it could easily be expanded in the future.

All this work puts us a lot closer to version 0.1.0, which is when I want all core mechanics to be implemented so that I can continue working on the story.



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