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Whew! Hectic week this week. Not as much time for art as I'd like. I'm going to shift my focus to finish up a couple commissions I got going on. Then I'm going to come back and finish up Domino.

Also I may not post as often going forward. I like to have something up every day, but I feel like that is making me rush things a little bit when it comes to my personal projects. And I should be starting a new job next week. So bare with me as I get into a new routine! 




My advice, organize and prioritized yourself first. It may sound a little selfish, but you don't wanna experience a "burnout." So a healthy state of mind can go a long way....and Domino looking rather ravishing so far lol.


I understand your priorities, man. Did you come straight from a previous job, or have you been looking?

Dr. Gonzo

Thanks, yeah I could feel the burnout coming on. And also I felt like I had hit a wall with my art. I want it to continue to get better! :)

Dr. Gonzo

I haven't had a real job in about five months. But previous to this break I had the same job for almost fifteen years.