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Hello Patrons!

It's time to venture further into the Deamons Lands! Are they really that dangerous and scary? Only one way to find out!

What will you get with this update?

- New spell to learn
- 8 new map tiles
- 7 new enemies
- 2 new merchants
- More than 15 new items
- Added "sell all junk" button in shops
- Maces stats balance

What we would like to ask you is to NOT AGREE FOR PERSONALIZED ADS, this is the main issue we have, that ads don't load when you have personalization turned off. Please, check if this is the case for you too.

As for the rest, we tested this update thoroughly and we think we fixed every bug that was to be fixed, but never too careful. Check how you like the new spell and how it works for you with previous ones! We also had some issues with Spark attacks, when they didn't do any damage.

As always, have fun exploring and tell us what you think about the newest update!


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