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For anybody who likes their tales strange.

In my pursuit to update PATREON with all the content you can find anywhere else, here yah go!


The Crisis Apparition Theory I Tales From The Abyss #7



My mum fought secondary liver cancer for 8 years and I'd moved back in to help dad care for her 25 years ago. Dad suffered a heart attack in 2001, and in the following months mum got all her affairs in order because without dad she didn't want to fight for her life anymore. I became her sole carer and I asked her to let me know when she was no longer able to live at home (I could see she was going downhill fast), then in May she said it was time to go to hospital for palliative care. She was there for 2 months and then 2 days before dads first anniversary she passed. I fell asleep on the couch that night and I woke up at 4am to a soft voice telling me she loved me, and then I got a call from my brother a couple of hours later saying that mum was gone. When we went to hospital to say our goodbyes and to get her personal things I asked one of the nurses what time she passed and when she told me the time she asked if I was okay, apparently I'd gone white. It was the same time that I'd been woken up. Prior to that in life I'd encountered De Ja Vues several times until I went onto my medication, I no longer see them or even dream, I especially miss dreaming but the De Ja Vues came in very handy and stopped me from being severely hurt. The thing that I want to point out though is that I never really understood what was happening to me at the time, the understanding only came in hindsight when I was telling a friend what was happening and she then explained it all to me. Life's weird I don't think we're always meant to understand what's really happening to us at certain times until we discover the truth at a later stage when we're able to understand it more clearly. Sorry for the long rant. ❤️😉


Great piece deadbug. Thanks bro! Crazy


Luv the BUG!!!


Amazing video Deadbug. Several years ago after my uncle had passed away, but his wife, my aunt , was in a nursing home, I was living miles away. I came home one day after work and my house was filled with the smell of pipe smoke, the kind my uncle smoked, though he'd been gone for several years and no one smoked at all, let alone that brand, that was synonymous with my uncle. I walked all through the house, baffled, then figured my uncle was trying to ask me to call the nursing home and check on my aunt. I did, and she was fine. I guess he just wanted me to check on her.