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The artist's story thus far...

Like for a lot of other people this last year was pretty rough for me. I lost some loved ones, have been out of work, and have been living back at home, but I'm thankful for a lot, I'm not homeless or starving, and I still have my health, and my art! In 2021 I really want to focus on improving my style so I'll likely be posting less in favor of higher quality content. One of the first projects I plan to take on in 2021 is the next installment of Aniya's Comic Series. I'll be taking some time off at the beginning of this year to recharge and get some practice in. But I will be back soon with some new content! I just want to thank everyone again for every bit of support in any capacity! Thanks for being here with me for this ride! ;D

If there's anything in particular you'd like to see from me this year please let me know! I want to try and do more requests here on Patreon, so as a reward for anyone who has read this far, let me know in comments below what you'd like me to draw and I will make it happen!

Thank you all for the support over the last year and here's to an even better 2021! :D



Well, half a year ago, I would've said that I'd like to see a return to lottery gift commissions for $ 10 patreons, but the recent polls and requests makes up for it

Dr. Gonzo

Glad it's working for you, and I probably wouldn't have changed it if it wasn't against Patreon policy. I feel like I'm barely skirting by as is! XD