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On November 21, 1933 Chicago police were called to the home of Dr. Alice Lindsay Wynekoop to investigate the death of her daughter-in-law, Rheta Gardner Wynekoop. Soon events spiraled out of control and the whole country was swept up in the constant stream of lurid headlines and bizarre twists the case took.

Herbert  Baumeister

Known as the Gay Boogieman A resident of the Indianapolis suburb of Westfield, Indiana, Baumeister came across as a good God fearing man but Herb had a secret .

As I have mentioned especially during down time I will be improving my PATREON and uploading older content that although some of you may have seen is missing off  of PATREON.

I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays

Merry Christmas



The Wynekoop Murder I Murder By Design#27

On November 21, 1933 Chicago police were called to the home of Dr. Alice Lindsay Wynekoop to investigate the death of her daughter-in-law, Rheta Gardner Wynekoop....



Thank you sir may I have Another 💀🪳


Crazy, I’m next to his place now, in Indianapolis


I'm sure I wasn't the only one that, at the end of this joint, said with you... "ass pussy". 😉