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Feels like I'm finally getting close to resolving this problem. They will no longer consider Aniya a minor so the majority of her content should remain. I did have to remove the pics where she was in a school setting because no one who is 18 has ever sat in a school classroom (sarcasm due to my frustration), but hopefully that should do it. They won't be able to review the changes until monday and I won't be posting to patreon until this is resolved, so be sure to keep an eye on my socials for new artwork releases. I'll be back to my regular posting format as soon as possible.

And thanks again for sticking with me! ;D



So Aniya can't go to school anymore. It's an acceptable sacrifice, I suppose.

Dr. Gonzo

Worry not! I'll still draw Aniya any way I want! It just may not end up on Patreon.