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The Duluth Lynchings 

One of the darkest times in American History. On June 15, 1920, three African-American circus workers, Elias Clayton, Elmer Jackson, and Isaac McGhie, suspects in an assault case, were taken from jail and lynched by a white mob of thousands in Duluth, Minnesota. Rumors had circulated that six African Americans had raped and robbed a nineteen-year-old woman and she had died. A physician's examination of her subsequently found no physical evidence of rape and her and her boyfriends report to police on what happened was vastly different.

Dyatlow Pass Incident

 The Dyatlov Pass Incident, as it came to be known is a creepy story that no matter how many times explained just doesn't  seem right! 60 years ago in the Urals Soviet Union, a team of 9 ascended 'the mountain of the dead.' Only one came down.  What really happened on that trip into the abyss?

Enjoy or Not



The Duluth Lynchings,The Dyatlow Pass Incident I 4-Saken #6

The Duluth Lynchings One of the darkest times in American History. On June 15, 1920, three African-American circus workers, Elias Clayton, Elmer Jackson, and Isaac McGhie, suspects in an assault case, were taken from jail and lynched by a white mob of thousands in Duluth, Minnesota. Rumors had circulated that six African Americans had raped and robbed a nineteen-year-old woman and she had died. A physician's examination of her subsequently found no physical evidence of rape and her and her boyfriends report to police on what happened was vastly different. Dyatlow Pass Incident The Dyatlov Pass Incident, as it came to be known is a creepy story that no matter how many times explained just doesn't seem right! 60 years ago in the Urals Soviet Union, a team of 9 ascended 'the mountain of the dead.' Only one came down. What really happened on that trip into the abyss?



Luv the BUG!!!


Wow, DB covers the Daytlov Pass story! That remains one of the most bizarre "incidents" I've ever come across. From available information, there is no explanation that fits all the facts. People can more or less reasonably explain why they might have left the tent, but nothing fits to explain what happened after that. The injuries are just inexplicable given the known circumstances. Just saying "It was space aliens!" doesn't work for me either, I mean WTF? Gov't secret experiments with sound weapons, maybe?


Boy, times have sure changed from then to today, eh. Saying 'it's okay to be White' is considered a hate-crime but 15 blacks beating a lone White kid to death at school isn't even talked about...because 'equity'.


At Dyatlov, it's a head-scratcher that some of the dead had their insides crushed without as much as a single bruise on the skin. Another great joint as usual, BD.

